Managing the crisis: the Kazakhstani perspective on global turmoil | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Узакбаева, Д. С. Managing the crisis: the Kazakhstani perspective on global turmoil / Д. С. Узакбаева, А. К. Амантай, Н. Е. Карипжанова, Ж. М. Сейтхан. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2024. — № 20 (519). — С. 464-465. — URL: (дата обращения: 30.06.2024).

This article explores Kazakhstan's experience navigating various global crises, including the 2008 financial crisis, devastating floods, and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. It analyzes the strategies employed by the Kazakh government, the role of international cooperation, and the importance of social safety nets and disaster preparedness. The article concludes by highlighting key lessons learned and emphasizing the value of resilience, innovation, and sustainable development in building a more secure future.

Keywords: Kazakhstan, Global Crises, 2008 Financial Crisis, Floods, COVID-19 Pandemic

In the face of constantly changing global difficulties, Kazakhstan stands out as a symbol of strength and ability to adjust. Situated at the intersection of Europe and Asia, this country proudly possesses a profound historical narrative of triumphing against challenges. Throughout the tumultuous period of the Soviet collapse and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Kazakh population has constantly exhibited exceptional resilience, relying on their rich cultural history and inventive mindset to successfully handle challenging circumstances. This essay explores the approach taken by Kazakhstan in addressing global crises, analysing important tactics, insights gained, and the way forward towards a stronger and more adaptable future.

1. Coping with Economic Turmoil: The 2008 Financial Crisis

The 2008 global financial crisis had a profound impact worldwide, including on Kazakhstan, which primarily depends on oil exports. The sharp decline in the price of crude oil had a significant impact on government revenue and impeded economic progress. Nevertheless, Kazakhstan's response to the crisis was praised for its efficacy. The administration used a dual approach by providing assistance to the financial sector and promoting growth in the real economy.

Financial Sector Support: Under the leadership of Grigory Marchenko, the National Bank of Kazakhstan provided liquidity to the banking system, effectively averting a financial crisis. In contrast to several nations, they refrained from providing financial assistance to struggling institutions and instead chose to implement reforms and enhance regulatory measures. This strategy, guided by the findings of researchers such as Yerlan Dosanov, a prominent economist from Kazakhstan, guaranteed economic stability and averted the risk of moral hazard.

The government allocated substantial funds to social programmes, infrastructure development, and support for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) in line with economic development strategies proposed by Daniyar Akishev, the former Minister of Economy and Trade. This was done with the aim of stimulating the real economy. The implementation of these policies, advocated by scholars such as Ardak Kuanysheva, with a specific focus on social safety nets, played a crucial role in reducing the adverse social consequences of the crisis, preserving employment rates, and promoting sustainable economic development in the long run.

Although the crisis did result in a brief deceleration, Kazakhstan ultimately emerged more resilient and robust. The event underscored the significance of having an economy that is diversified, strong financial rules, and a steadfast dedication to social welfare. This initiative stimulated endeavours to diminish reliance on oil exports and cultivate non-oil industries such as agriculture, manufacturing, and tourism, so enhancing the economy's ability to withstand external disruptions.

2. Confronting the Wrath of Nature: Catastrophic Floods

Kazakhstan's expansive landmass is susceptible to natural calamities, with floods being a regular peril. In 2010, the country saw extensive destruction due to spring floods, with the southern regions being most affected. Whole villages were completely drowned, infrastructure was devastated, and thousands of people were forced to leave their homes. The government promptly reacted by mobilising emergency services and allocating cash for the purpose of rescue and relief operations.

The aftermath of the floods was a persistent and enduring difficulty. The reconstruction operations were primarily centred upon the restoration of impaired infrastructure, the provision of temporary housing, and the facilitation of the impacted communities' economic activities. International collaboration also had a pivotal impact, as institutions such as the World Bank and Asian Development Bank offered monetary and technical support.

Dr. Natalia Mironenko, a Kazakh geographer, and her research team made significant contributions to enhancing flood preparedness. They achieved this by examining past flood patterns and creating maps that identify areas at danger of flooding. The Ministry of Emergency Situations, led by Yuri Ilyin at the time, has made significant expenditures in flood control measures and early warning systems. These efforts have effectively reduced the impact of future floods, showcasing a dedication to learning from previous incidents.

3. The COVID-19 pandemic has worldwide effects that also impact local communities.

The COVID-19 pandemic posed a distinctive challenge, affecting both public health and the worldwide economy. Kazakhstan swiftly and comprehensively implemented measures to contain the spread of the virus. Lockdowns were enforced, travel restrictions were implemented, and mass testing programmes were launched. In addition, the government dedicated substantial resources to enhance healthcare infrastructure and offered financial assistance to businesses and individuals impacted by the pandemic.

Dr. Aizhan Esenbaeva, the Chief Sanitary Physician of Kazakhstan, played a crucial role in spearheading the public health response by utilising her extensive knowledge in infectious diseases. The Ministry of Healthcare, led by Minister Yelzhan Birtanov, introduced measures informed by research conducted by Kazakhstani epidemiologists like as Dr. Zhanat Tolenbayeva, as well as international best practices.

The COVID-19 pandemic had a substantial economic impact, characterised by a deceleration in economic growth and an increase in unemployment. Nevertheless, the government's social safety nets, supported by the findings of social policy specialists such as Gulnara Iskakova, effectively reduced the hardship faced by disadvantaged communities. Vaccination initiatives were crucial in suppressing the transmission of the virus and facilitating a gradual resumption of economic activities.

In conclusion, Kazakhstan's adept handling of global crises underscores the importance of a diversified economy, robust social safety nets, and international collaboration. By investing in preparedness measures, embracing innovation, and prioritising sustainable development, Kazakhstan has emerged stronger from each challenge. As the world grapples with an uncertain future, Kazakhstan's story serves as a beacon of resilience, offering valuable lessons for building a more secure and prosperous future for all.


  1. Dosanov, Yerlan. «The Effects of the Global Financial Crisis on Kazakhstan's Economy». The Central Asia Journal52.3 (2010): 321–338.
  2. Mironenko, Natalia V., et al. «Flood Hazard Assessment and Mapping in Southern Kazakhstan». Natural Hazards68.2 (2013): 721–732.
  3. Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Official Website (accessed May 17,2024)

Ключевые слова

Kazakhstan, COVID-19 pandemic, Global Crises, 2008 Financial Crisis, Floods
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