A study on college english teaching mode in the setting of multimedia technology | Статья в сборнике международной научной конференции

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Рубрика: 1. Общая педагогика

Опубликовано в

VIII международная научная конференция «Актуальные вопросы современной педагогики» (Самара, март 2016)

Дата публикации: 28.02.2016

Статья просмотрена: 35 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Лю, Сяолэй. A study on college english teaching mode in the setting of multimedia technology / Сяолэй Лю. — Текст : непосредственный // Актуальные вопросы современной педагогики : материалы VIII Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Самара, март 2016 г.). — Самара : ООО "Издательство АСГАРД", 2016. — С. 6-7. — URL: https://moluch.ru/conf/ped/archive/188/9890/ (дата обращения: 20.09.2024).

Language instruction is closely related to media. With the rapid development of multimedia technologies, multimedia, as an assistant means of teaching, finds a broad use in foreign language instruction. Thus, the author makes an attempt at a new teaching model based on multimedia in order to promote the abilities of foreign language teaching and learning.

Key words: multimedia, College English, autonomous learning.

College English Curriculum Requirement (For Trial Implementation) was drawn up by Ministry of Education in 2004, one requirement of which is to remold the existing unitary teacher-centered pattern of language teaching by introducing new teaching models with the help of multimedia and network technology. The new model should be built on modern information technology, particularly network technology, so that English language teaching will be free from the constraints of time or place. So in recent years, more and more colleges and universities in China are undergoing such kind of reform by adopting the new teaching model based on the computer and Internet.

  1. Multimedia Teaching Model

As is stated in the College English Curriculum Requirements, the new College English teaching mode based on the computer and the classroom is designed to help Chinese students achieve the objects set by the Requirement. The model places a premium on individualized teaching and repeated language practice.

Multimedia teaching model doesn’t simply mean the computer-assisted teaching model; it is the conformity of computer (including information and Internet technology), classroom teaching and college English curriculum. In other words, we must combine the traditional classroom and the modern computer-assisted autonomous learning in to our English curriculum.

  1. The Connotation of Autonomous Learning

In the late 1960s, the idea of autonomy in language learning originated. In1981, Holec published Autonomy in Foreign Language Learning, which marked the very beginning of the research in autonomous learning. To Holec, autonomous learning was «the ability to take charge of one’s learning» and this ability has «potential capacity to act in a given situation». Benson presents a similar view. According to Benson, autonomous learning is «the capacity to take control of one’s own learning» (2001:47). And Dickinson defines autonomous learning as a «situation in which the learner is totally responsible for all of the decisions concerned with his (or her) learning and the implementation of all these decisions» (1987:11). Thus, autonomous learning can be summarized as individual learner’s ability to consciously determine the objectives, define the contents and progress, select methods and techniques and evaluate what has been acquired.

  1. College English Teaching Model in the Setting of Multimedia

a) Learner-centered Approach

To be the masters of learning, students must actively involve in teaching activities. Thus, teacher is not the dominator, but the organizer, facilitator and guider for learners. In this way, students may take the initiative in learning and gradually learn to think independently and solve the problems by themselves. However, this may put forward a higher demand for teachers since teachers should not only have a solid basis of the language skills and profound knowledge of culture, but also have superb management skills. Only in this way, can teachers design a set of «learner-centered» teaching program.

b) Enhancing Learners’ Confidence

Most of the college students have a low sense of efficacy in web-based autonomous learning. That is to say, they do not have enough confidence in their overall ability to learn English independently. To improve students’ confidence, the best way is to give students successful experience. Therefore, college English teachers should guide students to make full of the web-based learning system and adopt a learner-centered approach. In this way, learners will become the focus in the English teaching practice. The more attention the learners get in the learning process, the more confident they will become.

c) Encourage Group Activities

From a psychological perspective, group activities can create a relaxed, harmonious and democratic learning atmosphere, which is conducive to the learners’ enthusiasm. Besides, interactive activities may help students acquire knowledge and encourage their initiative. Of course, the teachers need to monitor the progress of the activities. And if necessary, the teachers may give some guidance to help carry out the group activities.

d) Encourage Self-evaluation and Peer evaluations

Learner’s self-evaluation is an important part of the autonomous learning for self-evaluation may make learners realize their progress as well as their shortcomings. Meanwhile, students can make a more objective and comprehensive judgment on themselves through communication with others. For instance, in group activities, teachers may encourage students to check and score on each other’s job. These peer evaluations may not only make students to learn from each other’s strong points and offset their own weaknesses, but also help students work out their own study plans with the help of teachers.

e) Fully Utilize Network Resources

With the rapid development of modern informational technology, the traditional teaching mode has undergone tremendous changes with the web-based learning system having provided students with the information in a fast and freeway. The information gained online, which includes text, sound, symbols, images and other elements, may make the English learning full of fun. And with the help of multimedia, most of today’s English classes are colorful and lively. Furthermore, students may take advantage of the network resources to learn independently in their spare time. In this process, teachers may give some guidance on how to learn effectively.

  1. Conclusion

No matter how effective it is, the defects of multimedia instruction cannot be neglected. For example, Web materials may distract students’ attention from their language learning, and the over-dependence on computer may estrange the relationship between students and the teacher. Besides, it will cause visual fatigue because of the long-time exposure to the screen.

Despite the numerous advantages provided by multimedia, it can never take the place of the teacher. As far as this paper is concerned, in the classroom lecturing, the teacher is the organizer and director of English class, even in the student-centered autonomous study, the teacher acts as the consultant, intermediary and monitor. In addition, affective elements and affective exchanges between the teacher and students play important roles in students’ learning.

In spite of the limitations of the study, to some degree, it is beneficial for further practice and research on multimedia teaching model.


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Ключевые слова

Колледж английский, мультимедиа, Автономное обучение., multimedia, College English, autonomous learning., Autonomous Learning