Статьи по ключевому слову "motivation" — Молодой учёный

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The relevance of using phraseological units and the best teaching ways of it

Исследование зависимости уровня удовлетворенности трудом персонала от занимаемой должности (на примере Управления Федерального казначейства по Ростовской области)

Speaking Skills Development in English Classes

Modern methods and approaches used for motivating young learners in teaching foreign language

Methods of increasing motivation in teaching English to younger students

Authentic video materials in teaching a foreign language

Use of authentic texts in the foreign language lessons

Approaches to teaching writing in English

Motivation for sports in our life

Improving communicative competence of students using game technologies

Implementing project work in teaching foreign languages as a means of increasing technical students’ motivation

Teaching vocabulary through cartoons

How to Work with Students to Motivate Them to Learn English?

Warm-up activities are interactional part in teaching language

Design of personnel productivity assessment system

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