Статьи по ключевому слову "foreign language" — Молодой учёный

Отправьте статью сегодня! Журнал выйдет 22 марта, печатный экземпляр отправим 26 марта.

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The process of formation of pedagogical tolerance of students — future teachers in the framework of foreign language training

Disadvantages of using websites to learn foreign languages

The use of lexical approach with «Quizlet»

Implementing of multimedia technologies in a foreign language lesson for university students

Advantages and disadvantages of neural networks as a means of teaching foreign languages to secondary school students

Task-based language teaching: a practical guide for English educators

Thinking type and age as factors influencing the learning of English by adults and children

Integrated foreign language lessons in higher educational institutions

Discussion method as a way to develop English language skills at school

The function of social media in today's educational environment. Peculiarities of the use of social networks in the education of secondary school students

The scientific basis of innovative methods of teaching English language

Evaluation of the effectiveness of using podcasts in the formation of linguistic and cultural competence

Interactive methods of learning foreign languages

Relationship between foreign language anxiety and social media addiction

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