The difficulties in learning English idioms | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Ахмедов, У. Ю. The difficulties in learning English idioms / У. Ю. Ахмедов. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 4 (138). — С. Т.2. 11-12. — URL: (дата обращения: 27.03.2025).

All languages have phrases or sentences that cannot be understood literally. Even if you know the meaning of all the words in a phrase and understand all the grammar of the phrase completely, the meaning of phrases may still be confused. Many proverbs, informal phrases, and common saying offer this kind of problem. A phrase or sentence of this type is said to be idiomatic. You have probably spent a long time learning new words. Words, however, do not just come in expressions — in groups. Idioms are among the most common of these expressions. There are thousands of them in English.

What is an Idiom?

An idiom is a group of words with a meaning that is different from the individual words. Idiomos are phrases which people use in everyday language which do not make sense literally, but we understand what the mean. Why are idioms and metaphors so important? Firstly- they are important because they are very common. It is impossible to speak, read, or listen to English without meeting idiomatic language. This is not anything you can leave until you reach an advanced level. All native speakers for the English language is idiomatic. Every newspaper is full of metaphorical language. You cannot avoid it or leave it till later. The second- reason is that very often the metaphorical use of a word is more common today than its literal use. For example, we know that farmers plough their fields, but you can plough through a long novel or report; you can plough on with your work; you can plough money into a business; profits can be ploughed back into a company; a lorry can plough into a row of parked cars. Using plough in its literal farming meaning is now much rarer than all its other non-literal uses.

But it is important for you to know the literal meaning. Often the literal meaning creates a picture in your mind and this picture makes the other meanings easier to understand.

The third -reason that this kind of language is important because it is fun to learn and to use. Since there is so much to learn, anything which helps you to remember things is important and if the language you are learning is more colourful and interesting, there is more chance that you will remember it. You will also sound more natural if your English contains more idiom

1. Using idioms is perfectly natural to understand and important to English speakers who are not native.

2. To make our speech with idioms as a native speaker.

3. It is very common today.

Problem — our speech isn`t rich in Idioms!!! Because we try to avoid using difficult words and if we want to make our speech rich with idioms we must read special English novel, daily English newspapers and try to meet idiomatic English expressions in all these situations, try to avoid using ordinary words in your speech. If you use an idiom, expression and phrasal verbs, your speech will be very perfect.Are idioms spoken or written English? Both! Some people think that idiomatic language is more informal and therefore, common only in spoken English. This is not true. Idiomatic language is as fundamental to people speaking, or if you read a novel or all these situations.Easy idioms to use. Some idiomatic expressions are used on their own, or with just one or two other words. These are often the easiest to use.

The lights are on, But Nobody`s home. (About a stupid person) Kunduzi sham yoqib kitob o`qiydi.

When pigs fly (about something that will) Tuyani dumi yerga tekkanda

Use your loaf (use your head, think smart) Yeti o`lchab bir kes.

Finger linkin` (good about a very tasty food ormeal) Tami og`zingda eriydi.

I`ve got my head screwed on. — Miyyasini achitmoq.

Even wall has an ear. — Devorning ham qulog`i bor.

Kill two birds with one stone. (produce two useful results just doing one action) Bir o`q bilan ikki quyonni urmoq.

To cut a long story short (to tell the main points, but not all the fine details) Gapni indallosini aytganda.

To put my speech in a nutshell, I would like to say that to use idioms and phrases is vital when we express our opinions. Otherwise, our discourse will be conventional even how much we try to utter attractively.Our government is paying great attention to teach foreign languages, as a result of this, in Uzbekistan the English language has increased in the few last years. In this case, I dare to recommend the students and teachers who study in our institute to learn English more and more.



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