A brief analysis of the application of micro class in surgical teaching | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №34 (168) август 2017 г.

Дата публикации: 24.08.2017

Статья просмотрена: 19 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Чжао, Жуй. A brief analysis of the application of micro class in surgical teaching / Жуй Чжао, Бинь Лю. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 34 (168). — С. 127-129. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/168/45424/ (дата обращения: 27.03.2025).

With the development of modern information technology, the concept of mobile communication, social media and educational resource, sharing has come into our teaching system. It has the characteristics of self-learning without the restrictions of time and space and the resource sharing without the limitation of age and profession. As a new type of network teaching means, micro class teaching has attracted much attention in the daily work because of its diversified forms and convenience. In this paper, the author discusses the characteristics of micro class and the feasibility of applying it in surgical teaching. Also the author compares it with the traditional teaching mode in order to explore the application value of micro class in surgical teaching.

Key words: micro class, surgical teaching, self-learning

With the development of modern information technology, there are significant changes in the teaching mode. The traditional teaching model, which can no longer meet the needs of modern teaching, is being replaced by more advanced teaching methods. Micro class teaching came into being with the support of modern technology. Compared with other subjects, surgical teaching has its own specialty and particularity. And surgical operation has the characteristics of crypt city. If we still use the traditional teaching methods, it will cause some difficulties for students to understand the teaching contents. If we use microteaching, it can more vividly reflect some diseases.

  1. The definition and characteristics of micro class.

Micro class originated in 2008, and was later introduced into our country. It is a kind of teaching mode based on video teaching. The micro class as a new teaching mode contains many parts, such as teaching design, reflections, tests and comments. It is a short but complete teaching activity carried out by a teacher in video recording around a particular point of knowledge. It has following characteristics:

  1. the aim is to explain a particular point of knowledge;
  2. it is a short online video, which can be supported by various learning methods;
  3. the content includes not only the body language, tone, and etc., but also the experimental operation and blackboard writing, etc.;
  4. it is to meet the needs of personalized learning or teaching, so that students can master the related knowledge and skills.
  1. The advantages of microteaching.

The diagnosis of surgical diseases often requires a variety of laboratory tests such as B-mode ultrasonography, X-rays, CT and MRI. And sometimes more specialized medical instruments or cavity mirrors are needed for the diagnosis. Micro class teaching is based on such knowledge and was recorded live, which cannot be completed by the traditional way of teaching.

Compared with the traditional teaching mode, the micro class-teaching model has the following advantages:

  1. micro class highlights the dominant position of students in the teaching process. In the past, «cramming» teaching mode is led by the teacher, which makes the students less enthusiastic and do not like thinking when meeting problems. The new teaching mode provides students with opportunities for independent thinking and improves their learning 你enthusiasm;
  2. study is not limited by the time and space. And students can arrange their study place according to their own preferences, such as home, library or classroom. Micro class video can also be repeated play / pause, thus students can search the information they need for in-depth study;
  3. micro class helps students to interact with teachers and other students. The new teaching mode emphasizes the importance of interactivity. That is to say, students can ask questions or express their own understanding of the problem, and then they can get other students’ ideas, thus to expand the depth and breadth of knowledge;
  4. micro teaching improves the teaching efficiency. The traditional teaching mode is that the teacher will teach the content to students in the classroom by dictating, writing on the blackboard and analyzing the problem. However, writing on the blackboard and making charts occupy a large amount of classroom time and seriously affect the efficiency and effects of teaching. The microteaching demonstrates the knowledge by making video before class in a vivid way, which makes it easier for students to understand and absorb the knowledge. In addition, students don't have to be busy taking notes. For those students don't understand, they can learn more by watching videos over and over again.
  1. The application of micro courses in surgical teaching.

Micro class, as a new teaching method, can be used in daily teaching. Teachers should do the following aspects when making micro class:

3.1. Situational teaching.

The microteaching aims at teaching a certain knowledge point by making a video. Situational teaching is the main characteristic of the micro class, which is especially suitable for medical teaching. Through micro class video, you can impact students' vision from pictures, sound and practical operations. Compared with the traditional situational teaching, the micro class video can be more easily grasped. The video shooting sites for surgery are usually chosen in the laboratory and operating rooms. It is easy to create an accurate and understandable situation, which makes the teaching content more practical and more vivid.

3.2. Being concise and precise.

In a short period of time, it is necessary to put more emphasis on the key points and difficult points of the knowledge, which will certainly put higher demands on teachers. Before recording the micro class, the teacher ought to collect a large amount of materials and makes a choice; they should consider how to organize language and how to make the knowledge easy for students to understand and accept; they should also consider how to make students have a complete understanding of the knowledge in an intuitive way.

3.3. Constantly improving micro classes.

Completing the micro class does not mean putting things right once and for all. With the rapid development of science and technology, professional teachers need to constantly update their knowledge and put the latest medical knowledge in their micro class video recording and thus gradually form a micro course for their colleagues and students to learn.

  1. Problems existing in micro class teaching.

Micro class teaching mode is still in its infancy in our country, and there are still many problems deserving our attention. First of all, the teacher should highlight the advantages and features of the micro class, and avoid copying the contents of the book to the video. Secondly, medical science is a practical science. Micro class video only shows the diagnosis and treatment for one case. However, different patients should take different treatments. Therefore, in the microteaching, teachers also need to pay attention to the theory learning and enlighten students' thinking ability; finally, students may ask teachers at any time when they have the self-learning of the micro class thus may increase the teachers’ workload. From the above mentioned we can see that the micro class requires teachers to have a strong sense of responsibility and dedication.

In addition, we also need to continuously perfect the theory of the microteaching and the way of its application. Besides, teachers need to improve their professional qualities and cultivate students’ problem solving and analytical ability, teamwork spirit and communication skills.


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Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): MRI.

Ключевые слова

micro class, surgical teaching, self-learning

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