Image of the Country and the City on the Example of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Astana | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Насимов, М. О. Image of the Country and the City on the Example of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Astana / М. О. Насимов. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2013. — № 5 (52). — С. 564-566. — URL: (дата обращения: 28.03.2025).

Despite a long history of imagination, there is neither unified definition for image nor a one whole understanding of its subject. Three main subject areas such as view, reputation and communications should be studied other problems which haw become another key component of media. In the framework of the systematic approach image and its subject and tools should be analyzed as a separate humanitarian science which refers to the human nature and the outworld. However there is still a strong requirement to construct the unique system of image research on the basis of existing theories.

The site «The Free Dictionary» writes: «A reproduction of the form of a person or an object, especially a sculptured likeness... The opinion or concept of something that is held by the public... The character projected to the public, as by a person or institution, especially as interpreted by the mass media.».. [1].

Image fulfils two differently directed tasks: to form the initially given image purposefully, and to emphasize natural properties of the person. So there is the dual understanding of the nature of image: either as creating of image, or as establishing of the communication. The dual understanding of the nature of image forms two different strategies in its occurrence and derivates completely different practices of image [2].

Image is the perception people have of other view when they hear about the object. A country image is composed of an infinite variety of facts, events, histories, advertising and goals that work together to make an impression on the public. Image of the country is the problem urgent, priority, and should be among the first tasks in the government's agenda. The image is that the man himself is on a particular object or how he perceives it.

Kazakhstan is considered to be one of the successfully developing countries in the world. During these years Kazakhstan has demonstrated a willingness to be recognized worldwide through external policies and global amity.

Kazakhstan’s organized the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions. In 2010, Kazakhstan obtained the chairmanship of the OSCE and in 2011, Kazakhstan was the chairman of the Organization of Islamic Conference, and was organizer the Asian Olympic Games. All these activities have helped to improve the national image.

The long-term Strategy «Kazakhstan-2030: Prosperity, security and ever growing welfare of all the Kazakhstanis» was built according to two major strategic goals. «First, Kazakhstan became a sovereign independent state. Today many take the fact for granted but the Kazakhstanis must have remembered that it was a fairly rare occurrence in our history.

Second, we have embarked on the way of implementing broad-scale social, political and economic transformations. The said goals are not yet scored though some areas clearly manifest tangible results» [3].

Therefore, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan defined the following seven priorities for further development, which clearly implement new vision of the Kazakhstan brand: 1) NATIONAL SECURITY: Ensure development of Kazakhstan as an independent sovereign state preserving its complete territorial integrity; 2) DOMESTIC POLITICAL STABILITY AND CONSOLIDATION OF THE SOCIETY: Safeguard and strengthen domestic political stability and national unity. It would enable Kazakhstan put the national strategy into practice in the course of the current and the upcoming decade; 3) ECONOMIC GROWTH BASED ON AN OPEN MARKET ECONOMY WITH HIGH LEVEL OF FOREIGN INVESTMENTS AND INTERNAL SAVINGS. Gain realistic, stable and steadily growing rates of economic growth; 4) HEALTH, EDUCATION AND WELL-BEING OF KAZAKHSTAN CITIZENS: Consistently improve standards of life, health, education and opportunities of the Kazakhstanis. Improve natural enviroment in the country; 5) POWER RESOURCES: Effectively utilize power resources of Kazakhstan through rapid increase in extracting and exporting oil and gas with the aim of gaining revenues which would enhance stable economic growth and improvement of living standards of the people; 6) INFRACTRUCTURE, MORE PARTICULARLY TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATION: Develop these key sectors in such a way that they add to strengthening of national security, political stability and economic growth; 7) PROFESSIONAL STATE: Establish an effective and up-to-date corps of civil servants and state-owned formations of Kazakhstan loyal to the cause they serve to and capable of acting as representatives of the people in achieving our priorities. For each of' these long-term priorities we must elaborate and consistently implement a special strategy concentrating our efforts on specific actions outlined in one-year, three-year and, finally, five-year plans. These long-term priorities must serve the purpose of focusing the efforts exerted by both the state and our citizens, they must make the basis of criteria in forming the budget of the country and personnel policy [3].

In Address by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Leader of the Nation, N. Nazarbayev «Strategy Kazakhstan-2050»: new political course of the established state» considered: economic policy of the new course — all around economic pragmatism based on the principles of profitability, return on investment and competitiveness; comprehensive support of entrepreneurship — leading force in the national economy; new principles of social policy are social guarantees and personal responsibility; knowledge and professional skills are key landmarks of the modern education, training and retraining system; further strengthening of the statehood and development of the Kazakhstan democracy; consistent and predictable foreign policy is promotion of national interests and strengthening of regional and global security; new Kazakhstan patriotism is basis for success of our multiethnical and multi-confessional society [4].

Image of the city — a complex emotional and rational concepts arising from the comparison of all signs of the country's own experience and rumors affecting the creation of a certain image.

American urban planner, full professor from Massachusetts Institute of Technology Kevin Andrew Lynch most famous work, «The Image of the City» published in 1960, is the result of a five-year study on how observers take in information of the city. Using three disparate cities as examples (Boston, Jersey City, and Los Angeles), Lynch reported that users understood their surroundings in consistent and predictable ways, forming mental maps with five elements: paths, the streets, sidewalks, trails, and other channels in which people travel; edges, perceived boundaries such as walls, buildings, and shorelines; districts, relatively large sections of the city distinguished by some identity or character; nodes, focal points, intersections or loci; landmarks, readily identifiable objects which serve as external reference points [5].

Special events (exhibitions, festivals, the international political, economic, cultural, sports events), publications in mass media, promotional and informational materials (souvenirs, cards, booklets and others), the Internet portal about the city (sight for tourists, investment opportunities for business, information on services for citizens), Personal communications of residents (friends, acquaintances, people in streets, the service personnel), communications of officials of known citizens can be instruments of formation the image of the city.

On representation of many Amsterdam is the culture city, Cologne the capital of information of EU, the center of transport transportations of EU, Manchester the center of technological innovations, Munich compact, urbanistic and the green city, Nuremberg the leading region of introduction of advanced technologies of communication, St. Petersburg integrated into the Russian and world economy the multipurpose city providing high quality of the environment of activity and production, Helsinki European the culture city.

Astana in 1995, was designated as the future capital of the newly-independent country, and the capital was officially moved from Almaty on December 10, 1997. The new name, Astana, was bestowed in 1998. President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Leader of the Nation, N. Nazarbayev said: «Astana is the perconification of a new, dynamically devoloping Kazakhstan, a symbol of renewal, a symbol of independence of our republic».

In 2012 Astana won the right to host the international EXPO 2017. For the candidate of our capital 103 countries from the 148 participating countries of International Bureau of exhibitionsvoted. Now Astana citizens are interested to learn much about what advantages to host so large-scale action will give to Astana and its inhabitants. For citizens of the capital there is huge plus in development of infrastructure of city, connected with EXPO 2017, and as a result, creation of new workplaces. And the objects erected within EXPO 2017, will allow to considerAstana in the future as a large international, exhibition and information and presentation platform. Also new serious impulse to development will be received by small and medium business of capital and adjacent regions — first of all, in a services sector of population, hotel business and internal tourism. Development of internal tourism, in turn, will lead to increase in inflow to the city of foreign tourists. It is expected that an exhibition will be visited by 5 million people (about 50 thousand daily) from 100 countries of the world. Therefore EXPO 2017 will serve also as good language practice for students and seniors of the capital. Cultural exchange and the state PR will allow to increase knowledge about our country in the world. The whole three months while the exhibition will last, there will be held cultural events, national days and other entertaining actions. Besides, economic, cultural, scientific development of city which is stimulated by EXPO 2017, bears in herself also big geopolitical value. After all for the first time EXPO will come to the Post-Soviet territory, and to the territory of Central Asia [6].

In 2008 in the monograph «Political advertizing: the theory and practice» told what brands have our republic: Symbol of freedom of Kazakhstan — Altyn adam; a Scythian philosopher — Anacharsis; a queen who reigned over the Saks — Tomyris; «The Second Teacher» — Al-Farabi; Arystan Bab, Khoja Akhmet Yassawi, Aisha Bibi Mausoleums; Monument Khorkhyt ata; Two Stars of the East — Aliya Moldagulova and Manshuk Mametova; «Abai Zholy» (The path of Abai); Snow Leopard; sign nomadic culture — yurt; Kazakh national clothes — shapan, saukele, takiya; national musical instryments — dombyra and kobyz; song competition held between two aqyns — aytys; national sport — kokpar; Astana and Residence of the president Akorda; «Baiterek» — in Astana and Independence Monument in Almaty; The Baikonur Cosmodrome; historical epic film — «Nomad»; is an outdoor speed skating and bandy rink — sports complex «Medeu», etc [7].

Unfortunately, a framework of article does not allow to described all methods of this problem which are applying in the course of research to political science. Our republic are developed a strong image of a stable and democratic nation in the political arena. Kazakhstan emphasizes its multiethnic and multicultural society composition. We trust that further economical social policy will give Kazakhstan to enormous successes. Economic, political and cultural aspects of development of the country are ready to it.


1. // [Electronic resource]. — URL:

2. Некрасов С. И., Некрасова У. С. Основные модели создания имиджа // Фундаментальные исследования. — 2007. — № 10. — С. 32.

3. Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, to the People of Kazakhstan, October 10, 1997. // [Electronic resource]. — URL:

4. Address by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Leader of the Nation, N. Nazarbayev «Strategy Kazakhstan-2050»: new political course of the established state» // Egemen Qazaqstan. — 2012. — 15 December.

5. Lynch Kevin. The Image of the City. — Cambridge, MIT Press, 1960. — 194 p.

6. To host International Exhibition is advantageous to Astana and its citizens // [Electronic resource]. — URL:

7. Ivatova L. M., Nassimova G.O, Nassimov M. O. Political advertizing: the theory and practice. — Almaty, 2008. — P.107–109.


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