Harnessing big data analytics for strategic decision-making in the digital economy | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Harnessing big data analytics for strategic decision-making in the digital economy / Н. Я. Оразгелдиева, А. Г. Уссаева, М. Б. Матиев [и др.]. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2024. — № 40 (539). — С. 24-26. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/539/117973/ (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

In the contemporary digital economy, the integration of big data analytics (BDA) into strategic decision-making processes has become a pivotal factor for organizational success and competitive advantage. This paper examines how BDA enhances decision-making capabilities by providing actionable insights derived from vast and complex data sets. With the exponential growth of data generated from various sources, organizations are increasingly leveraging advanced analytical tools to transform raw data into valuable information that supports strategic initiatives. The research highlights the critical role of BDA in improving operational efficiency, fostering innovation, and enabling organizations to respond swiftly to market changes.


The study employs a comprehensive literature review to explore the theoretical frameworks underpinning BDA and its implications for strategic decision-making. It discusses key concepts such as data-driven culture, predictive analytics, and real-time decision-making, emphasizing their relevance in navigating the complexities of the digital landscape. Furthermore, the paper identifies the challenges organizations face in implementing BDA, including data privacy concerns, skill shortages, and the need for a robust technological infrastructure.

By analyzing case studies from various industries, this research illustrates successful applications of BDA in enhancing strategic decisions. The findings indicate that organizations that effectively harness BDA not only achieve superior performance outcomes but also cultivate a proactive approach to risk management and strategic planning.

Big Data Analytics

Big data refers to large volumes of structured and unstructured data that inundate businesses daily. The ability to analyze this data effectively is crucial for deriving insights that inform strategic decisions. BDA encompasses various techniques such as predictive analytics, machine learning, and statistical analysis that enable organizations to interpret complex data sets. The resource-based view posits that an organization’s resources and capabilities are critical determinants of its competitive advantage. In this context, BDA can be viewed as a valuable resource that enhances an organization’s analytical capabilities, thereby influencing its strategic outcomes. BDA improves decision quality by enabling organizations to base their strategies on empirical evidence rather than intuition or experience alone. By analyzing historical data trends and patterns, businesses can make informed predictions about future market behaviors.

Facilitating Real-Time Decision-Making

In a fast-paced business environment, the ability to make real-time decisions is paramount. BDA allows organizations to process large amounts of data quickly, providing timely insights that facilitate agile decision-making. Organizations leveraging BDA are better positioned to innovate by identifying emerging trends and consumer needs. This capability fosters a culture of continuous improvement and adaptation, essential for sustaining competitive advantage. The increasing scrutiny over data privacy regulations poses significant challenges for organizations seeking to utilize big data responsibly. Ensuring compliance while maximizing data utility requires careful management. There is a notable shortage of professionals skilled in data analytics. Organizations must invest in training programs or partnerships with educational institutions to build a workforce capable of harnessing BDA effectively. Traditionally, decision-making in organizations often relied on intuition and experience. However, the advent of BDA has transformed this paradigm into a data-driven approach. By harnessing vast amounts of structured and unstructured data, organizations can derive actionable insights that inform their strategic choices. This shift not only increases the reliability of decisions but also aligns them more closely with actual market conditions and consumer behaviors. Research indicates that organizations employing BDA report higher decision-making effectiveness, as these analytics provide a solid foundation for evaluating various alternatives and outcomes.

Table 1

Key Attributes of Big Data Analytics Influencing Decision Quality



Impact on Decision Quality

Value Innovation

The ability to create new value propositions through insights derived from data

Enhances creativity and strategic options

Social Impact

The effect of decisions on societal well-being and stakeholder engagement

Improves stakeholder trust and decision acceptance


The accuracy of data insights used in decision-making processes

Increases confidence in decisions made


The extent to which data covers all relevant aspects of the decision context

Reduces uncertainty and enhances thoroughness


The degree to which data reflects the population or phenomena being studied

Ensures decisions are based on relevant information

Explanation of the Table

Value Innovation refers to how organizations leverage big data to create unique value propositions, enhancing their strategic options and fostering innovative solutions.

Social Impact emphasizes the importance of considering the broader effects of decisions, which can improve stakeholder trust and acceptance.

Precision highlights the significance of accurate data insights, which boosts confidence in the decisions made.

Completeness ensures that all relevant aspects are considered, reducing uncertainty and leading to more thorough decision-making.

Representativeness is crucial for ensuring that the data reflects the actual population or phenomena, making decisions relevant and applicable.

Interpretability ensures that insights are clear and understandable, facilitating informed decision-making.

Innovativeness encourages organizations to adapt and evolve by developing new solutions based on analytical insights.

One of the most significant advantages of BDA is its ability to enhance the accuracy and precision of decisions. By utilizing advanced analytical techniques such as predictive modeling and machine learning, organizations can analyze historical data trends to forecast future scenarios. This capability allows decision-makers to assess risks and opportunities with greater confidence. For instance, companies can utilize BDA to predict customer demand patterns, enabling them to optimize inventory levels and reduce costs associated with overproduction or stockouts. The empirical evidence supports that improved accuracy in decision-making leads to better resource allocation and operational efficiencies.


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Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): BDA, IBJ.

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