The role of module technology in teaching sequence of time in the English language | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №23 (157) июнь 2017 г.

Дата публикации: 12.06.2017

Статья просмотрена: 82 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Дастенова, Ф. А. The role of module technology in teaching sequence of time in the English language / Ф. А. Дастенова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 23 (157). — С. 300-301. — URL: (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

We were based on technology of module teaching while elaborating method of teaching sequence of tenses of the English verbs. The term «module» from Latin «modulus» means «measure» and is widely used in science. The module in pedagogic is thought as «an objective functional node, in which educational content and learning technology» [1:214].

Pedagogical researches on applying modularity have been hold in academic educational process in science for 80 years of the last century. (I. B. Sennovskiy, P. I. Tretyakov, T. I. Shamova, P. A. Yutsiyaviche, B.Ziyomuhammedova, M.Tojiev etc).Academic and educational opportunities of module technology of teaching have been investigated by P. A. Yutsiyavichne widely and in system.

P. A. Yutsiyavichne refers a comfort temp of students’ work defining their possibilities, flexible build up of high level final results, to targets of module teaching. The last purpose is presented as the main aim of module teaching. [2:51]

One of principles of module teaching is to transfer the center of heaviness in teaching independent study of students. V. M. Garaev, S. I. Kulikov, M.Durko (1987) consider module teaching as a means of training independent creative thinking specialist in Higher Educational School ready for further professional activity in the modern world. Elaborating the idea of module teaching researchers refer to different didactical principles, however, one of the central ones is the principal of modularity due to which choice of purposes, forms, methods of teaching develop. Module approach in teaching allows to systemize and to structure plenty of material and to present it in arrays which gives opportunity to save 30 % of academic time due to experimental researches.

In European educational system the following types are accentuated:

  1. The main modules forming professional competence of a graduate.
  2. Supporting modules with learning main modules
  3. Organizational and commercial modules of learning foreign languages forming skills work in groups, official correspondence etc
  4. Specialized modules, reflected in academic, curricular and various kinds of practice, course and diploma projecting, graduate works, traineeship etc.

The module is considered to be as the following constituents in method of teaching foreign languages:

  1. Subject, which is suggested to learn for a definite time
  2. Academic blocks (speaking, listening, reading and writing)
  3. Language aspects (lexis, grammar)
  4. level of learning the foreign languages
  5. Academic material, offered by different groups of students (advanced, academic and equalization groups)

Yu. B. Kuzminkova marks thematic and objective modules in her work «Module approach to problems of effective communication» [3:140]. It defines thematical module as complex development of speech skills on a general them, emphasizing further forming of linguistic skills of active learning language in all kinds of speech activity on materials of various themes

The module also includes objective programs of actions, methodical textbook and technological decisions provided with placed purposes.

The list of principal linguistic concepts and foreign skills that students must learn during preliminary education is composed for each module. The module is provided with a set of directory enquiries and illustrative materials, which students get before the beginning to learn it, as well as the list of recommended literature. Every student takes a chance of transferring from module to module to the best of learning the material and to elapse stages of current control by an individual schedule.

B. Ziyomuhammedov [4:54] differs large module, middle module and large module. All the course of academic subject is subdivided into several large modules, including knowledge, interrelated with each other. Every large module consists of some small modules, being subdivided into small modules in return.

The amount of small modules can be 5 or 6, first of which is devoted to repeating proceeded material at the previous lesson. The second and third modules input new knowledge, the fourth and fifth ones fix new theme, check forming of skills of speaking and give home assignments.

Module teaching based on module program introduces perspective form of organizing teaching contributing to individualization and variety in teaching process, activating students’ activity contracting teaching time and increasing quality of education. To V. V. Valetov’s opinion «Module teaching is concluded in dividing educational material into separate interrelated academic elements, each of which presents specially elaborated and correspondingly designed academic matter» [5:14]

T. I. Shamova marks the peculiarity of module teaching in an exact content of text material, in a distinct request of knowledge ability of activity, in algorithmic presentation of work [6:280]. And the matter of module teaching consists of that a student independently achieves concrete aims of educational-cognitive activity in the work process by module. In fact the difference from other systems of teaching gives as a pledge of module teaching.

First, the matter of teaching illustrates a thorough independent complex that is learnt according to purpose. Didactic goal is formed for a student and maintains not only capacity of learning content, but also the learning level.

Second, communication form change between a teacher and a student. Teacher’s role lies in conducting teaching process, consulting, helping and supporting students. Every student is consulted by a teacher, how to act more rationally, where to find necessary teaching material.

Thirdly, a student works maximum time independently, learns expedience, self control and self esteem.

The entire above-mentioned are concluded in that module technology of teaching is more adequate form of realization of approach to forming skills of using tense verb forms in the context and in compound sentences, for it meets the next necessary needs:

‒ designed for teaching those who has formed indispensable and sufficient level of logical conceptual thinking:

‒ aligned for conscious studying linguistic aids of expressions due to the meaning of utterance and notional meaning of linguistic units:

‒ provides with competence of internal logics of linguistic knowledge

— offers widening of philological competence of students during simultaneous development of their intellectual, mnemonic and perceptive activity.


  1. Шамова Т. И. Педагогические технологии: что это такое и как их использовать в школе. — Тюмень, 1997.–280с.
  2. Юцявичене П. А. Теория и практика модульного обучения. — Каунас, 1989.– 78 с.
  3. Кузьменкова Ю. Б. Модульный подход к проблемам эффективной коммуникации.– Москва: ГУ. ВШЭ, 2002.– 140с.
  4. Зиемухамедов Б., Тожиев М. Педагогик технология — Замонавий узбек миллий модели. — Т.: 2009. –54 с.
  5. Валетов В. В., Пашкас В. К., Мамчиц В. Р. Проблемы организации управления модульной системой обучения // Адукацыяiвыхавнне. 1999. — № 12.– С.14–16.
  6. Шамова Т. И. Педагогические технологии: что это такое и как их использовать в школе. — Тюмень, 1997.–280с.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): Тюмень.

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