Features of non-traditional forms of foreign language lessons | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №16 (150) апрель 2017 г.

Дата публикации: 26.04.2017

Статья просмотрена: 1382 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Дадабоев, Д. Г. Features of non-traditional forms of foreign language lessons / Д. Г. Дадабоев. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 16 (150). — С. 454-457. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/150/42476/ (дата обращения: 28.01.2025).

Today, more and more attention is paid to man as a person — his consciousness, spirituality, culture, morality, as well as highly developed intellect and intellectual potential. Accordingly, there is no doubt that it is extremely important, the urgent need for such training of the younger generation, in which the educated intellectuals who have a basic knowledge of the sciences, a common culture, the skills to independently and flexibly think, initiative, creatively solve vital and professional issues would complete their high school.

In schools, there should be a constant search, the goal of which is to find new forms and methods that allow the work on education, development and education of students to be merged into a single process at all stages of education. A team of school teachers needs to implement a concept that involves the need to provide students with a solid knowledge of the program material while simultaneously implementing a multidimensional development and the formation of the personality of each trainee, taking into account his individual abilities and capabilities.

The ways and means of implementing these principles should be to a significant extent creative, non-traditional and at the same time effective.

Unconventional forms of the English lesson are implemented, usually after studying a topic or several topics, performing the functions of training control. Such lessons take place in an unusual, unconventional setting. Such a change in the habitual situation is advisable, since it creates a holiday atmosphere when summing up the results of the work done, removes the psychic barrier that arises in traditional conditions due to fear of making a mistake. Unconventional forms of the lesson of a foreign language are carried out with the obligatory participation of all students of the group / class, and also implemented with the indispensable use of auditory and visual aids. In such lessons, it is possible to achieve a variety of goals of a methodological, pedagogical and psychological nature, which can be summarized as follows:

− the knowledge, skills and abilities of students on a particular topic are monitored;

− provides a business, working atmosphere, a serious attitude of students to the lesson;

− a lesson for the lesson of the teacher is foreseen.

Methodically highly effective, realizing non-traditional forms of teaching, development and education of students are a lesson — a performance, a lesson — a holiday, a video lesson, a lesson — an excursion, a lesson — interviews and other forms of study. [3, p. 576]

− Internet in foreign language lessons.

The Internet has tremendous information capabilities and no less than impressionable services. It is not surprising that the teachers of a foreign language appreciated the potential of the global Internet network. But first of all, it is necessary to remember the didactic tasks, the peculiarities of cognitive activity of students, conditioned by certain goals of education. The Internet with all its resources is a means of realizing these goals and objectives. [9, p. 131; 7, p. 232]

Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to determine, for the decision of what didactic tasks in the practice of teaching a foreign language, the resources and services that represent the worldwide network can be useful.

The Internet creates unique opportunities for learning a foreign language, using authentic texts, to communicate with native speakers, i.e. It creates a natural language environment.

First, let us recall the features of the subject «foreign language». The main goal — the formation of communicative competence, which provides for the formation of the ability to intercultural interaction. In our time, this goal is the most demanded students.

One should keep in mind one more feature of the subject «foreign language». To teach speech activity is possible only in communication, live communication.

In preparing for the next lesson, it is important for the teacher to keep in mind the didactic properties and functions of each of the selected training aids, clearly imagining which method of teaching can prove most effective for solving a methodological task.

If we bear in mind the subject of our discussion — the Internet, it is also important to determine for what purposes we are going to use its capabilities and resources. For example:

− to include network materials in the content of the lesson;

− for independent search of information of students in the framework of work on the project;

− to fill gaps in knowledge;

− using the information resources of the Internet, it is possible, by integrating them into the educational process, more effectively to solve a number of didactic tasks in the lesson:

− improve the ability to listen on the basis of authentic sound texts on the Internet;

− replenish the vocabulary, both active and passive vocabulary of the modern language;

− to form a stable motivation for foreign-language activity.

The inclusion of network materials in the content of the lesson allows students to better understand life on our planet, participate in joint research Scientific, scientific and creative projects, develop curiosity and mastery. [4, p. 25–31]

− Video lesson.

To master the communicative competence in English, not being in the country of the studied language, the matter is very difficult. Therefore, an important task of the teacher is to create real and imagined situations of communication in a foreign language lesson using different methods of work. Less important is the involvement of schoolchildren in the cultural values of the people — the native speaker. To this end, authentic materials, including video films, are of great importance.

Their use contributes to the realization of the most important requirement of the communicative methodology — to present the process of mastering the language as comprehension of a living culture that is foreign to another culture; individualization of teaching and development and motivation of speech activity of trainees. Another advantage of the video is its emotional impact on students. Therefore, attention should be directed to the formation of the schoolchildren's personal relationship to what they saw. The use of video helps also the development of various aspects of students' mental activity, and above all, attention and memory. During the viewing in the classroom there is an atmosphere of joint cognitive activity. In these conditions, even an inattentive student becomes attentive. In order to understand the content of the film, students need to make some efforts. Thus, involuntary attention becomes arbitrary; its intensity affects the memorization process. The use of various information input channels (auditory, visual, motor perception) positively influences the strength of the recording of regional and linguistic material. Thus, the psychological features of the impact of educational videos on students contribute to the intensification of the educational process and create favorable conditions for the formation of communicative competence of students. Those video lessons are an effective form of learning. [2, p. 20–25; 10, p. 31–34]

− Lesson-excursion.

In our time, when the ties between different countries and peoples are developing more and more widely, acquaintance with Russian national culture becomes an indispensable element of the learning process of a foreign language. The student should be able to conduct a tour of the city, tell foreign guests about the identity of Russian culture, etc. The principle of dialogue of cultures assumes the use of cultural material about the native country, which allows to develop the culture of representation of the native country, and also to form representations about culture of the countries of the studied language. The teacher, being aware of the stimulating force of regional and cultural motivation, strive to develop cognitive needs for students through non-traditional conduct of the lesson. [6, p. 78; 1, p. 120]

− Lesson-performance.

An effective and productive form of learning is a lesson-performance. The use of artistic works of foreign literature in foreign language lessons improves the pronunciation skills of students, ensures the creation of communicative, cognitive and aesthetic motivation. The preparation of the play is a creative work that promotes the development of the language skills of children and the disclosure of their individual creative abilities. This kind of work activates the students' thinking and speech activity, develops their interest in literature, serves to better assimilate the culture of the country of the language, because this process takes place memorizing vocabulary. Along with the formation of an active vocabulary of schoolchildren, a so-called passive-potential dictionary is formed. And it is important that students get satisfaction from this kind of work. [6, p. 78]

− Lesson-holiday.

A very interesting and fruitful form of conducting lessons is a lesson-holiday. This form of the lesson expands the knowledge of students about the traditions and customs existing in English-speaking countries and develops the ability of students to communicate in other languages that allow them to participate in various situations of intercultural communication. [1, p. 120]

− Lesson-interview.

It is hardly worth proving that the most reliable evidence of the learning of the language being studied is the ability of students to conduct a conversation on a particular topic. In this case, it is advisable to conduct a lesson-interview. The lesson-interview is a kind of dialogue on the exchange of information. In this lesson, as a rule, students acquire a certain number of frequency clichés and use them automatically. The optimal combination of structural repeatability ensures the strength and meaningfulness of assimilation. Depending on the tasks assigned, the topic of the lesson may include separate subtopics. For example: free time, Plans for the future, Biography, etc. In all these cases, we are dealing with the exchange of meaningful information. However, when working with topics such as «My school» or «My city», an unbiased dialogue becomes meaningless, as there is no need for partners to exchange information.

Communication takes on a purely formal character. In this situation it is logical to resort to elements of a role dialogue. At the same time one of the partners continues to be himself, that is, a Russian schoolboy, while the second must play the role of his foreign peer. This form of the lesson requires careful preparation. Students independently work on the assignment for the country-specific literature recommended by the teacher; prepare questions for which they want answers. Preparing and conducting a lesson of this type stimulates students to further study a foreign language, helps to deepen their knowledge as a result of working with various sources, and broadens their horizons. Essay lesson A modern approach to learning English implies not only getting some amount of knowledge on the subject, but also developing one's own position, one's own «The dictionary of short literary terms interprets the concept of» essay «as a kind of essay in which the main role is played not by the reproduction of the fact, but by the image of impressions, meditations, and associations. In the lessons of English Language students analyze the selected problem, defend their position. Students should be able to critically evaluate the works they read, write their thoughts according to the problem posed, learn to defend their point of view and make their own decision consciously. This form of the lesson develops the students' mental functions, logical and analytical thinking, and, importantly, the ability to think in a foreign language. [5, p. 3–10.]

− Integrated lesson.

In modern conditions of teaching a foreign language in secondary school, the formulation and solution of important general, pedagogical and methodical tasks, aimed at broadening the general outlook of students, and instilling in them the desire to learn more widely than compulsory programs. One of the ways to solve these problems is the integration of academic disciplines in the learning process of a foreign language. Interdisciplinary integration makes it possible to systematize and generalize the knowledge of students in related subjects. Studies show that raising the educational level of education through interdisciplinary integration enhances its educational functions. This is especially evident in the field of humanitarian subjects. In addition, the sciences of the humanitarian cycle put the subject for conversation, an occasion for communication. Literature plays an important role in the aesthetic development of students. Texts of works of art are the most important means of involving students in the culture of the country of the studied language. The subjects of the humanitarian cycle are addressed to the person's personality, to his spiritual and moral values. The use of integration forms the artistic tastes of students, the ability to correctly understand and appreciate works of art. The main objectives of the integration of a foreign language with humanitarian disciplines are: to improve communicative and cognitive skills aimed at systematizing and deepening knowledge and sharing this knowledge in foreign-language speech communication; further development and improvement of aesthetic taste of students. [8, p. 41–46.]


  1. Kolesnikova I. L., Dolgina O. A. English-Russian terminology reference book on the methodology of teaching foreign languages. — St. Petersburg: «Cambridge University Press», 2001 — p. 150–151, 161, 90–91.
  2. Barmenkova O. I. Video lessons in the system of teaching foreign speech. // FLS — 1993 — № 3. 20–25.
  3. Podlasiy I. P. Pedagogy: New Deal: Proc. For university students. — Moscow: Humanite. Ed. Center «VLADOS», 2001. — Book 1. General fundamentals. — p. 576.
  4. Podoprigorova L. A., The use of the Internet in teaching a foreign language. // FLS — 2003 — № 5 p. 25–31.
  5. Polat Е. С. The method of projects in foreign language lessons // FLS — 1991 — № 2. P. 3–10.
  6. Puchkova Y. Y. Games in English lessons: Methodology — M.; «Publishing House AST», 2005. — p. 78.
  7. Rogova G. V., Vereshchagina I. N. Methodology of teaching English at the initial stage in general education institutions: A Handbook for Teachers and Students of Pedagogy. Universities. — 3rd ed. — Moscow: Enlightenment, 2000. — p. 232.
  8. Teslina O. V. Project forms of work in the lesson of English // FLS — 2002 — № 3. P. 41–46.
  9. Vasilyeva M. M. Conditions for the formation of motivation in the study of a foreign language. — M.: Pedagogika 1988. — p. 131.
  10. Verisokin Yu. I. Video film as a means of increasing the motivation of schoolchildren when learning a foreign language. // FLS -2003 — № 5 — p. 31–34.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): FLS, AST.

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