Статьи по ключевому слову "translation" — Молодой учёный

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Studying the language of second language learners contrastive analysis, error analysis, and interlanguage

The place of the component on the analysis of the translation work

Translation of songs: analysis and recommendations. Part 1

Characteristic peculiarities of translating social studies realities and terms

The frequency and types of transformations in poetry translation

Peculiarities of transmitting realia-words in translating Kazakh folk tales

Using pedagogical technologies in polylingual analysis of language games (in materials of mass media in the Korean language)

Translation and teaching peculiarities of culture-bound words

Toward a study in corpora in the frames of Translation Science and its general overlook

Translation of songs: analysis and recommendations. Part 2

Translations of Magtymguly Pyragy’s poetry into foreign languages

The mistranslation problem of classical approach in Chinese to Russian translations as an intercultural communication issue

Criteria and quality of oral translation

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