Psychological features of the formation of students' readiness for physical recreation | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Психология

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №51 (393) декабрь 2021 г.

Дата публикации: 12.12.2021

Статья просмотрена: 38 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Никулина, Ю. Н. Psychological features of the formation of students' readiness for physical recreation / Ю. Н. Никулина. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2021. — № 51 (393). — С. 463-465. — URL: (дата обращения: 27.10.2024).

The article presents the main links of the technology of forming the readiness of students of universities of a physical culture profile for physical recreation activities, psychological and pedagogical conditions that contribute to the effectiveness of the implementation of the developed technology are identified. There are examples of the use of some pedagogical conditions in providing motivational support for university students in the process of forming an active positive attitude to physical culture recreation in general education organizations in this article.

Keywords: physical culture recreation, university students, general education organizations, psychological and pedagogical technology, reflection.

Introduction. In the light of modern requirements, the preparation of teachers for professional activity is unthinkable without the personal development of a teacher, which does not provide for the formation of a personality with specified properties, but the creation of conditions for the development of personal functions of subjects of the educational process. Important personality qualities — to be a subject consciously accepting the value content of the experience offered by the teacher, to proactively and responsibly carry out all specific types of activity in the old system of vocational training were practically ignored. The new educational paradigm assumes reliance on subjective factors, that is, on the needs of the students themselves, their interests, intellectual capabilities, aspirations and the level of self-development. From the position of this approach, the preparation of students, in particular, for physical recreation, should not be reduced primarily to the transmission of a set of information from the teacher to the trainees, but should be focused primarily on assisting in the formation of the student as a subject of culture, his own life, his self-realization [3, 4].

The humanistic orientation of pedagogical education presupposes the teacher's rejection of the monopoly on the knowledge of unconditional truths, the installation on the relativity of all knowledge, its translation into a personal plan, into the sphere of personal values, relationships, practical actions, as well as to meet the needs of students in self-affirmation, reflection. In this situation, the student realizes the freedom of choice, the originality of his educational path, as a result of which he acquires his cultural identity [2]. The main personality quality that allows freedom of choice and goal-setting in activity is the activity of the subject of physical culture, manifested in the ability to operate with methods of physical activity and make their constructive correction in changing conditions, reflect and predict the results of activities and emerging relationships [1].

The purpose of the study: to identify the main links of the psychological and pedagogical technology of the formation of the readiness of students of universities of physical culture profile for the activities of physical recreation, as well as the conditions that contribute to the effectiveness of the implementation of the developed technology.

Methods and organization of research. Theoretical analysis and generalization of data from literary sources on the problem of research, pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment (ascertaining).

The results of the study and their discussion. Based on the theoretical analysis of the problem under study, as well as based on the data of the ascertaining experiment, the technology of forming the readiness of university students for physical recreation in general education organizations is constructed. When developing the technology of preparing university students for physical recreation in general education organizations, the need for the interconnection of various forms and methods of training, their complementarity and strengthening was taken into account.

The developed technology of formation of readiness for physical culture recreation in general education organizations is represented by a sequence of the following links: 1) providing motivational support to students in the process of forming an active positive attitude to physical culture recreation in general education organizations; 2) formation of professional and pedagogical competence of university students to physical culture recreation in general education organizations; 3) organization of research activities of university students on physical culture recreation in general education organizations; 4) participation of university students in practical physical culture and recreational activities with students. The technological and pedagogical support of the formative experiment was implemented in the experimental group in each year of study from the second to the fourth year through the elective discipline «Theory and methodology of physical Recreation”, research work of students and pedagogical practices.

These links contributed to the personal orientation of the considered technology of pedagogical activity. The personality-oriented nature of pedagogical technology assumed the task-oriented construction, the problematic structure of educational information, the availability of an alternative to choosing a solution, a point of view, an option, the dialogic nature of creating a personality-oriented situation, differentiated management of educational activities, democratic forms of organization of the educational process, the use of active and interactive methods based on the personal characteristics of students, the possibility of reflection, self-assessment of their experience.

The effectiveness of the implementation of the developed technology was ensured under the following psychological and pedagogical conditions: the personality-oriented nature of the preparation of university students for physical recreation in general education organizations; the inclusion of students in self- and mutual reflexive activities; the formation of a value-meaningful attitude of students to physical recreation.

Here is an example of the use of some pedagogical conditions in the implementation of the first technological link — providing motivational support to students in the process of forming an active positive attitude to physical recreation in general education organizations.

The personality-oriented nature of the training of the future teacher of physical culture assumed the organization of dialogical communication of students (and with students) in the process of their educational and cognitive activity. The dialogical inclusion of students in communication was based on: a) actualization of personal, subjective experience of students over the subject-knowledge component; b) building a system of reasoning in order to prove the truth of knowledge, reasonableness of personal position; c) putting students in the position of «accomplices” in the process of finding solutions to a problem or problem; d) stimulating questions and self-search for answers to them, stimulating independent conclusions; e) introducing students to alternative scientific concepts and points of view, options for solving educational problems, and discussing them.

The second condition — inclusion in self- and mutual reflexive activity — was realized in the process of students' analysis of their own educational and cognitive activity, its evaluation, comparison of the results of activity with the main purpose and particular tasks of the lesson.

The realization of this condition is ensured by the students' comprehension and active personal rethinking of their analytical position, the development of an appropriate attitude to it. Reflection is based on independence and contributes to the fact that internal forces act as the main reserve and motivator of activity and, consequently, provide motivational support for the professional development of the teacher.

The inclusion of students in self- and mutual reflexive activities was ensured by the use of the “dialogue-evaluation» technique by students and the teacher of «acquisitions» in professional and personal terms. It was suggested to answer the questions: «What do I know and know how to do after today's lesson?", «What was especially memorable?", «What did you like the most?", «How did you personally open up?" and others. When summing up the results of the study of the passed topic, the position of the teacher was aimed at stimulating students' feelings of emotional satisfaction from what they had done, the joy of victory over overcome difficulties. Thus, favorable conditions were created for the formation of students' orientation towards experiencing such feelings in the future, stable positive motivation for educational and cognitive physical culture and recreational activities.

For the formation of a stable positive motivation of educational and cognitive activity, it is very important that each student realizes the personal significance of the organization of this process, feels like its subject, understands that he plays in this process not a subordinate, but rather an active and important role. To do this, each student in the process of organizing various forms of dialog interaction played the role of a «teacher”, «consultant”, «opponent”, «defender”, «demonstrator», etc. This form of collective educational activity contributed to the formation of a value-semantic attitude to physical culture and recreational activities with secondary school students, which gradually acquired a recognized value for future physical education teachers.

Conclusions. The developed technology of formation of readiness for physical culture recreation in general education organizations is represented by a sequence of the following links: 1) providing motivational support to students in the process of forming an active positive attitude to physical culture recreation in general education organizations; 2) formation of professional and pedagogical competence of university students to physical culture recreation in general education organizations; 3) organization of research activities of university students on physical culture recreation in general education organizations; 4) participation of university students in practical physical culture and recreational activities with students.

The effectiveness of the implementation of the developed technology was ensured under the following psychological and pedagogical conditions: the personality-oriented nature of the preparation of university students for physical recreation in general education organizations; the inclusion of students in self- and mutual reflexive activities; the formation of a value-meaningful attitude of students to physical recreation.


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  2. Irkhin V. N. Algorithmic approach in the system of physical education / V. N. Irkhin, I. V. Irkhina, S. I. Ostapenko, L. E. Pakhomova // Theory and practice of physical culture. 2020 — No. 7 (983). — pp. 104–106
  3. Sobyanin F. I. Identification of effective means of physical culture, contributing to the improvement of mental performance of university students / F. I. Sobyanin, V. I. Bocharova, I. A. Kulikov // Physical culture and health. — 2011. — No. 11. — pp. 29–32.
  4. Theory and methodology of physical culture: textbook / Edited by Prof. Yu.F. Kuramshin. — 2nd ed., ispr. — M.: Soviet Sport, 2004. — 464c

Ключевые слова

reflection, physical culture recreation, university students, general education organizations, psychological and pedagogical technology

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