Motivation in teaching English effectively | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Махкамова, С. Б. Motivation in teaching English effectively / С. Б. Махкамова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 32 (218). — С. 92-94. — URL: (дата обращения: 26.03.2025).

Teaching should be such that what is offered is perceived as a valuable gift and not as a hard duty.

Albert Einstein

Nowadays most of the scientific, academic and technological information in the world is conveyed in English. So learning English is important to enter and ultimately succeed in all fields of our modern global village. For this reason, teaching English is becoming more and more complicated, demanding.

There is vital role of the teacher`s manner and learner`s attitude to teaching technologies and methods in teaching the English language effectively to the class. Of course, while teaching English teacher may face some challenges that can be in teaching pronunciation, grammar, speaking, writing and certainly in methods, techniques and motivation. These problems can influence on teaching and learning process. In this paper we observe the role of motivation in English teaching and recommend specific strategies and activities for motivating students highly. We can see some students who have natural eagerness to learn, though, there are students who need inspiration, motivation and stimulation as well. For those teachers, the most faced challenge is motivating their learners. Circumstance in the classroom can alter the motivation brought by students for better or worse. Preserving the students` desire which brought them to the class hinges on teacher`s capacity and leads to effective learning.

So what is motivation?

Interest, satisfaction, dedication, and fervor towards learning can be count as the main divisions of motivation.

Motivation is a basic aspect in students’ success at every stage of their education, and there is a crucial role of teachers, educators in supporting and inspiring it. Of course, that is much easier said than done, students variously motivated and learning to get students enthusiastic about education, working hard, and pushing themselves to advance takes time and a lot of effort. For that reason, all teachers must intensify a prime skill-supplying motivation. As a bird can not fly with one wing a teacher can not be perfect and teach effectively his or her learners without motivation skills. There are the roles of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in teaching English in effective way. “Once an individual identifies the activity necessary to achieve the goal, it remains constant” [4].

Extrinsic motivation does not lead to a positive and long-term learning effects.

Intrinsically motbvated students will perform best rather than extrinsically motivated ones. So teachers should encourage their already present desire to learn rather than tempting them to gain knowledge with external rewards.

Ways to solve motivation challenges:

Be zealous in your subject. A teachers’ zealousness or enthusiasm is a basic factor in student motivation. When teacher is excited about teaching and happy to be in the classroom learners will be more excited about learning, getting knowledge. Because positive energy and eagerness are infectious and lead the students to become more motivated as a positive attitude is requisite for a successful learning atmosphere.

Make class pleasant, enjoyable and fun.

Here some ways to teach English funny:

a)use social media in class. With the help of the social media students use the language practically, and also master it in fun ways. Moreover, in this way teacher helps students to improve their IT skills.

b)invite culture into class. Films, journals and modern tracks are lovely things for people. Using them by teachers in class for listening and reading activities or to grasp new vocabulary reinforces their love for traditional culture.

c)Gamify your lessons! Honestly, I love using games during the lesson. They can be immensely efficient ways to drill vocabulary and use grammatical structures. Some of my favorites are Scrabble, Scattergories and Charades. And they do not have to be like traditional rules, either. Traditional games can be changed up to make them even more cheerful for your ESL students in class. Let`s look at one game stated above, Charades. This is a fun game that is enjoyed by many students, whether they are young or old. What should you do? In this game class can be divided into 2 teams. First, you will need cards on which a word or phrase is written. The words should be easy for student to “act out” without using any words. It is better not to write abstract words. Then have a student from 1Team come to the front of the classroom and secretly show one of the cards to him or her. The student has to “act out” the word on the card in 60 seconds. Only students from 1Team should attempt to guess the word or phrase. If they guess it within 60 seconds, that team scores a point. This is repeated again for the second team.

There is another funny activity which can be held at the beginning of the lesson to attract students`interest and attention: “Draw the picture”. In this game you ask one of the students to go out of the room. Then you will draw any unusual picture on the board that can be drawn in a minute. Students should keep in mind that picture. After that you will clean the board and ask the student come in the room. Other students should describe that drawn picture with words, expressions and the student at the front of the room should draw it as he or she understands. After that you will compare it with the previous picture whether it is similar or not. The picture can be drawn according to the theme in order to improve vocabulary. If you divide a class into groups it would be more interesting in the way of getting score. You may draw like this:


It can be concluded that nowadays students want to improve their proficiency in English because they want to get a better job and to make a good impression among the people. There are being faced some challenges that influence on teaching and learning progress. In order to teach English effectively the classroom atmosphere should be friendly and interactive. That`s why teachers are trying to make the students confident and motivated to help them to achieve their language learning goal. Students need to be both intrinsically and extrinsically motivated to get higher grades in the second language. As a French preverb says, a man who knows two languages is worth two men!


  1. Ames, R., and Ames, C. “Motivation and Effective Teaching.” In B. F. Jones and L. Idol, Dimensions of Thinking and Cognitive Instruction. Hillsdale, J.N.:Erlbaum, 1990.
  2. Cook, V. (2000). Linguistics and second language acquisition Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press and Macmillan Publishers Ltd.
  3. Ericksen, S. C. “The lecture” Memo to the Faculty, no.60. Ann Arbor: Center for Research on Teaching and learning. University of Michigan, 1978.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): CONCLUSION, ESL.

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