The role of emotions in the educational activities of younger students | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Авторы: ,

Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №8 (403) февраль 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 22.02.2022

Статья просмотрена: 39 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Лепешев, Д. В. The role of emotions in the educational activities of younger students / Д. В. Лепешев, Р. М. Куанбекова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 8 (403). — С. 230-232. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.07.2024).

This article provides an analysis of the general trend in the development of the emotional sphere of children and the peculiarities of the formation of feelings. One of the leading tasks of the development of a modern school is to help a child in the process of socialization, the implementation of which is possible under the condition of educating emotional self-regulation of schoolchildren in educational activities.

Keywords : educational activity, feelings, emotions, emotional sphere.

В данной статье приводится анализ общей тенденции развития эмоциональной сферы детей и особенности формирования чувств. Одной из ведущих задач развития современной школы является помощь ребенку в процессе социализации, реализация которой возможна при условии воспитания эмоционального саморегулирования школьников в учебной деятельности.

Ключевые слова: учебная деятельность, чувства, эмоции, эмоциональная сфера.

Being on the threshold of the new millennium, humanity rethinks the current problems of our time and generates new worldview ideas that reflect the urgent needs of today. The indisputable fact of this century, according to philosophers, is the growth of the scientific potential and power of man. At the same time, human dependence on the spontaneity of economic, environmental and social shocks has increased. The dynamism of cardinal transformations in the socio-economic structure of society leads to changes in the cultural and spiritual spheres of human life, to the loss of familiar forms of social interaction and reaction to what is happening.

The crisis phenomena occurring today are undoubtedly recognized as the most stressful factors of the personal development of a modern person. They generate situations of uncertainty, instability and, as a result, are accompanied by tension, anxiety, emotional outbursts and overloads. Children are especially defenseless and vulnerable in this case. Work in this direction will allow to activate, strengthen and improve the adaptive potential of the child, which is based on his subjective emotional experience; to mobilize the potential of the emotional sphere; to consciously control and manage states, behavior and activities through a positive orientation of emotional aspirations.

Emotional regulation was studied by G. M. Breslav, V. K. Vilyunas, P. V. Simonov; S. L. Rubinstein pointed out the conditionality of the regulating role of emotional processes by affective-cognitive interactions; the formation of self-control mechanisms of volitional self-regulation was investigated by M. Ya. Basov, S. A. Bulgakov, L. M. Vekker, O. V. Osadko, etc. [1]. To date, global research is beginning in psychology in the field of emotions, since these are the makings of feelings. The emotional sphere, the life of feelings, goes through a long development path for a child before it reaches the complexity and diversity that are available to an adult.

However, when entering school, a turning point in life arises for a child, and this applies to every child. The carelessness, carelessness, and immersion in the game characteristic of preschoolers are replaced by a life filled with many requirements, responsibilities and restrictions: now the child must go to school every day, work systematically and hard, observe the daily routine, obey various norms and rules of school life, fulfill the teacher's requirements, do what is defined by the school curriculum in the classroom, diligently do homework, achieve good results in academic work, etc.

During the same period of life, at the age of 6–7, the entire psychological appearance of the child changes, his personality, cognitive and mental capabilities, the sphere of emotions and experiences, and the circle of communication are transformed. Inclusion in a new social environment, the beginning of mastering educational activities requires a child to have a qualitatively new level of development and organization of all mental processes (perception, attention, memory, thinking), higher ability to manage their behavior, which leads to an increase in anxiety.

In this regard, we conducted a study aimed at identifying school anxiety, which is associated with a non-rational load of educational activities, with the fear of going to the blackboard, writing COP and SOC. We diagnosed children of primary school age using the «Cactus» technique in order to identify their anxiety. Interpretation of the methodology revealed that 54.5 % of primary school children have dark colors and hatching in their drawings, which indicates that children are anxious.

Fig. 1. Results of the «Cactus» method

To identify what causes anxiety in children at school, a method of diagnosing the level of Phillips' school anxiety was carried out. Indicators of anxiety: -General anxiety at school-53.5 % -Experiencing social stress-23 % -Frustration of the need to achieve success-27 % -Fear of self-expression-58.5 % -Fear of a knowledge test situation-64.6 % -Fear of not meeting the expectations of others-43.3 % -Low physiological resistance to stress-34.5 % -Problems and fears in relations with teachers-64.5 %

Analyzing the result of this study, we noticed that in the largest number of primary school-age children, the factors of high anxiety were: fear of a knowledge testing situation, fear of self-expression, problems and fears in relationships with teachers and general anxiety towards school. Thus, we found that the academic load at school is not distributed rationally (duration of classes, heavy workload of the school year, numerous homework assignments, etc.), fear of going to the blackboard, fear of writing SOR and SOC. And, taking into account the results of our research, we can say that the hypothesis proposed at the beginning of the study was confirmed. The non-rational distribution of the academic load, the fear of going to the blackboard and when writing SOR and SOC provokes the emergence of an increased level of anxiety in modern primary school children. This is evidenced by the answers of younger schoolchildren (according to the method of Parishioners): «The girl is scared»; «He feels bad»; «Afraid

We conducted an analysis and decided to change the approach to homework, as well as create a situation of success in the lesson. To create a situation of success, it is necessary to observe some pedagogical actions.


  1. Abolii L. M. Psychological mechanisms of emotional stability of a person. -Kazan: Kazan Publishing House, un-ta. 1987. 262s.
  2. Anokhin P. K. Emotions//Psychology of emotions. Tests / Under the editorship of V. K. Vilunas, Y. T. simultaneously. M.,1984. P. 172–177.
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  4. Breslau G. M. Emotional features of personality formation in childhood. -M.: Pedagogika, 1990.140 S.
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Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): SOC, SOR, COP, учебная деятельность.

Ключевые слова

educational activity, feelings, emotions, emotional sphere

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