The impact of globalization on Kazakhstan's agriculture | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Калдыбай, Кайнар Калдыбайулы. The impact of globalization on Kazakhstan's agriculture / Кайнар Калдыбайулы Калдыбай, Сунатулла Рустембекулы Кулахмет. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 5 (191). — С. Т.1. 44-45. — URL: (дата обращения: 27.03.2025).

The relevance of the article is due to the urgent need to revive Kazakh agriculture after the transition period and the globalization of the problems of world agriculture. Agriculture is one of the system-forming branches of the economy of any country. Regardless of the soil and climatic conditions, even the most developed industrial countries are investing very large resources in the development of domestic agriculture. Available land in the country is a huge amount of productive power, given by Nature. The crisis in agriculture and the decline in its production immediately pose a heavy blow to the entire economy, as it leads to the loss of a huge amount of free natural resources, and these losses have to be paid for when food is imported.

The purpose of this work is to identify problems and try to outline the prospects for the development of Kazakhstan and world agriculture. Globalization is a worldwide process, to date - the most powerful and significant. The Republic of Kazakhstan, as it enters the world community and finds its place in it, is increasingly experiencing the consequences of globalization. At the moment, Kazakhstan is largely integrated into the world and banking system, globalization has a significant impact on most of the economic activities of the Republic. This influence is ambiguous: it has both a positive side and a negative side. First of all, globalization creates a close interconnection between states, and even their interdependence from each other. The economies of different countries are so closely connected with each other that sometimes the decline of the economic indicators of one state entails a weakening of the other. This we see on the example of sanctions against the Russian Federation, which were put forward by the United States, Canada and the countries of the European Union. In addition to the fact that Kazakhstan interacts with Russia in the Eurasian Economic Community and other organizations, it also has a similar foreign policy, both countries are oil exporters. And the fall in oil prices certainly affects the economies of both countries.

The global financial crisis, which manifested itself in full in the second half of 2008, changed the positive trends that existed before in the world and Kazakhstan's economy. Beginning in October 2008, with the bankruptcy of the leading US mortgage companies and investment banks, the crisis marked its clear presence in the financial sector of Kazakhstan, causing corresponding negative changes in the real sector of the country. Due to the developed banking and financial system, Kazakhstan has been more exposed to the consequences of the global financial crisis than other countries of the Central Asian region - Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. But in view of the fact that over the past decade, Kazakhstan has become a pole of economic growth for the entire Central Asian region, the consequences of the crisis in the republic have affected the economies of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. The consequences of the crisis we are witnessing today, the devaluation of the national currency, the growth in the cost of the US dollar, all this significantly affects the economies of the above countries, including Kazakhstan.

Globalization assumes a unified approach to many spheres of public life: unified educational standards, uniform labor standards, uniform production standards, safety standards, etc. Thus, many states have simplified visa regimes, travel around the globe became available as never before. Is it good or bad? Perhaps, it can be regarded positively, speaking about foreign education or tourism. But there is another side to the coin, this is all the growing migration. This issue becomes especially urgent for today, because in the Civil War in Syria, Germany made the leader in the number of refugees trying to find shelter. Only in the period from April to June this year from Syria 80 thousand 900 refugees arrived in Germany - almost twice as much as in the same month last year. And in September Germany accepted about 35 thousand refugees from Syria. It should be noted that Germany is not the only country that accepts refugees. But in this bustle on the territory of Europe can fall and not ordinary citizens, but, for example, terrorists. For them, this is a good opportunity to turn their operations.

Religious aspect is also important. As an illustration I want to give an example of religious influence. There are several large and dozens of small religious associations that do not always benefit the people, but, on the contrary, destroy their consciousness by introducing destructive ideologies. Unfortunately, today more and more people are losing themselves in this. Thus, active migration processes and religion are closely related to the problem of terrorism. Kind patriotism and love of the Motherland. Its citizens are eager to develop their home, their state. The most important task is to preserve peace and stability in the state, regardless of external cataclysms.

State Program for the Development of the AIC for 2017-2021

The purpose of the state program will be to ensure the production of competitive products of the agro-industrial complex in demand on the markets.The main tasks of the state program being developed will be: to increase the efficiency of livestock production by 58% and crop production by 40%; The development of large-scale agricultural cooperation to involve 670,000 small producers in commodity production and create an effective sales and processing system; Ensuring the efficiency and accessibility of state support with the maximum coverage of SSP; Implementation of a targeted export policy and promotion of the Kazakhstan brand of organic products; Involvement in the circulation of more than 600 thousand hectares of irrigated land; Improvement of state regulation of the agro-industrial complex.In addition, within the framework of reapproving the program in the state format, a number of adjustments of the subsidy system are planned, which will allow reaching more recipients of state support, thereby increasing its effectiveness.In general, in the crop sector, work will continue to diversify crops. In particular, parts of wheat areas will be replaced with more popular crops (oilseeds, barley, corn for grain, sugar beet, fodder crops). To increase the productivity of agricultural products, state support will be provided for the application of high-quality seeds and fertilization.

In the livestock sector it is necessary to provide agrarians with food. In this regard, the country feed balance will be developed and introduced, the areas of fodder crops will be increased; Production and consumption of mixed fodders will be stimulated, and work will also be carried out to increase the efficiency of pasture use. Measures will also be taken to increase the proportion of breeding animals by providing state support.In addition to measures to provide water for agriculture and increase the area of irrigated land by 600 thousand hectares, according to the ministry, information on the state of land resources in electronic format will additionally be formed.Moreover, for the infrastructure of the agro-industrial complex, measures will be implemented to stimulate the creation of rural cooperatives in the sale of products, lending to villagers and providing them with services, as well as ensuring the availability of financial instruments.

Also, in order to increase the technical equipment of the agro-industrial complex subjects, measures will be taken to reduce the share of purchasing expensive equipment and equipment from foreign countries.


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Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): AIC, INFRA, SSP.

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