The problem of implementation of human rights and freedoms | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Юриспруденция

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №40 (226) октябрь 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 05.10.2018

Статья просмотрена: 498 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Ермишкин, М. А. The problem of implementation of human rights and freedoms / М. А. Ермишкин. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 40 (226). — С. 37-39. — URL: (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

The purpose is to identify the problems of contemporary human rights and freedoms to consider the influence of the state on a person and his rights.

Key words: a man, a human rights, a state, a law, protection of human rights, a society.

Цель — выявить проблематику механизма реализации современных прав и свобод человека. Рассмотреть влияние государства на человека и его права.

Ключевые слова: человек, права человека, государство, право, закон, защита прав человека, общество.

Absolutely, every person has natural rights by birth. They are enshrined in the Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the international community. [1]

The rights of a person and a citizen is the most important institution, which has received its development not only in constitutional law, but also in other branches of law. It gained the most active development in the second half of the XX century and reached the first place both in the domestic and international plan.

The problem of protection of individual rights and freedoms, especially from gross and mass violations, is particularly relevant not only in Russia but also at the international level. As rightly noted in 1998, N. Y. Hamaneva, «At present there are many means in our country aimed at protection of citizens ' rights. However, the rights of citizens are still very often violated, and the ways of their protection are not always effective enough, as they are not focused exclusively on the protection of human rights and citizens. That is why there is a problem not only to improve existing methods, but also to create new tools... And the more effective ways to protect the rights of a citizen in the modern state, the more humane it is "

Unbelievable, people lived generations to understand their rights and approve them. But they are really simple and understandable, just need to be guided by them and be able to rely on laws in any situation. we think what If all people respect their rights and the rights of others, there will be less grief, tears and injustice on Earth. People should understand their rights, then they will be able to defend themselves in a particular situation. After all, our rights are often violated by other persons. [2]

The first and most important human right is his right to life. This right must be sacred to all. [3]

In addition, everyone has the right not only to live their lives, but also to live in dignity. That nobody humiliates a person, morally or physically. Of course, these situations are inevitable in our society, but it is possible to reduce significantly their number!

The right to personal dignity and freedom is the next inalienable human right. And therefore a person has the right to choose free: what to learn, where to work, whom to love. The right to personal dignity is as inalienable as the right to life, since its violation entails considerable damage to the person's personality.

In addition, every person has the right to private property. [4] this is the human nature that people want to have something of their own: a house, a car, clothes and so on. No one has the right to take it away from us. Often, contrary to the laws and Moral standards, our rights are ruthlessly violated, and what should a modern man do to protect his «inalienable rights»? [5]

We believe that, for a clear functioning of the mechanism of protection of rights and freedoms of the person and the citizen it is necessary for the State to stipulate the optimum initial level of welfare of the citizens, that can guarantee them the right to the worthy Life and its free development would contribute to its implementation.

In this way, each of us must look after ourselves, whether his rights and freedoms are violated. And, of course, protect them. After all, if everyone can learn to understand their rights, the level of crime in the country will decline, the level of social and spiritual stability will rise, at least many people will be able to remain banal «intact and Safety. And also, and it is important to respect the rights of others, not less than your own. Only then our state really will be called legal.


  1. Всеобщая декларация прав человека. Принята резолюцией 217 А (III) Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН от 10 декабря 1948 года//
  2. Журнал «Бизнес. Образование. Право»//«К вопросу о местном самоуправлении в конституциях республик Российской Федерации»// Номер 2/43/c. 285–289 2018 г.// Малиненко Э. В.//

3. Конституция Российской Федерации//Глава 2. Права и свободы человека и гражданина//–4.htm//

  1. Конституция Российской Федерации// Статья 35 Конституции России //

5. Журнал «Черные дыры в российском законодательстве»//Конституции и уставы субъектов Российской Федерации как акты не федерального уровня: проблемы теории и практики//Малиненко Э. В.//Номер 6 с 48–50//

Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): Российская Федерация, III, свобода человека.

Ключевые слова

a man, a human rights, a state, a law, protection of human rights, a society

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