About some problems of preparation of the future teachers | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №22 (208) июнь 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 05.06.2018

Статья просмотрена: 28 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Болтаева, Д. Б. About some problems of preparation of the future teachers / Д. Б. Болтаева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 22 (208). — С. 303-304. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/208/50389/ (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

Today one of the most important tasks that is solved in the course of university and postgraduate teacher training is the development of his desire to learn, update his knowledge, improve skills and competences, one of which is professional — linguistic.

One of the most important tasks that is being solved today in the course of university and post-graduate training of the teacher is the development of his desire to learn, update his knowledge, improve skills and competencies, one of which is vocational and linguistic. This is a continuous process of professional education and self-education.

In the modern education system, the requirements for a teacher of foreign languages ​​in schools and universities have significantly increased. Tendencies to strengthen the general humanitarian and philological training of graduates of schools and universities require a new quality of the linguistic training of the teacher himself.

The system of vocational training of a foreign language teacher does not always have time to respond to new demands of the society, especially in terms of the sociocultural competence of the teacher, his readiness to solve educational problems in the light of a new paradigm of language education, which is interpreted today not so much from the positions of the formation of communicative skills, but from the standpoint of preparing the individual for the implementation of the dialogue of cultures in the conditions of a modern multicultural world.

In the modern education system, the requirements for a teacher of foreign language in the school and university have significantly increased. Tendencies to strengthen the general humanitarian and philological training of graduates of schools and universities require a new quality of philological and linguistic training of the teacher himself. The system of professional training of the teacher does not always have time to respond to new demands of the society, especially in terms of the sociocultural competence of the teacher, his readiness to solve educational problems in the light of the new paradigm of language education, which today is treated not so much from the positions of the formation of communicative skills, personality to the implementation of the dialogue of cultures in the modern multicultural world.

A qualitative update of general education, the main directions of which are generally defined in a number of fundamental federal documents, is possible only if there is an effective system for training and improving the qualifications of the teacher. This is a continuous process of professional education and self-education.

The presence of a variety of specialties in the training of teachers and teachers in the system of pedagogical and classical universities, as well as the expansion of the system of linguistic complementary and postgraduate education, make it possible to say that it is not always possible to calculate which aspects of linguistic, methodological, psychological, sociocultural, are formed.

The requirements for the content and level of graduates' training are changing, but new standards are not always provided with new teaching aids, often new requirements are not realized in the newly created teaching materials. In such cases, language training is based on texts selected by the teachers themselves in accordance with the stated profile or model of preparation.

In this regard, teachers face challenges: how to select, or how to adapt the text for specific tasks, in specific learning environments, and how to create an acceptable methodological tool for working with it, especially when the text is designed to perform both substantive and cultural functions. The same issues arise in the case of working with the material proposed in them does not fully meet the requirements of the new educational paradigm and modern educational standards of language education.

It is necessary to take into account the specifics of professional competence of the teacher, which can be a personal task of the teacher himself, and a specially organized process of the activity of management structures.

The results of the development of professional competence may be different, depending on the various psychological and pedagogical factors that influenced the formation of the teacher. The professional competence of the teacher (teacher) as a cumulative indicator of certain characteristics can not be initially present in the student — it is formed primarily in the process of practical activity.

On the one hand, the current state of Uzbek education is characterized by scientists and practitioners as a crisis. On the other hand, Uzbekistan's desire to enter the world community in a new form of openness of the borders of the state, involvement in globalization processes, expansion of mobility in all senses of the word, development of modern technologies and accessibility of information have caused a change in the attitude of Russians, and the younger generation in general particular.

The existing approaches to the training of teachers of a foreign language are still not perfect. The ascent of pedagogical thought from one-sided cognitive to integral, personality-oriented, personality-active, culturally appropriate education generates new requirements for the training of a specialist-a person of creative, intelligent, personal and professional cultural knowledge of the achievements of human sciences and the laws of its development, new technologies, the art of communication.

In this regard, the provision of a high quality of pedagogical education in the field of teaching foreign languages ​​acquires because the main purpose and meaning of the professional activity of graduates of linguistic faculties is not the teaching of language, but the upbringing of a person who speaks languages, strives for knowledge, preservation and transfer of cultural values ​​by means of studied languages ​​to future generations, and a high mission is to work in, so-called zone of increased verbal responsibility (A. A. Vorozhbitova), the degree of which can be exalted to responsibility for the spiritual health of the nation in the conditions of the growing expansion of Western values ​​and life styles.

It is natural that under these conditions the need to develop new theoretical models of the projected result of the professional training of linguists — teachers adequately reflecting the requirements of the modern intercultural educational paradigm, and the search for effective systems and pedagogical terms for their implementation in the practice of educational activities of higher educational institutions. The close attention of researchers to personal development in the process of education and to the theory of language personality in language teaching confirm the legitimacy of the choice as a strategic reference point for the professional training of linguists and teachers in the formation of their competence in the structure of a professional language personality.

Practically there are no researches and the development devoted to disclosing laws of mastering of knowledge on negative basis, not to explore the potential of universal education in the context of intercultural communication, which significantly constrains the development and enrichment of methodological tools, technologizing in the training of teachers of foreign languages ​​and cultures. Such developments are particularly relevant for the system of education at the special language faculty in the university structure, the potential of which, in the aspect of fundamentalizing and providing interdisciplinary synthesis in the professional training of specialists in intercultural communication, has not yet been adequately researched.

In fact, universities, which naturally become recently centers development of science and education in many regions of Uzbekistan, are able to assume the functions of integrating and stabilizing start in the structure of regional educational spaces and provide the continuity equation and education in general, and linguistic formation in particularly.


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