Some benefits and harm of coffee | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Ерохин, А. А. Some benefits and harm of coffee / А. А. Ерохин, М. В. Куимова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2015. — № 12 (92). — С. 68-69. — URL: (дата обращения: 25.03.2025).

Millions of people in the world start their day with coffee. Its positive effect on the organism has been known since ancient Greece. The drink has an exhilarating and stimulating effect that helps us to wake up finally. It helps to make quick decisions and increases the efficiency of the organism.

Coffee contains a large number of different compounds:

-        potassium;

-        phosphorus;

-        magnesium;

-        sodium;

-        iron;

-        calcium;

-        sulfur and other elements [6].

The chemical composition of coffee beans depends on the type of coffee and may vary slightly. On average, it consists of:

-        nitrogenous substances;

-        sugars;

-        caffeine;

-        fat;

-        fiber;

-        vitamins (B1, B2, etc.).

About ¾ of any type coffee is composed of fat, water and cellulose, and the remaining ¼ constitutes proteins, acids, mineral salts and alkaloids.

Coffee raises the level of good cholesterol in the blood and protects against diabetes (that is, of course, if it is drunk black without sugar). Along with vegetables, fruit and tea, coffee is a major source of antioxidants. They help prevent the oxidation, the process that causes aging and cell destruction. Additionally, coffee may:

-        increase memory;

-        reduce appetite;

-        reduce the incidence of asthma attacks;

-        lower the risk of developing liver cancer, breast cancer, diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver and Alzheimer’s disease;

-        improve blood circulation;

-        enhance metabolism [1, 3, 4, 5].

If you drink coffee without sugar, you can protect your teeth from decay. This rests on the fact that coffee has a prophylactic effect and effectively protects the oral cavity from various bacteria.

Coffee contains serotonin, which is often referred to as “the hormone of happiness”. Two cups a day will be sufficient to prevent depression. Moreover, coffee improves blood flow to the brain and increases brain activity. However, this effect is achieved only if coffee is drunk after meals. Coffee has got some contra indications, which include:

-        coronary heart disease;

-        high blood pressure;

-        atherosclerosis;

-        glaucoma;

-        kidney disease;

-        insomnia;

-        irritability [2].

Coffee is harmful in case of ulcer and aggravation of chronic gastritis. Furthermore, it affects the metabolism of calcium in the human body. The drink contains tannins, they can drain the gastric mucosa, so it is not desirable to drink coffee on an empty stomach.

Coffee cannot only be drunk, it is used for cosmetic purposes. Excellent scrubs and toning masks are made from coffee grounds. Addition of the drink to the rinse water for the hair after washing, makes it stronger and healthier and eliminates itching and dandruff.

Thus, coffee helps in some diseases, but been attributed with a number of side effects. In any case, the drink should not be overused, it is better to pay more attention to eutrophy and sports.




1.       13 Proven health benefits of coffee (No. 1 is my favorite). (accessed June 13, 2015).

2.       7 Negative effects of coffee. (accessed June 13, 2015).

3.       Butt M. S., Sultan M. T. Coffee and its consumption: benefits and risks // Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2011. № 51(4). Pp. 363–373.

4.       Coffee and diabetes. (accessed June 13, 2015).

5.       Good news for coffee drinkers: the health benefits outweigh the risks for most people. (accessed June 13, 2015).

6.       Vitamins & minerals in coffee. (accessed June 13, 2015).

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