The role of personnel documentation in organization in personnel management | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Экономика и управление

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №5 (243) февраль 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 04.02.2019

Статья просмотрена: 389 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Кадиргалиева, Г. Е. The role of personnel documentation in organization in personnel management / Г. Е. Кадиргалиева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 5 (243). — С. 112-114. — URL: (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

This article focuses on the peculiarities and role of human resources in the management system of organizations and in clause questions of documents in the labour right, fixing the legal facts are considered, attributes, the requirements shown to documents are defined. Classification of documents is given.

Keywords: a personnel service, personnel documentation, a personnel management, employment history, a labor code, employees of the organization, human resources department.

In the course of business, any employer is faced with issues of labor relations management, labor organization and regulation of these processes. In any organization (enterprise, institution, etc.), no matter how small it is, personnel records are always kept, starting with hiring employees and ending with their dismissal. These and many other processes accompanying the main activities of the organization are subject to official documentation. To this end, an organization creates a personnel service, the role of which can be fulfilled by one person, if, due to the small size of the organization, he manages his duties. Maintaining personnel documentation is very important for the smooth operation of the organization, as well as for each employee individually, as it affects the design of his work activity and accounting of work experience.

When drafting any documentation, a staff member follows existing standards in the field of documentation. Some documentation is required. So the registration of the labor book is provided for by the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Compliance with all documentation requirements is important in carrying out accounting work, and mainly in solving various labor disputes, as each illiterate document can lead to serious legal problems.

From all the above, the relevance of the question of the role of personnel documentation in the management of the organization’s personnel follows. And therefore the purpose of this article is to define the role of personnel documentation in the management of an organization’s personnel.

The structure of personnel service depends mainly on the size of the organization. Depending on the size of a particular organization, the following organizational forms of personnel work are distinguished:

− an independent structural subdivision with direct subordination to the head of the organization or his deputy;

− performance of the personnel service functions by a separate employee of the organization;

− performance of personnel service functions in combination with the performance of another work [1].

The structure of the personnel service of large enterprises is usually divided into divisions that concentrate on independent areas of personnel work and closely interact with each other in the process of daily activities.

All the activities of the personnel service does not make sense without the accompanying personnel documentation. In order to properly execute personnel documents, it is necessary to have a full package of legislative acts and be guided by them in the design of labor relations. In addition to legislation, each personnel department should have a package with regulatory and methodological documents that describe the method of work, that is, how to perform this or that record or operation.

The structure of local regulations that are mandatory for each employer, according to the interpretation of the norms of the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan include: the staffing table; rules of the internal labor schedule; documents establishing the procedure for processing personal data of employees, their rights and obligations in this area; shift schedule in the presence of shift work; vacation schedule; rules and instructions for labor protection [2].

Among personnel documentation stand out:

  1. Administrative documents, documents confirming the employee’s work activity:

a) order for admission to work, for dismissal, for transfer to another job, for granting leave, for incentives and disciplinary actions, etc.

b) orders on the main activities of the organization (on production issues, on the approval of the staffing organization in the organization, instructions on personnel records management, the procedure for certification).

  1. Information — settlement documents — for the registration of personal data (personal card of the employee, staffing, time sheet, personal files).
  2. Official internal correspondence (statements of employees, memos, explanatory).
  3. Magazines (books) of accounting and registration of documents (register of employment contracts, register of orders for admission, transfer and dismissal of employees, register of orders for leave, register of orders for employees' travel, register of sick leave, etc.) [2].

All listed internal documents of the organization are conditionally divided into three blocks:

− mandatory

− recommended (optional),

− depending on the specifics of the organization [1].

Documents on personnel should be issued, as a rule, on a form that meets the standard, have an established set of mandatory details, which are arranged in a certain order. In the process of preparing and executing documents, the composition of mandatory requisites may be supplemented by other requisites, if required by the purpose of the document, its processing, etc. The mandatory details of the personnel documents are the name of the organization — the author of the document; organization code — the author of the document; the name of the type of document or unified form; form code; date; registration number; title to the text; text; signature; print; mark on the execution of the document and its direction in the case [3].

Each document created in the organization has its own purpose. Thus, according to Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the workbook of the established sample is the main document on labor activity and work experience of an employee [4]. During the entire period of the employee’s activity in the organization of his transfer and promotion, they are reflected in this important document for each worker.

The main document of an employee’s personal record is his personal file, which is considered a document “For official use only” and can be issued for familiarization only to employees and certain managers of an enterprise. However, personal affairs are conducted not by all employees, but, as a rule, by executives and specialists of the organization. On other workers are made personal cards.

A prerequisite prior to the selection of employees in the organization is the preparation and approval of staffing. The staffing table contains a list of structural units, positions, information on the number of staff units, salaries, allowances and monthly salary fund, approved by order of the employer or his authorized person. The staffing table allows you to determine the number of vacancies currently available for recruitment. No less important is the fact that in the event of the dismissal of any of the employees due to staff reductions (paragraph 2 of Article 81 of the TK RK), the employer, referring to the staffing table, will prove to the court the impossibility of employing the employee layoffs

The employer is obliged to draw up a vacation schedule (Article 123 of the TK RK) [4]. It reflects information about the order of distribution of annual paid leave of employees of all departments of the organization by months. By drawing up a vacation schedule, an organization can evenly distribute employees' leave on vacation, and thus plans personnel work a year in advance. This ensures stability and continuity of activities.

All documents are transferred to the archive as needed, or they are destroyed. The storage periods for any kind of documents are indicated in the “List of typical administrative archive documents formed in the course of the activities of state bodies, local governments and organizations, with an indication of the storage periods”.

The bulk of documents classified as personnel documents should be kept by the legal entity where the person worked for 75 years after his dismissal (except for certain categories of documents) [5].

Upon dismissal from the organization, the administration is obliged on the same day to issue to the employee his employment record book. Employment records that were not received by employees upon dismissal are kept for two years in the personnel department separately from other employment records. After that, unclaimed employment records are stored in the archive of the organization for 50 years, and then destroyed [6].

The activity of personnel service in the organization is very complex and diverse. It is entrusted with a huge number of duties, the implementation of which is directly related to the maintenance of personnel documentation.

At the same time there are many different kinds of nuances that employees of the personnel service need to know. This increased attention to the accuracy of registration is regulated by various regulations, including such federal law as the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the non-observance of which leads to prosecution in court. First of all, it concerns the maintenance of documents on personnel, since in connection with the execution of these documents, most often labor disputes arise between the employee and the employer. And this only confirms the importance and necessity of personnel documentation. Personnel daily have to deal with a huge amount of various kinds of documentation. It is the personnel department that is responsible for the proper paperwork, their timely preparation. And in order to facilitate, as well as to legitimize the activities of personnel officers in an organization, a uniform procedure should be established for all types of personnel documentation, which should meet all the requirements of the law.

To make informed management decisions in an organization, an effective personnel management system is needed, and one of its important elements is personnel work- production. This is an integral part of the life of any company. This is a complex and routine work that requires a good knowledge of the legislation and all its changes. In other words, personnel records management can be called a documented process of personnel management.

Thus, we can safely say that the competent management of staff is impossible without a well-functioning system of personnel records management and on how professionally it depends on the success of management activities in general.


  1. Deloproizvodstvo v kadrovoj sluzhbe / pod red. Verhovceva. — M.: INFRA-M, 2004, 385s.
  2. Kadrovoe deloproizvodstvo: prakticheskoe posobie/ S. V. Andreev. — 2-izd. — M.: Al'fa — Press, 2003, 232s. URL:
  3. «Memlekettіk jәne memlekettіk emes ujymdarda quzhattama zhasaudyn jane quzhattamany basqarudyn ulgіlіk qagidalaryn bekіtu turaly»., 2011. URL:
  4. Eңbek kіtapshalarynyn nysanyn, olardy zhurgіzu zhane saqtau qagidalary —№ 929. 30.11.2015 URL:
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): URL, INFRA-M.

Ключевые слова

a personnel service, personnel documentation, a personnel management, employment history, a labor code, employees of the organization, human resources department

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