Professional competence as a communicative tool cadets of a military university | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №37 (484) сентябрь 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 10.09.2023

Статья просмотрена: 37 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Ахмедова, Х. О. Professional competence as a communicative tool cadets of a military university / Х. О. Ахмедова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 37 (484). — С. 101-103. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.01.2025).

The article describes the relevance of studying the communicative culture of future cadets in a military university. The possibilities of effective improvement of the level of communicative literacy of students are analyzed.

Keywords: cadet, etiquette, communication, communicative competence, communicative qualities, speech etiquette, speech etiquette skills.

В статье рассказывается об актуальности изучения коммуникативной культуры будущих курсантов в военном вузе. Анализируются возможности эффективного повышения уровня коммуникативной грамотности обучающихся.

Ключевые слова: курсант, этикет, коммуникация, коммуникативная компетенция, коммуникативные качества, речевой этикет, навыки речевого этикета.

The culture of speech is the most important part of the culture of the individual, so the main component of any professional is speech. After all, the word is the main communicative equipment of a cadet of a military university. And this word is based on a legal foundation, since any cadet has a secondary or higher military education, undergoes initial training that gives the necessary minimum of military knowledge.

As practice shows, the speech in Russian for the majority of cadets who have re-enrolled in the first courses of national groups does not meet the requirements: there is a poverty of vocabulary, inability to use synonyms, ignorance of the basic language tools that make speech more beautiful, the uniformity of constructions in the construction of sentences. Among the reasons are the following: being schoolchildren of schools, colleges, lyceums, they read little fiction, and even less often scientific; they do not know how to use reference literature, dictionaries. Therefore, in the classes of the module «Russian language», we are working to eliminate these causes.

Now every teacher can contribute to the improvement of our education, upbringing, using more and more new teaching techniques and methods. Because new changes require new approaches, and, of course, communication and transfer of experience are facilitated. [3]

Today, professional education is subject to the requirements of training specialists who know the basics of communication theory, capable of not only competently

send, receive, evaluate information, but also competently and fruitfully build relationships with business contacts partners.

The success of fulfilling official duties in many areas depends on the communicative competence of participants in the professional process.

Speech etiquette is an integral part of the ethical culture of cadets. The fundamental forms of speech etiquette are the culture of behavior, speech and appearance. It has a special influence on the nature of relationships. With the help of ethical culture, the necessary contact is established, a constructive dialogue with the interlocutor in various communication situations. On the contrary, violation of the norms of speech etiquette that are not suitable for this communication situation turns into impoliteness, disrespect.

The authority of the law largely depends on the authority of the officers who personify and apply the law. The fruitfulness of the preventive conversation depends on their professional skills, moral qualities and ability to show respect for the honor and dignity of citizens. [1]

The interaction of cadets with the Russian-speaking population made it possible to identify communicative problems in the activity and in the process of work. Inability and unwillingness to listen and hear the question being asked, to understand its meaning in full and, as a result, the absence of either a complete answer or a correct answer, not a rich vocabulary, lack of argumentation in the answers. [26]

Knowledge of etiquette norms laid down in all spheres of culture, especially in language, will help future cadets feel more comfortable when communicating in any social environment.

According to the researchers, «employees characterized by insufficient professional success, low level of professional development, having poorly formed communicative qualities, have a high need for communication with undeveloped skills of official and personal interaction with colleagues». [19]

The education system is responsible for the high-quality training of a specialist in demand by modern society. Therefore, the success of the professional activity of a cadet, who in the future will work directly every day in close contact with the population, will largely depend on how much he understands the essence of the process of professional communication and is able to manage it for the effective performance of official duties. In this regard, authentic materials — texts, presentations, videos, audio materials, video recordings of broadcasts in Russian and Uzbek, photographs, drawings, illustrations — play an essential role.

You can offer to prepare and act out incidents on the subject under study with the involvement of military information, for example, to simulate a conversation between residents of a mahalla. [4]

As a result of non-standard teaching of communication culture, students master the main methods of verbal communication, some techniques of dialogue in Russian, various strategies for requesting and transmitting information, the ability to build an adequate line of behavior in various communication situations, the ability to independently find the necessary information.

Speech communication encompasses everything that expresses a good friendly attitude to the interlocutor, to the partner and that can create a favorable climate of communication.

A cadet in uniform in the future, an officer is not only the bearer of the powers that our state has given him, but is also the standard of officer dignity and honor.

Russian language practical classes at a military university are: — the use of professionally-oriented educational and original texts, audio and visual materials in the course of the disciplines «Russian Language» and «Legal Russian language»; — the study of legal vocabulary; — the creation of classroom teaching speech situations characteristic of the activities of specialists in the legal field. The methodology of teaching the Russian language in a military university should be built taking into account the optimal ratio of reading, speaking, writing and listening at different stages of training and their interrelation, professionally-oriented training and individualization of training, which implies a certain algorithm for the gradual formation of language skills and abilities. [16]

Summing up the above, it is necessary to highlight: high culture is the only possible norm of behavior. The ethics of speech of a cadet, an officer, an employee of a military structure directly affects how his people, his colleagues will perceive him.

The Russian language is necessary for studying at a military university, since in practical classes and in the process of independent extracurricular work, the cadet is immersed in the activities of co-creation and active communication. Through the study of the Russian language, the terminological and conceptual content of professionally significant military disciplines is being clarified, which contributes to the better assimilation of profile material and the development of the professional intelligence of the future officer. [16]


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  21. Magomedova T. I. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook. Makhachkala, 2008. p.261
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  24. Pochepaeva A. V. «Communicative culture of the police Department employees» Page 12,8.10.
  25. Sidorova N. I. Abstract «The role of the Russian language in the structure of professional competence of an employee of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia» UDC 343.8 BBK 67.409.022 C34
  26. Khalikova, A., Umbetaliev, A. and Akhmedova, H. 2022. The culture of speech is a fundamental priority in the activities of prevention inspectors. Society and innovation. 3, 4/S (May 2022), 84–90. DOI:–1415-vol3-iss4/S-pp84–90.24.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): AKHMEDOVA, BBK, DOI, FSIN, ILEETA, LLC, SCIENTIST, TSOKR, UDC, URL, VUI, YOUNG, речевой этикет.

Ключевые слова

communication, etiquette, communicative competence, speech etiquette, cadet, communicative qualities, speech etiquette skills

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