Logistics method of approaching in placing of intensive care units in megalopolis | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Экономика и управление

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №12 (23) декабрь 2010 г.

Статья просмотрена: 18 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Федорова, М. С. Logistics method of approaching in placing of intensive care units in megalopolis / М. С. Федорова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2010. — № 12 (23). — С. Т.1. 104-106. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/23/2397/ (дата обращения: 07.03.2025).

The article connected with placing of intensive care units in Yekaterinburg and problems arising nowadays. Here are bringing forwards facts dealing with most overloaded with works hospitals.

Key words: placing, traffic jam, emergency medical services, hospitals, time, speed.

            Nowadays huge development is given to logistics – a science about right placement of streams and resources. Logistics can be used in placing of intensive care units, because access to such medical establishment should be the shortest and the fastest. When authors talking about intensive care units they mean a medical object that has a sizeable resuscitation facility. Emergency medical services (EMS) are special element, reorganization of it does not request a lot of charge.

Logistic system has such qualities that could not be found in separate objects. In such case task of transport logistic is to solve the problem of transportation of a human in a grave condition in a shortage of time. So we should place resuscitation establishments in such way to provide all population timely help. Right placing of resuscitation units in space of hospital also hasten the process of transportation of patient.

Transport service has some features that are necessary to be taken into account:

1.      this service could not be accumulate

2.      quality of service could be  define in process

3.      exists unevenness of demand in time and space

Problem for a crew of EMS often becomes other drivers, which don’t give way for ambulance car. Government thinks that this problem could not be solved by adding a special strip for EMS and public conveyances because of Russian mentality. So there is one way – to place medical services by the rules of transport logistics.

Analyzing the situation one cold make a list of requirements for site where medical services could be placed. Also authors put  weighting coefficient (K )



 Here they are:

1. K1= 1 Convenience of location. It is important to have alternative ways to get to resuscitation recourse.

Here you could see a map of Yekaterinburg.  Special feature of this city is compactness. But problem of traffic jams appears always. Average speed in town is about 7 kilometers in hour. And time of coming of EMS is 23 minutes.

2. K 2 = 0,6  Sufficient square for placing all objects: hospitals, parking, garden for walking of patients and others.
               3. K 3 = 0,5 Ecology, to improve process of recovery.

4. K 4 = 0,4 Well-developed infrastructure. System of supplying, public transport e.t.c.

5. K5 = 0,3 Good conditions for building.

6. K 6 = 0,2 Aseismic stability of site.

7. K 7 = 0,1 Positive history of place.

According to these requirements we could measure all the sites by this factor. For example I have measure 2 medical centers of Yekaterinburg. You could find their placement on the map.


1. 40 City hospital – 1 regional clinical hospital






Transport accessibility




+ Alternative roads which can be used

- Too far from center, so way to the hospital could be long





+Enough place for  further expansion





+ Far from plants, that are placed in the center and other district

+  Woodland park is situated near there, so patients could have a walk on the fresh air

Conditions for building




+ Good conditions  for feasible building on this site





+ Well-developed, reliable power supply, water supply, public transport







2 . 9 Children City Hospital






Transport accessibility




- Just one way to get in to this  hospital, though it is only one medical center for children with intensive care unit in Ekaterinburg

-  Far from center






 + Enough place for  feasible expansion





+  Far from plants

+  Forest is situated near there, so children could have a walk on the fresh air

Conditions for building




-Bad conditions  for feasible building on this site





+ Poor -developed, nonreliable power supply, water supply, public transport







As you see placing of medical centers is necessary to take in account. Wrong placing could make a lot of problems. And logistics helps to solve this problem.

            The same requirements could be used in measuring new sites for building. In new agglomeration we could create united system of hospitals and medical units that help us to save humans live. It is important to use new ways of transportation, for example helicopters.


            Talking about anew founded agglomeration we could add more requirements:

·         Medical force. As we could see from data of another cities(Las-Vegas, Chandigarch, Texas) ,  huge medical complex could solve a problem of placement injured persons in the state of emergency

·          presence of easy-to use ways between medical objects

·         requirements to infrastructure -  helicopters site

·         Municipal logistic. Self-control of each object with one center

            In the conclusion I would like to add that logistics is a new science, which could help us to unite separate rescores ad to create one system that will make our live longer and easier.



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2.      Bylba A.V., Demin V.A., Mirotin L.B. Logistics, techonology,projecting of storehouses, transport nodal points and terminals.- N. Novgorod:  Publishing house 

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5.      Mirotin L.B. Logistics: public  non-government transport. - М.: Publishing house  «Exam»,2003. – 224 p.

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8.      Anikin B.A. «Logistics» 3-е publ, converted- М.: INFRA_М, 2005. - 368 p.

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Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): EMS.

Ключевые слова

размещение, пробка, Неотложная медицинская помощь, больницы, время, скорость, placing, traffic jam, emergency medical services, hospitals, time, speed

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