The challenges and perspectives of guanyunyu historical research: interdisciplinary research and thinking | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №17 (516) апрель 2024 г.

Дата публикации: 28.04.2024

Статья просмотрена: 8 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Нурсапа, Нуржол. The challenges and perspectives of guanyunyu historical research: interdisciplinary research and thinking / Нуржол Нурсапа. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2024. — № 17 (516). — С. 134-136. — URL: (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

This paper explores the challenges and prospects in the historical study of guangyongyu from an interdisciplinary perspective. It first analyzes the limitations faced in idiom research, including constraints on resources, methodological applications, interpretation of historical contexts, and cross-cultural comparisons. Subsequently, it proposes future research directions, including cross-cultural comparison of guangyongyu, integration of guangyongyu with internet language development, idiomatic teaching methods, excavation of guangyongyu in historical literature, examination of guangyongyu' role in societal change, and the correlation between guangyongyu and cognitive science.

Keywords : guangyongyu, historical research, interdisciplinary, challenges and prospects.


Guangyongyu constitute a rich and vibrant part of language, bearing the cultural and historical essence. However, in-depth research into the history of guangyongyu faces various challenges and limitations. This paper aims to explore the challenges of historical idiom research from an interdisciplinary perspective and proposes future research directions to advance the field.

Challenges and Limitations

The historical study of guangyongyu encounters numerous challenges and limitations. Firstly, limited research resources restrict the thorough exploration and interpretation of guangyongyu. Ancient literary materials have been largely lost over time, and the interpretation of surviving texts relies heavily on the subjective understanding of modern scholars. Therefore, fully reconstructing the true appearance of guangyongyu from each period poses an obstacle to in-depth historical research. Secondly, existing methodologies have limitations when applied to idiom research. For example, traditional literary analysis may overlook the influence of social context on idiom development, corpus-based research may suffer from incomplete data when dealing with early literary materials, and interview-based methods may prove inadequate for handling ancient guangyongyu. Additionally, idiomatic development is closely tied to historical contexts, but interpreting ancient social contexts is often constrained by limited and unreliable data, posing difficulties for interpreting the history of guangyongyu. Lastly, guangyongyu exhibit significant differences across different cultural backgrounds, so directly comparing idiom development in one cultural context to another may overlook deep-seated cultural disparities, potentially leading to biased comparison results.

Prospects and Research Directions

Addressing the aforementioned challenges and limitations, future research on the historical study of guangyongyu can explore and innovate in multiple aspects. Firstly, cross-cultural comparison of guangyongyu can help deepen our understanding of idiom formation and development in different cultural contexts. For instance, comparing guangyongyu in Western and Eastern cultures can reveal the influence of different cultural traditions and historical backgrounds on guangyongyu, thus expanding our knowledge of guangyongyu. Secondly, research on the integration of guangyongyu with internet language development can explore the impact of the internet age on guangyongyu and their evolution. With the widespread use of the internet, internet language has become an emerging form of language, and guangyongyu, as an integral part of language, are continuously influenced and changed by internet language. Therefore, studying the influence of internet language on traditional guangyongyu and its integration mechanisms is crucial for understanding the developmental trends of contemporary guangyongyu. In addition, research on idiomatic teaching methods, excavation of guangyongyu in historical literature, examination of guangyongyu' role in societal change, and the correlation between guangyongyu and cognitive science are all important future research directions.

Future research on the historical study of guangyongyu will require interdisciplinary and cross-cultural cooperation, making full use of modern technological means to open up new research perspectives and methodological paths, and driving continuous advancement in the field. Specifically, research can be conducted in the following areas:

Cross-cultural comparison of guangyongyu: Comparing the formation and development of guangyongyu in different cultural backgrounds to deepen our understanding of the influence of cultural differences on guangyongyu.

Integration of guangyongyu with internet language development: Exploring the influence of internet language on traditional guangyongyu and its integration mechanisms to understand the developmental trends of contemporary guangyongyu.

Research on idiomatic teaching methods: Conducting research on idiomatic teaching methods is of great value for improving teaching effectiveness and learning efficiency, especially in the field of second language acquisition.

Excavation of guangyongyu in historical literature: By delving into historical texts, a wealth of guangyongyu that have not yet been studied by modern research can be discovered, enriching the current resources for idiom research.

Study of guangyongyu' role in societal change: Researching the role and function of guangyongyu in social change processes, how they reflect social changes and cultural evolution, is of significant value for understanding the relationship between language and society.

Correlation between guangyongyu and cognitive science: Analyzing the cognitive mechanisms and psychological processes of guangyongyu from the perspective of cognitive science, exploring how people understand and produce guangyongyu, and the role of guangyongyu in thinking and cognition, provide new perspectives for in-depth idiomatic research.


In conclusion, while the historical study of guangyongyu faces various challenges, it also presents rich research opportunities and developmental prospects. Future research will require interdisciplinary and cross-cultural cooperation, utilizing modern technological means such as artificial intelligence and big data analysis to explore new functions and features of guangyongyu to meet the new demands of language communication in the era of globalization. In the process of continuous exploration, we believe that a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the history of guangyongyu will emerge, providing new opportunities and momentum for the development of linguistics and related interdisciplinary fields. At the same time, we should also recognize that the path of historical idiom research is filled with challenges, which require an open mindset and innovative thinking to address and solve.

In future research, we should pay more attention to interdisciplinary collaboration, attracting scholars from different disciplinary backgrounds to participate in the exploration and research of historical guangyongyu. Through exchanges and cooperation among disciplines such as linguistics, history, sociology, and psychology, we can comprehensively understand the formation and evolution mechanisms of guangyongyu, reveal the correlation between guangyongyu and social culture, and expand the breadth and depth of historical idiom research.

Furthermore, we should fully utilize modern technological means, such as artificial intelligence and big data analysis, to assist in historical idiom research. By applying data mining and information technology, we can efficiently collect, organize, and analyze a large amount of language data, discover patterns and characteristics therein, and provide new insights and methods for historical idiom research.

Finally, we need to focus on the educational applications and social significance of idiomatic research. guangyongyu are an important way of using language and have significant implications for language learning and education. Therefore, we need to further research idiomatic teaching methods, explore more effective teaching strategies and methods, and improve learners' language proficiency and communicative competence. At the same time, we should also focus on the role and influence of guangyongyu in social communication, delve into their functions and significance in cultural inheritance and social interaction, promote the integration of idiomatic research with social practices, and enhance the value and role of idiomatic research in practical applications.

In summary, as a interdisciplinary field of study, the historical research of guangyongyu faces challenges but also holds tremendous potential and opportunities for development. Through continuous exploration and innovation, we can gain a more comprehensive understanding and grasp of the development laws and intrinsic mechanisms of guangyongyu, promote idiomatic research to higher levels and broader fields, and make new contributions to the development of human linguistics.


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  4. Zhu, H. (2016). Research on Pinyin Spelling Rules of Three-syllable guangyongyu Based on Database [Dissertation, Ludong University].
  5. He, J. (2017). Research on Teaching Chinese Appellations Based on Korean Students [Dissertation, Northeast Normal University].
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Ключевые слова

historical research, guangyongyu, interdisciplinary, challenges and prospects

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