Complex processing of reading in English teaching methodology | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №1 (135) январь 2017 г.

Дата публикации: 11.01.2017

Статья просмотрена: 128 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Барноева, Н. Ё. Complex processing of reading in English teaching methodology / Н. Ё. Барноева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 1 (135). — С. 516-518. — URL: (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

Reading — is a kind of receptive speech activity associated with the extraction of the information through the visual channel. The basis of this type of speech activity skills are associated with incoming information retrieval. In the process of foreign language teaching reading has two functions:

– Reading is the purpose of training, i. e. is the kind of speech activity (data mining tool)

– Reading — is a means of learning other kinds of speech activity. But to become a means of reading should be the goal, because it is necessary to possess every means well. Mature ability to read requires a knowledge of all kinds of reading, and the ease of his transition from one species to another depending on changes in the purpose of obtaining information from the text.

In reading allocate substantial plan (as text) and procedural plan (as it is to read and voice). In terms of content the result of activity of the teacher is the student reading comprehension; procedural — himself the reading process, that is, the correlation of letters and letter combinations with the corresponding phonemes, the establishment of holistic methods of recognition of graphic signs, the formation of the inner voice and hearing, etc.

In English lessons text is presented as a system of voice product English speakers. It carries a special value as a systematic sample of language functioning in the framework of the topic, context, situation, problem, scope and appeal of the genre, a particular focus on the destination, with the reflection of the social, the activity background expression of social, professional and personal position. Linguists consider the text as recorded in one form or another product orally or in writing. The text should be read in the following training functions: as an illustration of the functioning of language units; as an example of a specific structure of speech, form and genre; as an example of the implementation of the voice of the author's intentions; as a model for the generation of verbal expression, communication or speech communication (text dialogue); as the management structure educational activities of students (academic text); learning aspects of language (phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, intonation) and learning a foreign language speech activity types (all types of reading, speaking, listening, writing)

Dialogic texts, especially specially formulated, can be the basis of self-communication training, that is, self-foreign language communication. Features text in training of foreign language communication is not exhausted by the above-mentioned. The text as a system closely related and structurally different education speech text types monologue and dialogue character, mixed genres statements. Ordering of different types of texts needed for training foreign language communication for the purpose of forming the trainees the ability to use a variety of genres, tactics and techniques of verbal communication, on the one hand, and a combination thereof in accordance with the terms of activity, the situation of communication, the nature of the role behavior of interlocutors, their interpersonal interactions — with other.

To the text has become a real and productive basis for learning all kinds of speech activity, it is important to teach students a variety of transactions with the text materials, various manipulations with Diverse units — offer super-phrasal unity, subtexts and the text taking into account the genre and stylistic features of a particular class of the original (model) text, skills and abilities of differentiation, remodel, transformation and construction of language units in solving specific learning task (eg, retelling the text, its use in communicative — converted oral monologue utterance, dialogue, written communication, etc.). Learning different techniques of working with text in different stages.

Look-reading involves getting a general idea of readable material. Its purpose is to provide a very general idea of the topic and the range of issues addressed in the text. Such a reading takes place during the initial familiarization with the content of the new publication to determine whether there is information the reader's interest in it, and on this basis to make a decision — to read it or not. It can also terminate registration of the results read as a message or abstract. To educate the viewing reading is necessary to select a series of thematically related text materials and create a situation view, and learning activities should be aimed at building skills and abilities to navigate the logical-semantic structure of the text, the ability to extract and use the source material of the text in accordance with a particular communicative task.

Introductory reading (reading for the main idea) is a knower reading, in which the subject of attention of the reader becomes the voice of the work (book, article, story) without having to install certain information. This reading is "for itself", without prior special installation on the subsequent use or reproduction of the information received. The main communicative task that stands before reading lies in the fact that as a result of rapid reading the entire text extract contained therein basic information, i. e. to find out what issues and how to deal with the text, what it says on these issues.

Temp reading trial should be at least 180 words per minute. To practice this form of reading long texts are used relatively light in respect of language, containing at least 25 — 30 % excess, irrelevant information.

Studying reading (detail reading) provides the most complete and accurate understanding of the information contained in the text and its critical interpretation. The object of "studying" at the same time as reading is the information contained in the text. Its task is also formation of the student ability to independently overcome difficulties in understanding foreign text.

Studying reading rate is 50 — 60 words per minute. For this type of reading selected texts have cognitive value, informative value and represent the greatest challenge for this phase of training in substance and in respect of language.

Exploratory reading (reading for specific information) is focused on reading newspapers and literature in their specialty. His goal — to quickly locate the text is quite certain data (facts, characteristics of digital indicators, etc.). In educational terms exploratory reading acts more as an exercise, as the search of any information, as a rule, carried out at the direction of a teacher. Therefore, it is usually associated components in the development of other kinds of reading.

In English lessons are taught in the following types of reading:

– Read with a total coverage of the content (the viewing, trial);

– Reading for detailed understanding of the read (studied);

– Read to extract specific information (search).

– Exercises for each type of reading are selected taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of the child. Learning different techniques of working with text in different stages.

The work with the text is divided into three stages: Pre — reading activities. Reading activities

Post — reading activities Learning the techniques of working with the text and obtain the necessary knowledge and skills allows students to master the skills and abilities of independent work with the text and the preparation of various types of speech utterances.

Pre — reading activities.

– Read the text and find out the words which mean…

  1. happening once a year (annual)
  2. a set of reasons that you use for persuading people (argument)
  3. a substance that is used for causing explosions (dynamite)

– Try to understand the underlined words. Check in the dictionary.

– Explain the formation of the words: smokeless, peaceful, gunpowder, etc.

– Read the title and say what will be the text about.

Reading activities

– Read the text and divide it into parts. Give each a title.

– Find the key words in the sentences.

Post — reading activities

– Put the sentences into order.

– Apart exercises above, the following reference can be used at various stages

Pre — reading activities.

– Perform a partial translation of the proposals into the native language.

– Find a noun (adjective, verb) in each group of words.

– What word with which associated all the words of this thematic series.

– Find text and write the nouns derived from the verb (adjective).

– Select the sentences containing the passive voice (complex supplement, etc.), explain on what grounds you set grammatical form.

Reading activities

– read the text and list the issues covered in it;

– read the text and position the points of the plan according to the logic of the narrative;

– read aloud all the verbs that convey the dynamics of the narrative;

– select from the given paragraph of adjectives and adverbs, which are used to describe the ...;

– read the text and pass it to the basic idea of a few sentences.

Post — reading activities

– using the material of the text, answer the questions;

– Position the proposals in the order in which they are given in the text;

– using evidence from the text tell us about ...;

– Teach the text using the prescribed plan and phrases;

– Describe characters (duration) in your own words;

– express their attitude to read;

– read to himself the text and highlight the new things that you have learned from it;

– Make annotations to the text.


Pre — reading activities.

– read the reference words and phrases of text and call it a theme;

– write down key words and phrases that make up a thematic basis of the text;

– make a chain of the basic facts of the text in which the keywords have been linked in meaning;

– call a bid that is used for communication meaningful parts of the text;

– read a paragraph and try to understand it without a dictionary;

– divide the text of the chapeau (intonation), information (basic) part and final (ending);

– try to determine the topic of the text on the illustration (drawing);

– tell what, judging by the title (drawings, diagrams and the end), can be discussed in this text; read text, get the confirmation or refutation of your proposal.

Reading activities

– Read the first paragraph of text and find in it a proposal containing the basic information;

– What are the main issues raised in the text;

– Identify the main facts of the text;

– Position the following sentence in a logical sequence;

– Make a list of questions to the text;

– Prepare a plan retelling of the text;

– confirm the accuracy of judgments about ...;

– Explain the main idea of ​​the text in your own words;

Post — reading activities

– read the text and express their consent (disagreement) with the following statements;

– Answer the questions on the text;

– Teach the text in their own language;

– express their attitude to read;

– Tell me, when studying any objects you may need the information contained in the text


Pre — reading activities.

– establish whether there is a part in which are the main themes articles;

– locate the end of the introductory section of articles list of issues raised therein;

Reading activities

– review the text and say, for some categories of readers it may be of interest and why;

– Tell me, which of these issues is given in the article special attention;

– mark the places in the text, giving answers to the proposed questions;

Post — reading activities

– read out the text of the facts that are relevant to the subject of ...;

– emphasize in the text definition (conclusion term).

– If you find the desired information, the purpose of exploratory reading reached.


  1. EA Maslyko , Babinski PK Handbook of the teacher of a foreign language. Minsk: Higher School, 1996
  2. Brophy, J. (2008). Developing Students’ Appreciation for What Is Taught in School. Educational Psychologist,43 (3), 132-141.
  3. Cordova, D. I. and Lepper, M. R. (1996). Intrinsic Motivation and the Process of Learning: Beneficial Effects of Contextualization, Personalization, and Choice. Journal of Educational Psychology,88 (4), 715-730. Dörnyei, Z. (2005).
  4. Zahorik, J. A. (1996) Elementary and Secondary Teachers’ Reports of How They Make Learning Interesting. The Elementary School Journal, 96 , 551-564.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): READING, SEARCHES, STUDY.

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