The source of developing intеllеctual ability | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Социология

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №22 (156) июнь 2017 г.

Дата публикации: 07.06.2017

Статья просмотрена: 13 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Хожиев, Р. Б. The source of developing intеllеctual ability / Р. Б. Хожиев, З. Ю. Адилов. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 22 (156). — С. 389-393. — URL: (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

In this article the source of developing intellectual ability in public life is clearly and systematically pointed out.

Key words: information, globalization, intellectual ability, education, education system, bringing up, agitation, propaganda

XXI the century — is the age of reality of realizing the century of intellectual youth, mental upbringing has a very important role in the process of recognizing the positive results of globalization, supporting the protection of the developing countries from informational encroachments that are caused by the negative consequences of globalization, the development of spiritual immunity in young people.

As it is known, a human as an intelligent being has a power of realizing the meaning of the world, the nature of consciousness, creating the reality again on the basis of the laws of beauty, stabilizing goodness and truth. However, intelligence — a person's thinking skills does not pass down from generation to generation, it is such a complex social phenomenon that goes on developing based on the process of continuous upbringing.

As noted by a number of academic Muzaffar Hayrullayev works, the issues of improving the mental capacity, developing the science of logic, distinguishing the truth from lie were great attention points in the works of the philosophers who lived in Central Asia, especially in the works of Abu Nasr Farabi. Our great ancestors honored truthfulness as a moral virtue, revealing the ideas and views, which are not based on the evidence, leading people to bad directions and testing the knowledge with experiments, creating reliable scientific knowledge by comparing, were considered by them as the main functions of the science.

In education system, Farabi paid a great attention to the issues of mental training, enriching the intelligence with scientific knowledge. He is known as one of the founders of the philosophy of rationalism in the East.

Farabi worked on the elementary principles, sources, methods and tools of mental education. He did not try to put intellectual knowledge against emotional one: if our senses express an objective reality directly, intellectual knowledge is based on the information received from logical comprehending senses. The human tries to learn the essence of things, creates reliable, scientific knowledge through checking, testing the information realized with the help of his own senses.

While classifying the sciences in his period, first of all, Farabi drew his attention to identify their roles in mental upbringing. He divided the sciences into five sections: language knowledge, logic knowledge, mathematics knowledge, medical knowledge, political skills, and tried to clarify their significance in intellectual upbringing.

As Farabi noted, mathematics, the science of nature and metaphysics (philosophy) enrich the human mind with the objective knowledge; these sciences have a great importance in proper using of grammar, logic and poetics, and in explaining to the other people.

Political science and ethics, the law teach to people to live a reasonable life, in the united society. In particular, the logic helps to differentiate the truth from lie and to come conclusions based on the evidence [2, P. 153].

In the ongoing process of globalization and increasing the attacks and threats against our national development as a result of its negative consequences, in one hand using rich spiritual heritage of our great ancestors, on the other hand using the full opportunities of the all education institutions which physician, social and humanitarian sciences are taught has a vital role in developing the information immunity in the mind of the youth.

As the science requiring look at the reality and accomplished achievements through critical approaches, making the researchers to be trustful, loyal plays a decisive role in the formation of the immune system.

Of course, well-educated young people who learnt the basis of modern sciences fight against the information that are not based on concrete evidence, proof, the false ideas without any evidences and fight for protecting the truth.

In the formation of ideological immunity, social-political sciences, especially philosophy, history, politics, law play a very important role. Without knowing the meaning of social and political changes of our society, we can not possess an active position in life and political experiences: it is even impossible to imagine intellectual, mental perfection of our generation without these sciences.

As our first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov noted that «the power is knowledge and thoughtfulness»: it is impossible to overcome highly intelligent, educated people. It is undoubtedly true. Therefore, we can achieve the peace and the chance for protecting the people from information encroachments by improving the quality and effectiveness of teaching in educational institutions through strengthening the role of education, mental disciplines.

As long as we study the process of formation and development of the intellectual potential of society, we have to look through its resources and the factors. In turn, it helps us to analyze these sources and factors, to clarify what should be paid attention in the policy of the transition period. Initially, if we look through the sources that are the basis for developing the intellectual ability, they include the level of education in society, education system, science, scientific research, educational propaganda.

They can be divided into the following groups depending on the form:

1) Education system and teaching process;

2) Development of the independent study by upbringing and enthusiasm for increasing mental abilities;

3) Creating scientific innovations and discoveries through conducting scientific research;

4) Educational propaganda and globalizing scientific knowledge;

5) Personal experience about comprehending new implemented techniques in manufacturing and daily life;

6) The moral values of the nation created the process of historical development.

Among them, the education and education system play an important role due to having the opportunity to teach all the members of society.

The meaning of modern education is considered the teaching of scientific knowledge. The task of scientific knowledge is to know the internal nature of the object and phenomena, relationship between them and the laws followed (8, P.417). The exact systems of scientific knowledge comprise the sciences and they are considered as the sources about nature, society, human and human mind for pupils.

Originality of scientific knowledge, the difference from daily knowledge can be seen in its penetration into reality and possessing theoretical character. When set of evidence is recognized as law, scientific knowledge appears.

Scientific knowledge relating to a specific sector, the network creates science. The direct objective of science is to describe and predict the reality, the events and the processes that are happening around us. In practice, science is considered as a vital factor of renewing the manufacturing, social-economic relations and the spiritual life. Science is implemented to the life, on the one hand, through promoting labor resources, the improvement of production methods, on the other hand, through improving the skills of the labor force by the education system. Development of the society is connected to the science and the creation of scientific knowledge and its transformation into community. The quality of education is directly in connection with the number scientific-pedagogical specialists and qualifications, because they are responsible for delivering the knowledge that have been already collected to the learners. As education, upbringing is also the main source in the formation of the intellectual potential of society. Education and upbringing are connected to each other.

Education is combining theoretical aspects among the nations and cities, upbringing is combining natural inborn features and practical vocational qualifications among these nations. Education is fulfilled by words or teaching. Upbringing is to learn by practical work or experience, that is to say the people, the nation should devote themselves the professions which include practical skills.

In education process knowledge, theories, doctrines about the field of science are taught, in upbringing discipline followed by people during their life time, aspiration, independent study — learning, research, ability, speech, respect for the legacy of our ancestors and other skills and qualifications are formed.

Abdullah Avloniy noted about importance of upbringing in developing human qualities: Almighty Allah created talented people, good with the bad, the benefit with the harm, black with white. But human ability reaches to the perfect position by upbringing [3, P. 12]. Even during the process of personal development, if his ability in the particular sphere is comprehended and flourished through awareness, education, and the formation of the good qualities would be great benefit to the community. On the contrary, if it is not improved it can be extinguished. Human being strives to live in the discipline that has been formed through upbringing and education. Therefore, Abdullah Avloniy said: The person who is learner, educator is the one who is the acter. For this reason, not only in the Uzbek people, but in many nations, education is considered the highest human values. Because...concordance and knowledge, which is achieved through the development of education and training [3, P. 16].

The first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov stressed the importance of the development of education in the country: «We have to keep in mind that the future of our country depends on how to raise the prospects of the young generation of the country, the moral qualities of the children and how our children treat to life and how they serve our country» [1, P. 385].

Abdullah Avloniy, in its novel named «Turkiy guliston yoxud axloq» mentioned about education: «Upbringing of the child to be healthy and happy is keeping them clean, maintain good behavior and protect them from being bad-mannered» [3, P. 12]. Through individual education, the character of the person, through the cultural education, national character is formed. The national character has significant role on in the development of the country's economy, politics and culture. French scholar of the eighteenth-century, Jean-Jacques Rousseau said: 'We should focus the first on the principle of national character: each person needs to have national character; if the nation does not own it, it is necessary to start work giving him such a character» [7, P. 268]. As a result of national revival, the disintegration of the Soviet empire, the market economy policy, need of showing Uzbek nation to the world clarifies that national character is extremely important, because development of every nation becomes unique and appropriate for itself. By unique identity, its national character will be revealed. It is characterized by the unique model of development. Model of the development is expressed by national or cultural history, character and behavior norms, thought and lifestyle of the people, the state and society, which imagination, skills, attitude and values [5, P. 25]. This kind of national features are formed through the educational processes and tools, the introduction of the field, and inherited from one generation to the second generation. It becomes the fruit of the education, which serves as a human being. Therefore, Abu Nasr Farabi also indicates in his work of «Fozil odamlar shahri»: «The person and city who the qualities of a healthy way of thinking are always victors» [9, P. 18].

K. G'ofurov, in his «Samurai's of the business» article states about the preparation of Japanese managers: Competitiveness is cruel for those who are weak, therefore, managers learn, research, get educated during their lifetime. European media said that there are Japanese schools for the managers and in these schools, they practice and undergo the process of «endurance» for being future leaders. They are taught by moral and physical suffering through the various methods of physical punishment. In order to win, the managers need to have the qualities of samurai’s. They must have the discipline, the pursuit of purpose, even if, the rejection of their benefits to mobilize one hundred percent. Japanese businessmen have the system of conservation education IRA and they are only to survive in the essentially cruel business world today [6, P. 31]. This education raised the possibility of discipline of Japanese managers; ensured severely overcoming difficulties while the problem of the lack of natural raw materials and foreign market competition. Moreover, all experts in the field of management, specific character traits of the Japanese contributed greatly to the development of the internal market and improved the quality of local goods and downsizing, Japan could take a worthy place in the market. Market demands economy-minded, creative person who gets educated. So education need to absorb the spiritual energy source and raise movement of the person and motivate him.

Common sustained, educational scientific knowledge is also one of the sources of the formation of the intellectual potential of society. This is carried out by the help of scientific and popular newspapers, magazines, Internet contacts, radio and television broadcasting games, scientific, political, economic and intellectual broadcast coverage. «Education (outreach) also serves the person after schools, university, continuing professional development, being aware of the modern knowledge. Therefore, knowledgeable society can be a strong society» [4, P. 19–20].

Adaptation of education, which is being popularized, will be associated with three reasons:

First, how knowledge is being promoted, that is, knowledge should be necessary and suit to labor activities and daily life. For example, specialist working in the cement industry may not need reading articles about the polymers.

Second, the skills of the person of learning information and put his knowledge into practice. If the person does not have self-study skills and training, they cannot use the educational promotion. Abundance of this type of person in the society delays the process of renewal.

Third, demand for promoted knowledge in the social, economic and political life. In this case, the need appears according to demand. In the period of economic, political updates, this demand arises to the vital level. That’s to say, without the new information and knowledge it is impossible to work, experts try to improve their independent learning and professional development deriving from the requirements.

During gaining knowledge, observation and experience also play indispensable role. For this reason, in the ancient Indian philosophy it is said that the basis of knowledge is experience. The experience of personnel production processes is also a certain level of intellectual potential of society. We are witnessing it in the period of the introduction of new technology and their usage as a result of Uzbekistan's participation in the international community, and the process of globalization coming into the country.

To conclude, to develop youth ideological immunity is patriotic duty and crucial task of all intellectuals and scientists.


  1. Karimоv I. A. O`zbеkistоn XXI asrga intilmоqda. // Biz kеlajagimizni o`z qo`limiz bilan quramiz. T. 7. – Tоshkеnt: O`zbеkistоn, 1999. — B. 385.
  2. А. Н. Фараби. О произхедение наук (С. Н. Григорян Из истории философии Средний Азии и Ирана). M.,1960.
  3. Avlоniy A. Turkiy gulistоn yoхud aхlоq. — Tоshkеnt: O`qituvchi, 1992. B. 12.
  4. Quvvatоv N. O`tish davri tafakkuri. -Tоshkеnt: Ma’naviyat, 2002. — B. 19–20.
  5. Ergashеv I. Taraqqiyotning murakkab yo`llari // Jamiyat va bоshqaruv. —Tоshkеnt, 1998.-№ 1. — B. 25.
  6. G’оfurоv K. Biznеs «Samuray»lari // Jamiyat va bоshqaruv. – Tоshkеnt, 1998. — № 1. — B. 31.
  7. Russо J. J. Traktat. — M.: 1969. — S. 268.
  8. Falsafa: (O`quv qo`llanma) E. Y. Yusupоvning umumiy taхriri оstida.– Tоshkеnt: Sharq, 1999. – B. 417.
  9. Abu Nasr Fоrоbiy. Fоzil оdamlar shahri. – Tоshkеnt: A.Qоdiriy. Хalq mеrоsi, 1993.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): IRA.

Ключевые слова

globalization, education, Education System, information, intellectual ability, bringing up, agitation, propaganda

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