Problems of teaching and features of learning English | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Ташбаева, Ф. Б. Problems of teaching and features of learning English / Ф. Б. Ташбаева, З. А. Абдулматова, Даврон Тургунов. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 50 (236). — С. 371-373. — URL: (дата обращения: 28.03.2025).

This article is about the problems of teaching English at school. The problems teachers of a foreign language are faced, like a forming of personality who will be able to participate in intercultural communication.

Key words: differentiated learning, personality, reforms in education, spirit of love for the Motherland, the goals.

В данной статье рассматриваются вопросы о проблемах преподавания английского языка в школе. Проблемы, с которыми сталкиваются учителя иностранного языка, такие как формирование личности, которая сможет участвовать в межкультурном общении.

Ключевые слова: дифференцированное обучение, личность, реформы в образовании, дух любви к Родине, цели.

Good teaching must be slow enough so that it is not confusing, and fast enough so that it is not boring.

Sidney J. Harris

Like many other subjects taught in school, the subject of the English language is one of the most relevant and demanded. The relevance of learning English is dictated by the needs of the modern world. Nowadays, the English language has become an international language of communication.

The President of our country Shavkat Mirziyoyev pays special attention to this sphere, which has an important place in ensuring the future of the country and its development. In the Decree of President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev «On Uzbekistan’s development Strategy " is mentioned about achieving major improvement of in quality of general secondary education, facilitating in-depth study of foreign languages, computer science, and other important and popular disciplines [1]. Learning English at school is a complex process of forming a new speech system in the cerebral cortex, which begins to coexist and constantly interact with the already developed system of the native language.

In this regard, when teaching English, we, foreign language teachers face a number of difficulties. Unreasonably designed textbooks, which on the one hand tread on the same topics, but on the other hand, are too overloaded with grammar, which is not explained at the right level, overloaded with unnecessary vocabulary for children, the tasks are too complicated, and the texts are written in far from modern language adapted for children is only a minor difficulty.

Main difficulties:

The first difficulty is the lack of effective and relevant motives for the mastery of the English language and the influence of the native language. From early childhood there was no need for such motives, since the child speaks his native language with which he solves all communication problems, basic vital, socio-cultural and cognitive interest, i.e. the student does not see the point in learning the language, citing the reason that he will not use it.

The second difficulty is the personal psychological barriers that a part of schoolchildren experience: the uncertainty that they will be able to speak English, shyness and fear of being ridiculed because of errors in speech, fearing that undesirable evaluations will follow the mistakes made. The emergence of these barriers can contribute to frequent failure, culminating in non-stimulating, unsuspecting assessments and attitudes of the teacher of the English language.

The third difficulty is the lack of systematic classes and real communication with native English speakers.

There are many ways to solve these immediate problems and accordingly improve the quality of teaching a foreign language:

One of the ways to improve the quality of foreign language teaching at school is an early start of education. The beginning of learning English for 6–7-year-old schoolchildren in the 1st grade of secondary school is due to the desire to use the opportunities of the age most favorable for mastering the language.

  1. Increasing the motivation of students in learning a foreign language with the help of various forms and teaching methods.

Psychological barrier. In our practice, this is the most common problem. The student knows enough, he does not dare to say. Getting into a linguistic situation, it is lost, does not know where to start, it is afraid that it will not say so, and in the end it prefers to remain silent. I am convinced that the atmosphere of the class plays a very important role in solving this problem.

  1. Regularity of classes. We believe that it is necessary to increase the amount of study time devoted to learning a foreign language in the basic curriculum.

Schoolchildren are deprived of the possibility of real communication, therefore it is necessary to study English every day. In this case, the main task of the school teacher is to involve, interest children to learn English. Show that it is interesting, informative and most importantly, relevant. To prove that literacy, education and comprehensive development is very important for a person at all times.


  1. President Decree 4947«On Uzbekistan’s development Strategy " February 7, 2017.
  2. The Decree 1875 «On measures to further improvement of foreign language learning system» December 10, 2012.
  3. Taba, H., & Elkins, D. (1966). Teaching strategies for the culturally disadvantaged. Chicago: Rand McNally

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