A research on medical students’ autonomous learning mode in the setting of multimedia technology | Статья в журнале «Педагогика высшей школы»

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Рубрика: Теория и методика профессионального образования

Опубликовано в Педагогика высшей школы №2 (5) июль 2016 г.

Дата публикации: 29.05.2016

Статья просмотрена: 26 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Чжао, Жуй. A research on medical students’ autonomous learning mode in the setting of multimedia technology / Жуй Чжао. — Текст : непосредственный // Педагогика высшей школы. — 2016. — № 2 (5). — URL: https://moluch.ru/th/3/archive/32/920/ (дата обращения: 18.07.2024).

Autonomous learning is a new learning mode based on the network technology. In this paper, the author puts forward the web-based autonomous learning mode on the basis of the new undergraduate training program and the implementation of the network construction in our university in the hope that medical students may effectively use network resources for better autonomous learning.

Keywords: Network, Autonomous Learning, Medical Students

Autonomous learning is a new learning mode based on the network technology. Till now, most of the research focused their attention on the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of network learning, yet few of them tried to combine the traditional classroom teaching with the network autonomous learning. Thus, it is necessary to do some further research on this new learning mode.

  1. Multimedia Teaching Mode

Multimedia teaching model doesn’t simply mean the computer-assisted teaching model; it is the conformity of computer (including information and Internet technology) and classroom teaching. In other words, we must combine the traditional classroom and the modern computer-assisted autonomous learning into our curriculum.

  1. The Connotation of Autonomous Learning

In the late 1960s, the idea of autonomous learning originated. In1981, Holec published Autonomy in Foreign Language Learning, which marked the very beginning of the research in autonomous learning. To Holec, autonomous learning was “the ability to take charge of one’s learning” and this ability has “potential capacity to act in a given situation.” Benson presents a similar view. According to Benson, autonomous learning is “the capacity to take control of one’s own learning” (2001:47). And Dickinson defines autonomous learning as a “situation in which the learner is totally responsible for all of the decisions concerned with his (or her) learning and the implementation of all these decisions” (1987:11). Thus, autonomous learning can be summarized as individual learner’s ability to consciously determine the objectives, define the contents and progress, select methods and techniques and evaluate what has been acquired.

  1. The Necessity and Feasibility of Autonomous Learning

With new knowledge emerging much faster than before, cultivating students’ autonomous learning ability becomes increasingly important. Knowledge accumulation is no longer confined to the university campus. Instead, it is a lifelong task. Thus, it is a must for people to constantly update their knowledge and enrich themselves in order to adapt to the rapid development of the society.

However, the traditional teaching mode is teacher-oriented, which means that the whole teaching progress is controlled by the teacher. Such a teaching mode makes students lack independent thinking, initiative and creativity. In the long run, they may be tired of learning.

In today’s society, students may easily get access to the online learning resources. The wide use of modern educational technology and the popularity of multimedia provide the necessary technical prerequisites for learning. We should make full use of the modern educational technology and gradually establish a web-based learning system, which may serve as the basis for autonomous learning.

  1. The Construction of Autonomous Learning Mode in the Setting of Multimedia Technology

1) Learner-centered Approach

To be the masters of learning, medical students must actively involve in teaching activities. Thus, teacher is not the dominator, but the organizer, facilitator and guider for learners. In this way, students may take the initiative in learning and gradually learn to think independently and solve the problems by themselves. However, this may put forward a higher demand for teachers since teachers should not only have a solid basis of knowledge, but also have superb management skills. Only in this way, can teachers design a set of “learner-centered” teaching program.

2) Help Learners Set Study Goals

Heavily influenced by the traditional teaching mode, which is teacher-oriented, most students do not know how to set their study goals. However, goal-setting is important for successful autonomous learning. Thus, it is teachers’ duty to help learners make a clear study goal. And through tests and surveys, teachers may get to know their students individual interests and ways of learning. In this way, they can better help the students.

3) Enhancing Learners’ Confidence

Most of the college students have a low sense of efficacy in web-based autonomous learning. That is to say, they do not have enough confidence in their overall ability to learn independently. To improve medical students’ confidence, the best way is to give them successful experience. Therefore, teachers should guide students to make full of the web-based learning system and adopt a learner-centered approach. In this way, learners will become the focus in the teaching practice. The more attention the learners get in the learning process, the more confident they will become.

4) Fully Utilize Network Resources

With the rapid development of modern informational technology, the traditional teaching mode has undergone tremendous changes with the web-based learning system having provided students with the information in a fast and free way. Furthermore, students may take advantage of the network resources to learn independently in their spare time. In this process, teachers may give some guidance on how to learn effectively.

5) Strengthen Medical Students’ Basic Knowledge and Improve Their Humanistic Quality

It is a prerequisite for medical students to have some basic knowledge and skills on chemistry in order to do the web-based autonomous learning. For instance, to study the organic compounds, students should first know the hybrid form of carbon atoms and then do the analysis of the structure and properties of organic compounds. In addition, to improve medical student’ information literacy, their information ability should also be furthered strengthened through targeted training. For instance, seminars on “how to use the library database” should be held to help students have a better understanding of all the services of the library and to guide students to use the professional medical search engines. Thus, students’ horizon will be broadened. And if necessary, teachers may also give some guidance on the information ethics.

6) Strengthen the Construction of Teachers and Improve Teachers’ Information Literacy.

Teachers’ professional knowledge, academic level and network information literacy may have a direct influence on the quality of students’ learning. Thus, teachers should not only have the solid professional knowledge but also know some teaching methods. Only in this way, may students enjoy their learning. To integrate the knowledge in the textbook and optimize the network information resources, teachers must be skilled in using modern information technology and making full use of these resources. Therefore, teachers should often attend trainings at all levels and learn new theories, new ideas and new technologies in order to create a better teaching and learning environment and be students’ cooperator. For instance, in teaching stereoisomers of the organic chemistry, teachers can make complex stereoisomers into vivid animation by using software like ChemOffice and flash or by inserting image simulation into PPT. In this way, the abstract and complex content may become vivid.

In conclusion, autonomous learning is a new learning mode based on network technology. The construction and improvement of this learning model is a long-term task and need the support of all aspects. The author believes that with the rapid development of medical information technology, web-based autonomous learning will play a more and more important role in the training and cultivation of medical students.


  1. Benson, P. Teaching and Researching Autonomy in Language Learning [M]. London: Longman. 2001;
  2. Dickinson, L. Self-instruction in Language Learning [M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1987;
  3. Holec, H. Autonomy in Foreign Language Learning [M]. Oxford: Pergamon, 1981;
  4. Zimmerman B J. Self-regulated learning and academic achievement [J]. Educational Psychologist, 1998, 25(1):13-27
  5. 刘尔明,网络环境下学生自主学习的理论与实践 [J].现代远距离教育,2001(4):27-29
  6. 张怀斌,谢清华,马丽英,付彩霞,李佳霖,网络环境下医学生自主学习模式的构建 [J].中国高等医学教育,2013( 4)28-29;
  7. 张洪芹,张怀斌,E-learning环境下构建以医学信息素养为核心的基础—临床一体化学习模式探索 [J].中国高等医学教育,2010(8):100-101
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): PPT.

Ключевые слова

Автономное обучение, сеть, Студенты-медики, Network, Autonomous Learning, Medical Students

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