Improving of teaching technical English and using in scientific area in the technical universities | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №19 (153) май 2017 г.

Дата публикации: 16.05.2017

Статья просмотрена: 101 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Нуржабова, Д. Ш. Improving of teaching technical English and using in scientific area in the technical universities / Д. Ш. Нуржабова, Г. А. Джумаева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 19 (153). — С. 318-320. — URL: (дата обращения: 20.09.2024).

This article is devoted to improving of teaching technical English and using in scientific area in the technical universities and how to practice learning ways of English in research area.

Key words: research area, scientific area, technical English

The main feature of modern higher education is its humanitarian and personal orientation, when a special place is given to the formation of values ​​and meanings of the personality and its spiritual and cultural growth. An essential part of the cultural values ​​of the process is the development of the world culture, which requires the study of foreign languages, proficiency in other countries. Changing attitudes to learning a foreign language is also connected with the processes of globalization, the expansion of relations of Uzbekistan with other countries turning to humanitarian values. Education Technical English in high school is a separate aspect of the review of the system of teaching foreign languages ​​in Uzbekistan. Special attention should be under consideration of two important issues. The first problem — reducing the number of hours of foreign language teaching in technical colleges, which is happening now in many universities of the country. Reduction of the general education framework contrary to the concept of universal acquisition statuses universities research centers and universities. The main goal — reducing the hours of teaching general subjects. In particular, create a single humanitarian block, combining state languages ​​- Russian and Uzbek, and a foreign language with a different number of hours in high school.

It should be noted that at the moment there are no claims to the language training received in school. Modern textbooks and teaching methods allow entering the university to demonstrate a good knowledge of a foreign language. But what happens to this language base for years of training in high school? English is taught only 3 times a week during a year and it gives that the university uses basic knowledge of technical English. Technical English — it's a great school knowledge base, which is available only in high school.

The dominance of the global market is not possible without the development of high technologies, without the development of science itself. One can not deny the role of a foreign language as the means of familiarizing the achievements of world science and as the means of exchanging scientific knowledge. Is it possible to fold under these conditions the teaching of foreign languages ​​in technical colleges? S. G. TerMinasova rightly notes: «The main core of the task and the goal of modern language education — training primarily specialists in international and intercultural communication, or communication, and only then — teachers, translators or a specialist in any field of science and industry, able to communicate in other words, ready for communications in a foreign language or languages ​​of " [1,. 39]. «In the current conditions, the situation with the study and teaching of foreign languages ​​has changed significantly since the fore not only the opportunity but also the need for international and intercultural communication» [1, p. 40].

Over the 4 years of studding at the bachelor's degree of knowledge of a foreign language students «fall» down to zero, as a foreign language is taught only in the first year for the program folded. Of course, a number of very interested students continue their studies under the program of additional education «Translator in the sphere of professional activity». This applying primarily to students who live outside the city of learning, so in itself living away from parents does not come cheap. As a result, we get the following picture: school knowledge base is lost, maintaining the level of knowledge is not available to all. It would be advisable to stipulate the amount of learning a foreign language in a technical college in the framework of the educational standard.

What do we have to master? Requirements for writing articles with quoting in the database Scopus and other international databases assume ownership of specific technical English. But on the 5th course lost school knowledge will not allow to cope with the writing of articles on his specialty in English. Masters have to resort to the assistance of an interpreter. Although it is common knowledge that the possession of the professional technical English enables the correct presentation of his thoughts, and not through the «prism» of the translation performed by a translator in the humanities. It is necessary to take into account the fact that around the world the knowledge of the English language is considered as accessible to all and is relatively complex, so it is surprisingly why our experts do not speak a foreign language.

Of course, one should not over-dramatize the situation, cry out and sound the alarm. Just universities should adequately take over from the school where prepare a decent knowledge base, and to continue to develop these skills. Preparation for language in special high schools should be appropriate. Otherwise, go to a technical college would mean — to bury their foreign language, and this should not be allowed.

The second problem that worries most of all — it is learning the proper use of the Internet means translation, and other forms of self-study in a foreign language. At the level of phonetic transcription is no longer a guarantee of correct pronunciation. It is necessary to teach students to use electronic means of sounding words. They do not know that even Google Translate all words are accompanied by sound. At the level of grammar and the recurrence fastening material are not limited. On the Internet there are many sites with competent English grammar presentations on key aspects of grammar and online tests to test their knowledge. License Reward Program as a foreign language self-study program includes 4 levels of difficulty. Each level consists of 30 lessons. In each lesson every theme consists of 4 levels — the phonetics, grammar, lexically and writing. At the level of listening is necessary to use thematic sites. Even on youtube you can find a presentation in English on any topic from a competent speech, allowing acquainted with the material on a particular topic of professional orientation with subtitles in English and Russian languages. I'm not talking about watching movies. At the level of vocabulary in the Internet are not only dictionaries and electronic translators in general English language. On the Internet there are a number of basic dictionaries in all areas of professional activity. Unfortunately, the use of dictionaries is reduced only to «run» the text through the electronic translator.

The most basic thing that students are using — is electronic translators. In 1 minute student is able to take a picture of the text of their mobile device, «chase» through the translator and give you the completed translation. Editing involves the electronic transfer of knowledge of foreign and native languages. At liberal arts colleges the main problem in the training of translators — is bringing the Russian translation to perfection. No doubt the knowledge of the foreign and the knowledge of the Russian language require more effort on competent editing the translation. The technical college is the problem more complicated. On the one hand, a search for equivalent terms in English, on the other hand, it is the translation editing is not only the harmony of presentation in Russian, but also meaningful as a technically competent.

It is necessary to introduce a special course «The use of electronic fund transfer» as a basic condition of mastering literacy skills in writing technical translation. The course should reflect all stages of work with technical texts: the selection of the theme of an interpreter working with the thesaurus in search of equivalent viewing authentic texts of similar subjects in English for the purpose of verification of the terms used, if necessary, search for video materials. This level of technical language and doing this amount of work are expected in preparation for the delivery of candidate minimum foreign language PhD students. You need to include a separate section on the preparation of presentations in English on the special theme with the report-accompaniment, which according to international standards should not be «voicing» the presentation.

Internet opens unlimited possibilities for the implementation of literacy and technical translation requires special training in the use of its capabilities. And if students are «stuck» at «run» the text through the online translators available, the task of teachers to teach them to use wisely, even if this potential. After all, not everyone is aware of the possibility of selection of synonyms, listening, and definition of belonging to one or other part of speech online translators. Of course, now it is published enough literature on the subject. Firstly, with reference to the English language, this technical problem is considered small. Secondly, the absence of a separate course, aimed at the study of this aspect, involves the study of technical means to transfer only as an extension of a professional interpreter features not public funds for literacy translation at the average level of proficiency.

The learning process should start with the teachers of foreign languages ​​in refresher courses. We have excellent high school courses to enhance the competence of university teachers in the use of technical means of education. However, you must take into account the specificity of foreign language teachers, which is wider range of options. After all, often a teacher who forgets words when a student finds on mobile device as an advanced user search word is voiced.

Negative attitude to electronic transfers, and to regard them as a manifestation of laziness of students in the refusal to work with the dictionary and translation of self. But you can not blame them in the desire to use modern means — because the substitution of the true knowledge of electronic responses observed in all subjects. Not having time for the mathematics teacher or any other subject to the control job that a student has time to find posted on the Internet version of the ready-made solutions, at least from the site (Homework).

In it is connection necessary to provide any specialist of the sphere of the formation preparation in the field of informatization of the formation, draft on funds information communication technology in his professional activity, which will guarantee the necessary level of the information culture of the member modern information society and determined level of the training, oriented on specialist of the profile of the sphere of the formation. Besides, preparing the personnel (frames) to informatization of the formation must carry the differentiated nature depending on many conditions: profile of the teacher, level of the decision of the management problems, organizing abilities scholastic-воспитательного of the workman, problems, solved for technological support of the process to informatization of the formation.

Education follows by fourth step:

  1. The first step — a step to clarity, separation of the material and his deepened study. On this step occurs the familiarization a student with new material, broadly using clarity, models.
  2. The second step — a step to associations, relationship of the new material with the familiar material. This step occurs the determination a relationship with the known student by know ledges in process of the free conversation.
  3. The third step of the system is a wording new notion, determination of the laws, wording conclusion.
  4. The final quarter step to concepts is concluded in understanding the theories, using his to new material, using the decision of the problems, rework skill of the using the material to practical questions.


  1. Robson, R. Using the STL: The C++ Standard Template Library. New York, NY: Springer Verlag, 2000.
  2. Rubin, K. S. and A. Goldberg. «Object Behavior Analysis». Communications of the ACM Vol. 35, No. 9, September 1992, 48–62.
  3. Rumbaugh, J., M. Blaha, W. Premerlani, F. Eddy and W. Lorensen. Object-Oriented Modeling and Design. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1991.
  4. Rumbaugh, J., Jacobson, I. and G. Booch. The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual, Second Edition. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 2005.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ACM, STL.

Ключевые слова

research area, scientific area, technical English

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