Some ways for improving motivation of student’s activities | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №47 (233) ноябрь 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 20.11.2018

Статья просмотрена: 81 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Раджабова, Д. К. Some ways for improving motivation of student’s activities / Д. К. Раджабова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 47 (233). — С. 375-376. — URL: (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

Stimulation of human behavior is associated with the concepts of motivation and motivation. These concepts include notions of the needs, interests, goals, intentions, aspirations, motivations available to a person, external factors that cause him to behave in a certain way, about managing activities in the process of implementing it, and much more.

The main kind of internal motivation is communicative, since communication is the first and natural need of students of a foreign language. The problem here is that this type of motivation is most difficult to preserve, since a foreign language can not compete with one's native language.

Lingua-cognitive motivation is the positive attitude of students to the language itself, to the study of the basic properties of linguistic norms.

An important kind of internal motivation is also instrumental motivation, i.e. motivation, resulting from the positive attitude of students to certain types of work.

Now everyone understands that the Internet has tremendous information capabilities and no less impressive services. Regular use of the Internet makes the learning process of a foreign language more attractive for students. The Internet creates a unique opportunity for foreign language learners to use authentic texts, listen and communicate with native speakers, ie. it creates a natural language environment. Students expand their vocabulary, everyday vocabulary, their spelling improves.

Exercises in electronic training courses are suitable for independent work of students. The exercises are supplemented by acoustic and animated stunts, which makes them visual and attractive.

From time to time, it is necessary to conduct joint results and discussion of the results, which promotes active speech activity. Such work is motivated, as all students want to talk about the results.

To overcome the difficulties associated with the lack of language experience among students, and create a positive emotional linguistic motivation, some teachers use the elements of dramatization, dramatization and staging in the lessons. But the scope of the lesson does not always allow this. So there was the idea of ​​expanding the scope of the lessons and creating a theater and language society — the German musical theater.

The peculiarity of work with the use of theatricalization and dramatization is as follows:

— it allows you to connect the two components of the educational process into a single whole, making them a logical, dynamic and consistent continuation of each other;

— when choosing a repertoire, the requirements of the state standard of teaching a foreign language to language (phonetic, lexical, grammatical) and speech (cultural) material are taken into account [3].

In the lessons of a foreign language, the use of a linguistic and cultural material is also effective. Among the goals of teaching a foreign language include the education of students a positive attitude to a foreign language, the culture of the people who speak this language.

The term «lingvostranovedenie», on the one hand, combines the teaching of language, and on the other — gives certain information about the country of the language being studied.

In order to awaken interest in the topic under study, as well as to enrich knowledge on the geography, history, culture of the language being studied, a certain system of studying regional geographic material is proposed. First of all, these are contour maps and blocks, tables that students fill with facts.

When working on regional studies material, various activities are used: listening and checking the understanding of the text, reading and independent work with texts, preparing messages and speaking with them before classmates [5, p. 68].

At the final session, the task is solved — in an entertaining form to check how well the students have learned and understood the material. Students demonstrate the degree of their erudition, show how they managed to enrich their knowledge of geography, history, traditions and customs of the country of the studied language.

To increase the motivation of the learning activity of students when learning a foreign language, the rational use of interdisciplinary links plays a huge role. As you know, the language is pointless, but it has many points of contact with other disciplines, we can say that the language is «poly-subject». The teacher of a foreign language needs to know the stock of knowledge of students in various disciplines of the training cycle in order to ensure the content of an interested foreign-language communication in the lesson.

A powerful stimulus for mastering a foreign language is play. It acts as an effective teaching tool that activates the thinking activity of students, makes it possible to make the learning process attractive and interesting, and causes students to worry and experience.

The game fulfills four important functions for a person: a means of developing the motive the means of cognition, a means of developing mental action, and a means of developing voluntary behavior. Game-like exercises can be different in their purpose, content, ways of organizing and conducting, material equipment, the number of participants. The following main purposes of using the game in foreign lessons language:

‒ formation of certain skills

‒ development of certain speech skills

‒ learning to communicate

‒ development of necessary abilities and mentally

‒ knowledge in the field of regional studies and language.

When planning classes and selecting various games for them, we try to take into account not only the age categories of students, but also the level of their development and awareness. In general, we conduct games that include lexical and grammatical assignments on a certain topic, so that students train in using vocabulary in situations close to the natural situation, learn to use speech patterns containing certain grammatical difficulties. Thus, the abovementioned ways of developing positive motivation for studying foreign language act not only as a means of increasing motivation, but also as a means of teaching and educating students in the team.


  1. Bozovic L. I. Selected psychological works. Problems of the formation of personality // — Moscow: International Pedagogical Academy. — 209 p.
  2. Maksimova V. N. Inter-subject communication in the learning process / — Moscow: Education, 1988. -191 p.
  3. Salanovich N. A. Lingvocultural approach as a means of increasing the motivation for teaching foreign languages ​​in high school in high school. — M., 1995. — 180 p.

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