Rural Tourism in Western Kazakhstan: Ways of Formation and Development | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Балгабаева, В. Т. Rural Tourism in Western Kazakhstan: Ways of Formation and Development / В. Т. Балгабаева, Н. П. Орунбаева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 19 (257). — С. 100-102. — URL: (дата обращения: 28.03.2025).

The article analyzes the foreign experience of the development and modernization of rural tourism. The possibility of rural tourism development in Kazakhstan will be considered.

Rural tourism development also includes social and socio-cultural goals, including economic objectives: disruption of rural areas, emancipation and negative social phenomena, preservation and restoration of national heritage and cultural heritage.

In the broader sense, rural tourism can be regarded as a key area in the territorial aspect of the natural-recreational environment, which is technically subordinate to other sectors (road and transport, production and trade, national art and cultural events).

Keywords: rural tourism, rural tourism development models, agritourism, foreign experience.

Rural tourism is one of the fastest growing industries in the global tourism industry. The vast geography and nature of Kazakhstan reflects rich natural resources. There are other types of natural, climatic, historical, socio-cultural, recreational facilities in the country, covering the types of tourist services that satisfy the spiritual needs of tourists and restore their physical strength. From the desert ecosystems to the mountainous and inland waters, there is a set of landscape forms necessary for the development of competitive rural tourism industry. It promotes the creation of a recreational infrastructure network to improve public health, as well as the creation of recreational economic zones [1].

The rural tourism industry of Kazakhstan is characterized by the following features:

– Most of the labor force in the agro-industrial complex is replaced by an alternative to tourism and is able to significantly expand new jobs in rural areas;

– High potential of diversification, development of other sectoral services (public catering, hotel business, national trade, etc.);

– more seasonal tourist opportunities;

– Providing environmentally friendly natural products;

– availability of financial products and services;

– Strengthening the material and social status of the rural population, etc.

It is possible to consider the development of tourism infrastructure objects in the national, regional (recreation infrastructure for the development of the tourism industry) and at the local level (for the daily leisure of the population). The territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan can be divided into attractive areas for tourists. It will be Central Kazakhstan, West Kazakhstan, South Kazakhstan, East Kazakhstan and North Kazakhstan. Each region has unique recreational resources that can serve as a basis for rural tourism development [2].

Rural tourism industry is a set of services such as rural accommodation, participation in rural cultural and recreational activities, hiking, local cuisine, rural traditions. The main place in the formation of tourist services is: zoology and herbal medicine, rural sauna, fishing, hunting, horse riding, hiking, mushrooms and berries harvesting. Developed agro-tourism industry should be closely linked to tourists and villagers with eco-travel, education, tourist places, thematic seminars, excursions.

In recent years, opportunities for rural tourism have increased in Kazakhstan, in particular, rents in rural areas have brought additional income to the rural population.

Kazakhstan has studied a large resource base for rural tourism development because there are valuable natural resources and rich cultural heritage in the country. You can create a unique tourist product, using competent and competent approaches and proper public policy. At present the state plays an important role in establishing tourist enterprises.

Rural tourism has all the prerequisites in order to become an important link in sustainable rural development territories. Learning and using advanced experience is the most important component organizations of this type of activity on the village. Rural tourism has its own geography. This type of recreation is characteristic of Western Europe and North America, characterized by a high level of urbanization. First, the demand for natural objects and the growth of interest were the prerequisites for the development of domestic tourism in these countries. As a result, rural tourism was formed as the most popular type of tourism. Farmland, which is the most advantageous place of rest, is farmland and farms, which are in great demand from children. At present, rural tourism is a common phenomenon in Europe. Annually, Italy, France and Spain receive several million farmers. Russia and Belarus are paying particular attention to the successful tourism development of rural tourism and its comprehensive support and development. Most of the city's population is ready to spend a lot of money on building a farming business. One example of a Washington-based farm is an annual 8,000 tourists coming from New Zealand and South Africa. Tourists of this category are directly involved in the field of land cultivation, cattle-breeding and harvesting, and this exotic cost is about $ 1,000, sometimes even more. The US modern ranch not only conducts master-classes on farming, but also teaches students the skills to cook food from natural foodstuffs. In this regard, rural tourism is not only the main source of profits, but also an effective process of creating additional jobs. In Lithuania there are 700 farmers involved, 18,000 in Poland, and 80 in Belarus. In turn, Poland has been developing rural tourism for more than 18 years as an effective and dynamic economy. Italy is the leader of rural tourism in Europe. In Italy, where there are more than 10,000 such farms providing rural tourism services, in 2013 alone income from this type of tourism was 1168 million Euro. The federal law on developing Rural tourism as an important sector of the national economy was adopted on December 5, 1985 in that country. Currently, Italy annually hosts over 2 million farmers. Initially, the Italian government viewed agro-tourists as only auxiliary services for farmers, which allowed them to significantly increase the financial and economic condition of the village without large investments. However, the huge demand for this tourist product has changed the concept of the concept of the indigenous, but not the subjugate of many rural residents, which has become the main activity [3].

In general, rural tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan can be characterized as undeveloped. Most of the rural areas located in sights are all natural, historic and cultural resources necessary for rural tourism development, but there is no rural tourism infrastructure that allows them to effectively utilize those resources, so optimum use of foreign experience is crucial for the future of the region as regional tourism development the main guarantee for improving the efficiency of tourist resources.

Instead of standard cappuccino and cocktails in the city, it is worth noting that instead of a walk-in jeeps, fresh fish or fruit juice, as well as a freshly baked milk and fruit juice, instead of jacuzzi, instead of jokes, fish or hunt. Potential opportunities for agrarian tourism are great, and the list of vacancies we have mentioned is one of the few.

For the development of rural tourism in remote villages of Kazakhstan it is necessary to consider the following potential types of rural touristic resources and development factors:

– natural-landscape (agricultural land, water, climate, forestry, etc.);

– Historical and cultural (agrochemical, agro-cultural, literary, folklore, etc.)

– Social and demographic (number of people, location, gender structure, natural growth, migration, national composition, living standards);

– common infrastructure (transport, road network, communication);

– Special tourist infrastructure (accommodation facilities, presence of tourist organizations, etc.).

International experience shows that the development of rural tourism will be a major socioeconomic program for the transfer of agrarian populations to production services. It was the first French and Italian starters. In fact, they have enjoyed the local delicacies and improved the popularity of rural tourism. They gave farmers the wine of the home and prepared the delicacies of the village and their love. In 2013, he developed the practice of agronomic tourism in Italy and invested about 350 million. More than 10,000 households were brought into account.

One of the founders of rural tourism in the United States, Brett Herbst, invented "cornish аdventure paths": made a fun ride in the field. His popularity among tourists is so great that he has become a wealthy person, and he has entered the Guinness Book of Records.

Famous economist A.V. Chayanov believes that it should strive to increase the gross income in the agricultural sector. According to his theory, agricultural production is not limited to industrial commercial results, but the basis for them is food and raw materials for the industry. In addition, agriculture is a "necessary public goodwill." Large-scale social control ensures the growth of culture and society traditions, preservation of historical values ​​of the landscape. Based on Chayanov's authoring theory, it is possible to create conditions for meeting social and spiritual needs and recreating them. One of such opportunities for farmers is the development of agrarian tourism [4].

The information provided should help to increase the living standards of rural residents by creating new jobs in the conditions of rural tourism. It also provides homeowners with stable income and contributes to the cultural development of rural areas.

Problems can be solved in different ways. Based on international experience, we can make the following suggestions:

– Specially created rural tourism centers with branches in state structures. These include creating and maintaining a database, registering rural tourism, certification, information support, microcredit. In the future, such centers should provide commercial information to customers and travel agencies;

– State support – creation of rural tourism associations. For example, Hungary has a policy of state support for rural tourism;

– Public associations in rural tourism (regional cooperation).

In our case, at the initial stage we can establish regional centers of coordination with the branches of the state bodies and then form large centers at the interregional or republican level.

The following tourists can be considered as rural tourism users or target groups:

– Families with children;

– Elderly people;

– youth;

– Sports lovers (horseback riding, speleology, climbing, etc.).

Development of a highly efficient tourism type that would not require much of the cost of rural tourism in a rural area with tourism potential to improve the situation and improve its position as a tourist center, would be an effective and time-consuming breakthrough.

They are needed for the development of rural tourism (advisory services and information support). Only in this case, rural tourism can develop as a sector of the modern tourism industry.

Finally, the successful foreign-backed economy will teach the city and rural residents to communicate on a mutually beneficial basis. As a result of rural tourism development there is a good opportunity to achieve healthy and cognitive tranquility in the city, and rural residents could effectively use their housing stock and sell some of their agricultural products. Agriculture and tourism as a whole, the economy of the state – as the arrival of foreign currency, increases the balance of payments and aggregate exports, employment of the population, influences on economic development, contributes to the country's infrastructure development and ensures economic and food security. In addition, the economic importance of the small business in rural areas allows to solve the problem of employment of rural population producing tourist products. In addition, urban residents are also employed. We hope that the rapprochement of the socio-economic development will intensify, and the link between the city and the village will expand.


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  2. Kurmangaliev SG, Rural tourism can be a source of stable income // article materials, 2016. –C.259-262
  4. Akmaral Temirova, Asiya Kasenova, Aliya Aktymbayeva, Galiya Mauina, Janar Esz, Labor factor efficiency in the agricultural industry//Journal of Scientific Research and Development. 2(9): P. 42-49, 2015/ISSN 1115- 7569/JSRAD-42
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