The formation of communicative competence during the learning process of the English language | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №11 (145) март 2017 г.

Дата публикации: 21.03.2017

Статья просмотрена: 3626 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Махаметова, Д. Б. The formation of communicative competence during the learning process of the English language / Д. Б. Махаметова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 11 (145). — С. 326-328. — URL: (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

In the modern world, knowledge of foreign languages plays an increasingly important role. Knowledge of a foreign language enables young people to join the world culture, to use in their activities the vast potential of Internet resources, to work with information and communication technologies and multimedia teaching aids.

In connection with the modernization of Uzbek education, the question of the competence approach in teaching becomes topical. Among the key competences, communicative competence is especially important.

This competence means mastering all kinds of speech activity, the culture of oral and written speech, skills and skills of using the language in various spheres and situations of communication. Communicative competence is the ability to communicate.

Today, in the age of development of communication technologies, knowledge of a foreign language is necessary for everyone. In the English language lessons, we form a communicative competence, that is, the ability and readiness of students to communicate in a foreign language and to achieve mutual understanding with the speakers of a foreign language, and we also develop and educate schoolchildren in the means of the subject. For a complete understanding of the communicative approach, it is necessary to consider the principles of communicative learning of communication and their implementation in English lessons.

The principle of speech-activity activity presupposes the creation of problematic tasks that promote the activation of the cognitive activity of students and cause the need for their discussion. For example, in the lesson you can set the following task: «You are a tour operator. Help the tourists choose the country for their trip. «The principle of individualization can be considered the heart of communicative interaction, one of the main means of creating motivation. In the lessons, it is necessary to take into account the trainees' peculiarities, their interests, and choose the most relevant topics for discussion, such as «Choice of profession», «Computer technologies», «Music», «Cinema», etc.

The principle of situability provides for the recognition of the situation as a unit of the organization of the process of teaching foreign-language communication. In the learning process, there should not be a single statement that is not conditioned situationally. For example, in the lesson it is necessary to create an actual problem situation. The situation is set as follows: «If I..., then I would do as follows», while the student should explain the course of his reasoning and the motivation of his actions. The principle of novelty also covers the whole educational process, and its implementation is extremely important for the success of communicative learning. This principle is that the content of the material in the lessons (texts, exercises) should be diverse. The use of role-playing games gives ample opportunities for activating the educational process. Role-play is a conditional reproduction by its participants of the actual practical activities of people, creates conditions for real communication.

Communicative competence of students is purposefully formed during lessons beyond extracurricular time (electives, extracurricular activities) through various forms, methods and methods of work. The productivity of using this competence is to expand the ability of students to use English as an instrument of communication in the dialogue of cultures and civilizations. During the dialogue of cultures, the student, on the one hand, penetrates into the cultures of other peoples, and, on the other hand, understands the culture of his native country, reflected in the culture of the country of the studied language. Students' knowledge of the world is expanding, there is an interest in the works of world fiction, the desire to use the acquired knowledge and creative abilities in other lessons (computer science, geography, MHC). Increased motivation of graduates to enter universities and choose specialties related to English.

A future teacher of English must be fluent in a foreign language and must demonstrate high foreign language communicative competence. However, not all the students of language faculties and specializations reach this level. Thus, there arises the question about a search for new approaches, methods and means of formation of foreign language communicative competence of future teachers of English at the University. At the same time, the student’s foreign language communicative competence is an integrative personal quality, it is a tone which mediates along with other kinds of personal and professional development competence and defines its effectiveness in greater or lesser degree. Interactive learning within the English language teaching provides a full communication between the students and the formation of skills of solving communicative tasks. The communicative competence defined as a significant component of the key competencies and the result of modern education includes linguistic, discourse, sociolinguistic and sociocultural competences as well as socio-personal interactive component correlated with cooperation and tolerance of the student. Keywords: communicative competence, interactive learning, foreign language communication, professional education, intercultural interaction, the English language, technology.

Modern principles of communicative English teaching require the consideration of the relevant didactic principles of «accessibility», «age and individual characteristics of students», «consistency and systematic in teaching». In his work, the teacher is guided by the following provisions characteristic of communicative learning in English: about the communicative orientation of instruction in all types of speech activity and language facilities, on stimulating the speech activity of students, on the individualization of instruction, on the situational organization of the process, on the novelty and informative nature of the learning process (IL Bim, EI Passov).

English lessons are a fertile ground for the implementation of interdisciplinary ties. Uzbek language, literature, history, geography, art, music, biology, physics are subjects whose content is reflected in one or another degree in the subject of English language programs. Mastery of communicative competence presupposes the mastery of foreign language communication in the unity of all its functions: information, regulatory, emotional-valuation (value-orientation) and etiquette.

In the course of implementing these functions, certain communicative tasks are solved and basic communicative skills are formed:

Information function assumes the formation of productive speech skills in speaking and writing. The following communication tasks are performed: 1) request information, 2) communicative information, 3) explain information, 4) perceive and understand the perceived information.

The regulatory (incentive) function assumes the following communicative tasks: 1) to encourage something, 2) to ask for something, 3) to offer something, 4) to advise, 5) to agree on something, 6) to perceive the motivation and to respond to it. Emotional-valued (value-orientational) function. Communicative tasks: 1) express opinion, assessment, 2) express feelings, emotions, 3) prove, convince, 4) experience pleasure / displeasure and other feelings from perceived information.

The etiquette function assumes the formation of receptive speech skills in the perception of speech by listening and reading. Communication tasks: 1) address, start a conversation, 2) express interest in the interlocutor, listen carefully and hear, 3) maintain the conversation, finish it, 4) congratulate the holiday, 5) thank, 6) express sympathy.

Communicative competence — is the ability to understand others and generate their own speech programs adequately to the goals, spheres, situations of communication. It includes knowledge of the basic concepts of speech linguistics (in the technique they are usually called speech studies) — styles, types of speech, description structure, narratives, reasoning, ways of linking sentences in the text, etc.; Skills of text analysis. However, the described knowledge and skills do not yet provide communication, an adequate communicative situation.

Very important place in communicative competence is occupied by communicative competence and skills.

– Initiate and come into contact;

– Form a favorable first impression;

– Ask questions and answer them;

– Conduct a conversation, briefly and accurately express their thoughts;

– Stimulate the interlocutor to clarify his position, statements;

– Listen, hear and understand what the interlocutor meant;

– To provide feedback, that is, to convey to the partner that he was heard and understood;

– Align emotional tension in conversation, in discussion;

– Read and intelligently interpret the non-verbal signals of the interlocutor (look, facial expressions, gestures, postures);

– Manage their own expressive signals in the process of communication;

– Effectively interact with others by cooperating:

– Own communication models;

– Use in the interaction process a variety of styles of communication;

To understand the specificity of speech genres and communicative means of achieving the goal in the interaction. At present, the components of the situation have already been identified, or the speech conditions that dictate the speaker's choice of words and grammatical means. This, first, the relationship between the interlocutors (official / unofficial) and their social roles. There is no doubt that the character of verbal communication will be different depending on who we are communicating with, what the social status of the speakers is: the student, the teacher, the student, what is their age, sex, interests, etc. Secondly, the place of communication (for example, Communication of the teacher with the student at the lesson, during the change, in a friendly conversation). The third, very important component of the speech situation, is the goal and intentions of the speaker. So, the order, request or demand, of course, will differ from the message, information or their emotional evaluation, expression of gratitude, joy, resentment, etc.

Thus, actually communicative competency and skills are the skills of verbal communication, taking into account who we are talking with, where we are talking and, finally, for what purpose. There is no doubt that their formation is possible only on the basis of linguistic and linguistic competence.

Communicative competence most accurately reflects the subject area «Foreign Language». Formation of communicative competence acts as the leading goal in teaching English.


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Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): MHC.

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