Do we use ICT in education effectively? | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №15 (149) апрель 2017 г.

Дата публикации: 15.04.2017

Статья просмотрена: 107 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Каримова, Диёра. Do we use ICT in education effectively? / Диёра Каримова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 15 (149). — С. 582-583. — URL: (дата обращения: 27.07.2024).

The article reveals the questions of effectivenes of information-communication technologies in the educational process of Uzbekistan educational establishments.

Keywords: new educational technologies, ICT in education, effectiveness of education technologies

We live in the 21st century and ICT reaches into every branch of human and non-human information exchange. By the term “ICT” we understand information and communication technologies. ICT tremendously developed lately. The 20th century brought us the dawn of the digital information age and unprecedented changes in information technology. There is no indication that this rapid rate of change will be slowing — it may be even increasing.

In the Republic of Uzbekistan in order not to fall abreast of developed countries several steps were taken. These steps are allowed us to increase the level of computer literacy and access to the new computer technologies to the wide public, especially to the youth. Nowadays computers are accessible almost to everyone. It is the fact that young person has access to computers in his/her school, lyceum or college and university. In addition, many libraries offer free access to the internet from computers inside them. Adults have access to the computer in their work and there a lot of computer and internet clubs in our Republic. Therefore, it can be noted everyone has possibility to use computers. Therefore, access to ICT in education can help individuals compete in a global economy by creating a skilled workforce and facilitating social mobility.

This fact has impact in improving computer literacy upon quality. At the same time users should effectively use computers, but not only for printing text and playing games. As our President I. Karimov said the times of using of the computer as typewriter has gone. We should make effective use of all its possibilities.

The idea that computers could tremendously improve the quality of education for students is commonly accepted. However, there are two opposite opinions about impact of computers in education. Some people argue that computers definitely increase the quality of teaching, no matter in which way computers are used. Others have completely opposite opinion and believe that computers distract students much and only learning without them could be effective. Of course, the true is somewhere between these opinions.

The impact of ICT use on learning outcomes is unclear, and is open to much debate. The main cause of this, widely accepted, standard methodologies and indicators to assess impact of ICT in education do not exist. Without assessing impact of ICT on learning, using it is just working for show. Because of this fact, there are conflict about use of ICT in education.

ICT in education could be used for following purposes:

– Visual aids

– Audio aids

– Learning through games

– Easy-to-search database

– Wide variety of learning materials

– Simulations of different processes

– Dynamic assessment

– Distance learning

– Personalized learning

– Increasing motivation to learn

– Economy of time for time-consuming activities

– Facilitating and improving the training of teachers

ICT are mainly used as visual aids in Uzbekistan. Visual aids are presentations, some schemes, source codes that are demonstrated using computer. It means that using ICT in education process in Uzbekistan in most cases is just showing something by means of computer presentations.

But it must be noted that it is true in most cases, but not always. For example, in TUIT Foreign languages and Physics department make use of the most possibilities of computers. For example, English language department resources in distance learning portal provide additional materials too for learners. During lessons of English we do listening by means of computer to improve our skills. Cinema club was organised to demonstrate cinemas in English. Physics department provided students with access to the system of distance learning, which is available for us 24 hours a day, 7 days in a week. In addition, Physics department teach us to simulate physic process in computer and using software such as MathCAD to accomplish complex calculations. This list of effective using ICT in education by TUIT departments could be continued. However, nowadays the main task is to introduce their knowledge and experience to other teachers. I suggest showing teachers, who are send to advance their skills to TUIT, to attend lessons of English language and Physics departments to study practical using of ICT in education.

Audio aids are special written for educational purposes audio materials. Audio aids give experience of hearing English conversations in lessons of English.

There are special games intended for educational purposes. Those games give the student opportunity to acquire knowledge during the game process.

Student has a choice of learning materials to study when he/she uses ICT. It also gives a chance to personalize learning process according to his/her needs.

One of the important opportunities given by the ICT is dynamic assessment. During learning process warm up questions can be chosen according to the performance of the student. It gives educators opportunity to keep their students motivated. Also during mid-term exam, individual tests could be generated using ICT. It prevents occurrence of cheating and motivates lazy students to study in order to receive at least passing score.

Using ICT in education gives such opportunities. However, if teachers and students cannot make good use of the ICT tools, the money and time spent on the ICT is going to be a waste. In many cases, teachers and students do not know all possibilities, which are given by computers to improve learning process.

Sometimes much study hours is wasted to set up ICT equipment for first time. In such cases, using traditional ways of learning are preferable. Otherwise, ICT equipment should be prepared in advance in order not to waste study hours for them. Also all teachers should be aware of how to contact to IT department in case of unforeseeable falling out of computers. Consequently, IT department should be instructed to help teachers immediately after receiving request.

I suggest deliberate use of ICT in education. Every teacher should consider all pros and cons before making decision of using ICT. It means that teachers should not be forced to use ICT by administration in every aspect of their teaching. Otherwise, teachers will use ICT in education just for show.

I am also suggest to research effectiveness of different uses of ICT in education and according to the research outcomes give recommendations and make them available to all teachers in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

These steps could help to improve the education level of our people and consequently makes easier to build great future of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


  1. “Simulations of different processes” (article from Today’s Technology)
  2. “Dynamic assessment” Ph. Forrel, D. Mackduke 2012.
  3. “Increasing motivation to learn” Unice Harito (Methods for U2) 2013.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ICT, TUIT.

Ключевые слова

Новые образовательные технологии, ИКТ в образовании, Эффективность образовательных технологий, new educational technologies, ICT in education, effectiveness of education technologies

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