The role of pedagogical tasks in the formation of educational and organizational activities of future teachers | Статья в сборнике международной научной конференции

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Рубрика: 24. Педагогика

Опубликовано в

XI международная научная конференция «Исследования молодых ученых» (Казань, июнь 2020)

Дата публикации: 12.05.2020

Статья просмотрена: 70 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Кастаев, С. К. The role of pedagogical tasks in the formation of educational and organizational activities of future teachers / С. К. Кастаев. — Текст : непосредственный // Исследования молодых ученых : материалы XI Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Казань, июнь 2020 г.). — Казань : Молодой ученый, 2020. — С. 53-55. — URL: (дата обращения: 07.03.2025).

The article considers the role of pedagogical tasks in the formation of educational and organizational activities of future teachers. Examples of presentation of situational tasks in the study of pedagogical disciplines are given.

Key words: future teacher, pedagogy, situational tasks.

In the professional standard of a teacher, approved in the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2017, pedagogical professional values include “... respect for the student’s personality, his rights and freedoms; tolerance for other beliefs, worldviews and traditions; openness to cultural diversity; flexibility, ability to adapt, ability to empathize; understanding of the values of personality, language and communication; self-study skills, analytical and critical thinking; communication and language skills; cooperation skills, ability to resolve disputes” (

Therefore, education workers face great challenges. Because the education system and science must fully meet modern requirements. As a unique environment in which the country's intellectual capital is concentrated, Kazakhstan's universities have to become a leading force in the changes and modernization of society.

The problem of the content of general education in the reform of school education is closely related to the development of methods for the implementation of this education and the training of teachers who are able to implement the new content of education using teaching and upbringing methods. It should be noted that many issues of the quality of education were not resolved in the process of modernization of general education due to the lack of advanced training of teachers in introducing innovations. This means that the university has the primary responsibility for the quality of education. In this case, the basic educational program in the field of education developed by the university is the basis for assessing the quality of education.

A modern school should have competitive specialists with full subject knowledge, able to effectively solve complex practical problems of educational activities. In the context of vocational training, the process of formation of the competitiveness of teachers should be carried out continuously and purposefully, should be an important strategic core of the system of higher pedagogical education [1].

The outstripping nature of education as a condition for the future sustainable development of the country, its economy and social sphere. For this purpose, it is necessary to revise the content of education, educational technologies from the perspective of: self-development of the personality (intellectual, volitional, emotional, sensory-motor sphere); raising the level of education of the population; labor market monitoring; training in promising areas; taking into account the geographical location and development prospects of the particular region and the country as a whole [2].

“Improving higher professional education at a new stage in the development of society requires an adequate combination of traditional and innovative approaches, the technologies necessary for preparing graduates who are ready to work in accordance with modern social needs. To this end, a large-scale organizational, educational, methodical, and research work is underway ” [3].

The semantic and substantive characteristics of the general and future competitiveness of teachers, the main approaches to the formation and development of their educational and organizational skills are widely studied in various pedagogical fields.

When studying pedagogical disciplines, students are invited to solve three groups of pedagogical tasks: strategic, tactical and operational.

  1. Strategic objectives are tasks defined in the long and medium term. They require tireless and complex work from students, since the content of the tasks changes the behavior of teachers and students, and the solution to the problem is to develop their own strategy, integrate knowledge from different disciplines, and use pedagogical tools at different stages. Examples of concepts of strategic goals: “the formation of adolescent civic attitudes in adolescents,” “the development of cognitive interests of students through the subject of instruction,” “the upbringing of one student's moral attitude to other team members,” etc.
  2. Short-term missions are known as tactical missions. This task is associated with the organization of certain events, a significant restructuring of relations between students. For example, how to activate students in the preparation of extracurricular activities, motivate each student to express their views on class problems in the debate, to form a unified student knowledge system in the course section, taking into account the knowledge base in other disciplines, etc.
  3. Urgent tasks include tasks that are determined solely by the situation, that is, they arise unexpectedly for the teacher and require solutions in a timely manner. For example, how to stop a conflict between students during a break; what to do if the student suddenly refuses to answer the teacher's questions; What to do if extracurricular activities pose a serious threat due to the lack of invited guests and other people [4].

In this regard, it is important to use situational tasks to develop the educational and organizational skills of future teachers of the humanities.

“In order to achieve learning outcomes, student learning activities should be presented as a system of applied learning objectives.

These are not just tasks with practical content, but tasks that mimic professional situations and require students to develop personal qualities that justify independent cognitive activity, as well as preparation for such classes. Tasks of an applied nature:

– its formulation includes problems or problem pedagogical situations, the solution of which requires the implementation of practical actions related to future professional activities;

– There are different solutions;

– The result of the decision is a product created by the student.

The pedagogical situation is an integral part of the pedagogical process, pedagogical reality, through which the teacher manages the pedagogical process and the pedagogical system. This is a concentrated view of the pedagogical process and the pedagogical system in their temporal space. Pedagogical conditions are important. They play an important role in the formation of pedagogical practice " [5].

By a pedagogical task, we understand the goal (requirement) of the particular pedagogical situation, which requires the use of the specific method or the development of the new method aimed at the formation of certain positive personal qualities of students or groups of students [6].

Pedagogical situation — defines a set of conditions in which the pedagogical task is solved. These circumstances can both facilitate and hinder the solution of problems that encourage the teacher to consciously rely on a certain system of rules and requirements in the analysis of the situation. He\she purposefully plans actions and procedures to address this task in relation to specific situations. At the end of the work he\she analyzes the data on the changes with the student [7].

Here are a few case studies as an example.

Pedagogical situation № 1

On the way home from school, you see a student who does not come to class, regularly selling newspapers along the way. What will you do? Explain your answer.

Pedagogical situation № 2

The ninth grader is constantly breaking the rules. He promised the school administration and class teacher that he would no longer do this, but did not keep his word. What would you do as a class teacher in this situation? Explain your actions?

Pedagogical situation № 3

During a private conversation, the student provided the teacher with confidential information about emergency situations in the family of his classmates. What would you do (say) in such a situation? Why?

Pedagogical situation № 4

You have compiled a notebook to check your homework. You see a student writing a bad review about you in a notebook. What would you do?

Effectively use situational tasks in the cycle of professional pedagogical disciplines. Because such situational tasks help future teachers find an independent approach to professional pedagogical problems, increase interest in learning new knowledge, develop creative potential, increase willingness to find new solutions to possible situations in professional life, and achieve positive results in solving future educational and organizational problems.


  1. Berkimbayev K. M., Bekbulatova I. U. Bolashak informatika mugakimderinin kommunikativtik aleuetin kalyptastyru. Monografiya. Turkistan: «Turan», 2019 j. — 224 b.
  2. Osadchuk, O. L. Vvedenie v professionalno-pedagogicheskuyu spetsialnost: ucheb. posobie / O. L. Osadchuk. — Omsk: Izd-vo OmGPU, 2012. — 168 s.
  3. Professionalnaya podgotovka buduschih spetsialistov razlichnogo profilya: kollektivnaya monografiya / otv. red. A.Yu. Nagornova. — Ulyanovsk: Zebra, 2019. — 223 s.
  4. Spirin, L. F. Teoriya i tehnologiya resheniya pedagogicheskih zadach [Tekst] / L. F. Spirin. — M.: Rossiyskoe pedagogicheskoe agentstvo, 1997. — 173 s.
  5. Sbornik situatsionnyih pedagogicheskih zadach / sost. T.A Naumova., E.V MuhachYova., A.E Prichinin,– Izhevsk: Izdatelskiy tsentr «Udmurtskiy universitet», 2020. — 68 s.
  6. Rudneva E. L., Tkacheva O. N., Shmyireva.N. A. Pedagogicheskie zadachi i situatsii kak sredstvo professionalnoy podgotovki buduschih pedagogov // Sibirskiy pedagogicheskiy zhurnal. 2010. #2. URL: (data obrascheniya: 09.05.2020).
  7. Konovalenko V. E. Uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie dlya seminarskih zanyatiy i samostoyatelnoy rabotyi studentov pedagogicheskih spetsialnostey po kursu «Pedagogika» / V. E. Konovalenko. — Penza: PGPU imeni V. G. Belinskogo, 2011–139 s.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): PGPU, URL.

Ключевые слова

future teacher, pedagogy, situational tasks

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