Health properties and caloric value of avocado | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Пальчевская, Е. С. Health properties and caloric value of avocado / Е. С. Пальчевская, М. В. Куимова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2015. — № 11 (91). — С. 700-701. — URL: (дата обращения: 27.03.2025).

Avocado comes from South and Central America and the Caribbean Islands. Because of the high fat content (20–30 %), the aboriginals called this delicious fruit “oil of wood”. Avocado — is a pear-shaped fruit. In color, it can be from light green to dark green with a hard brown seed inside. Its flesh is often pale green. Currently, avocado is grown throughout the countries of tropical and subtropical climates.

Avocado is the most high-calorie fruit (approximately 223 kcal per 100 g.). Fat, contained in an avocado, is easily digested due to a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids. Avocados are very rich in minerals:

-        calcium;

-        magnesium;

-        sodium;

-        potassium;

-        phosphorus;

-        iron;

-        zinc;

-        copper;

-        manganese;

-        selenium;

-        fluorine [4].

It also contains a lot of vitamins (beta-carotene, Vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, C, E, etc.)

It purifies the blood of harmful cholesterol. Oleic acid, which is rich in our avocados, will actively prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques, and clean them from the blood.

The consumption of avocado helps to:

-        struggle with age-related changes at the cellular level;

-        concentrate and improve memory;

-        normalize heart function and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases;

-        normalize the water-salt balance;

-        lower blood pressure;

-        normalize the blood circulation;

-        increase immunity;

-        prevent cancer cells, destroy and stop the development of certain tumors;

-        strengthen bones and teeth;

-        regulate blood sugar;

-        promote eye health and reduce the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration;

-        restore the nervous system;

-        increase working efficiency;

-        lower the risk of depression;

-        remove irritability, fatigue and drowsiness [3, 5, 6].

Eating avocados promotes the lowering of cholesterol and triglyceride levels and increase of HDL (the “good”) cholesterol [1].

Owing to a significant amount of folic acid, avocado is very useful for pregnant women. It helps to cope with morning sickness during pregnancy. Avocado burns off fats and helps to lose weight. Moreover, avocado is an excellent source of protein. It is useful for people who want to gain the muscle mass.

However, avocado should not be over-consumed and can cause harm in the case of individual intolerance. Furthermore, it should be remembered that avocado’s leaves and seed must not be eaten as it may lead to severe disorders of the digestive tract in humans [2].

Avocado is used for spreading on bread, as an appetizer with shrimp, mushrooms and other fillers. Avocado is taken to prepare omelets and side dishes to meat. Before baking, this fruit can be stuffed with chicken, fish, seafood and vegetables and baked. Avocado is also used in soups, various salads and cocktails. Seldom, it is used in desserts and sweet dishes.

Avocado is used in vegetarian cuisine to replace meat and eggs in some cold dishes and as a filling for vegetarian sushi.

The oil from the avocado is used in the perfume industry.

Thus, avocado is rich in useful microelements and vitamins. It is recommended as a tonic, helps to struggle with diseases of skin, blood vessels, heart, digestive and nervous system; improves mental ability and raises working performance and mood.




1.       12 Proven benefits of avocado (No. 5 is very impressive) (accessed May 31, 2015).

2.       Avocados side effects, nutritional values and health benefits (accessed May 31, 2015).

3.       Avocados: health benefits, risks & nutrition facts. (accessed May 31, 2015).

4.       Health benefits of avocados. (accessed May 31, 2015).

5.       The many health benefits of avocado (accessed May 31, 2015).

6.       What are the health benefits of avocados? (accessed May 31, 2015).

Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): HDL.

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