The importance of professional communicative competence in teaching foreign language | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Камалова, Д. А. The importance of professional communicative competence in teaching foreign language / Д. А. Камалова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 3 (189). — С. 197-199. — URL: (дата обращения: 29.03.2025).

In the context of broad international relations with other countries, it is important to communicate with foreign specialists, develop professional and business contacts with foreign partners and colleagues, and read various publications in a foreign language. Recently, there has been a growing demand for the study of a foreign language, not only in higher education institutions, but also in schools, especially in professionally oriented classes. Demand will grow in the years to come. This is explained by the fact that the number of educators who study a foreign language for general communication is reduced. Educational institutions are increasingly coming to the conclusion about the advisability of learning a foreign language by profession. The goal of teaching a foreign language in higher education institutions is to master a foreign language as a means of communication, and to acquire professionally-directed foreign-language competence for the successful performance of further professional activities.

In the general strategy of teaching foreign languages in non-linguistic faculties of the university, there is a requirement to develop a foreign communicative competence in the professional sphere of communication. Common European Recommendations on language education determine the main directions of professional training of specialists, presupposes the achievement by students of a non-language faculty of a sufficient level of foreign-language communicative competence in the professional sphere of communication.

Communicative speech competence of the personality is realized in the performance of various types of speech activity, namely: perception, awareness, reproduction (oral or written).

It should be noted that scientists consider from different positions such concept as «competence».

Competence in the study of foreign languages is often associated with the notion of «communicative competence». A. Khutorskiy distinguishes the terms «competence», explaining that competence is a set of interrelated qualities of a person (knowledge, skills, skills, ways of doing things). Competence in a certain field is the possession of competence, containing its personal relation to the subject of activity. In accordance with the definitions of these terms, competence should be understood as a given requirement, the norm of educational training for students of non-linguistic specialties, and competence — as its real personal qualities and experience.

Most researchers consider competence both as a characteristic of the personality and as a set of communicative, constructive, organizational skills of the individual, that is, they understand by competence the ability not only to have knowledge, but also potentially be ready to apply them in new situations.

According to N. Izoria, communicative competence is an integral personal and professional quality of a person with a certain level of language education, which is realized in readiness on a certain basis to a successful, productive and effective activity using the communicative and information capabilities of a foreign language, provides an opportunity effective interaction with the environment through appropriate language competencies. In the psychological literature, the concept of «communicative competence» is a definition of knowledge-based and sensory experience of the ability of an individual to navigate in communication situations.

So, foreign communicative competence is an integral characteristic of the professional activity of a specialist that covers such substructures: activity (skill, knowledge, skills and methods of performing professional activities); communicative (ability, knowledge, skills and methods of professional communication).

E. Bibikova defines professional competence as an integrative quality of a specialist's personality — a systemic phenomenon that encompasses knowledge, skills, and professionally significant qualities that ensure effective fulfillment of his professional duties. In the structure of foreign communicative competence, functional, reflexive and motivational components are distinguished. According to the general structure of professional competence, E.Bibikova communicates another language communicative competence as a systemic formation in the unity of the motivational, functional and reflexive components.

V.Tenishev considers foreign professional competence of the future specialist as a complex integrative whole, which provides competent professional communication in the language of the specialty in conditions of intercultural communication.

The analysis of scientific literature has made it possible to define foreign professional competence as an integrative personal and professional education, which is realized in the psychological and technical operational readiness of an individual to perform successful, productive and effective professional activity using means of a foreign language or in conditions of a culture speaking another language and provides an opportunity for effective interaction with the environment.

In modern studies, the term «foreign professional competence» is considered as knowledge of the language, a high level of practical possession, both verbal and non-verbal means, and experience in language proficiency at a variatively adaptive level depending on the specific speech situation. An important structural component of professional competence is communicative competence, which is a qualitative characteristic of professional identity and includes a set of scientific and theoretical knowledge, practical skills in the field of professional communication, the experience of professional interaction, steady professional motivation as Belkin notes a professional competence is a combination of professional and personal qualities that ensure the effective implementation of the competencies necessary for the implementation of professional activities. All researchers emphasize that the essence of professional competence reflects business reliability and the ability to successfully and accurately carry out professional activities. In general, the appearance of the term «competence» as applied to language and communication in the conceptual apparatus of a number of humanities (psychology, philosophy, pedagogy, linguodidactics, sociology) is associated with the name of the famous scientist N. Chomsky. Thus, the foreign language competence is a complex of knowledge, skills that allow the successful use of a foreign language both in professional activities, and for self-education and self-development of the individual. The socio-economic situation that has developed and today there are new opportunities for self-realization before future specialists that can be realized not only through communication with foreign colleagues and partners, but also through the implementation of professional activities in a foreign-speaking society. In this connection it is necessary to direct the educational activity of the trainers to the formation of the abilities to realize professional activity and the formation of foreign professional competence. Foreign language training of future specialists should be considered through the prism of their further professional activities. An important task of teaching a foreign language in the professional field is the formation of specialized competence in the areas of professional and situational communication, mastering new professional information through foreign sources.

So, we can conclude that the communicative competence is considered by scientists both in a broad and narrow sense: in the broad — it consists of linguistic, speech, sociocultural, sociolinguistic, discursive and strategic competences; in the narrow — as the practical mastery of students' speech skills at a level sufficient for the implementation of foreign-language communication in four types of speech activity: listening, speaking, reading, writing. The effectiveness of the formation of communicative competence is due to a number of psychological and pedagogical factors that can be determined as significant circumstances affecting on the success of the development of communication with future specialists. Success factors are based on the structure of educational activity, which allows identifying them with its structural components, creating conditions for the development of internal motivation for communication, improving the educational process through students' inclusion in the process of discussing specific situations in their professional activities. Theoretical analysis of the research problem allows to assert that foreign communication is possible provided that subjects of foreign language communication speak the language as a means of communication. The level of efficiency of the communicative process is determined by the level of the formation of the communicative competence of subjects that are foreign speaking. Competence is a person's steady readiness and ability to do something «with knowledge». In our case, this activity is the foreign language communication of students in the process of learning a foreign language. Hence, the definition of foreign communicative competence as an integrative personality formation, which has a complex structure and acts as an interaction and interpenetration of linguistic, sociocultural and communicative competence, the level of their formation allows the future specialist to effectively implement foreign language, and therefore interlingual, intercultural and interpersonal communication. Summing up the above, we can conclude that the purpose of studying a foreign language professionally the communication in the highest non-linguistic institution is the preparation of students for effective communication in their professional environment. A promising area of scientific research of a foreign professional competence can be the development of a didactic model of its formation in students of higher technical educational institutions, taking into account the possibilities of information educational technologies.


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