Innovative technologies and the teaching of foreign languages | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Хужаниязова, Г. Ю. Innovative technologies and the teaching of foreign languages / Г. Ю. Хужаниязова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 12.4 (116.4). — С. 117-120. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.01.2025).


The article deals with the necessity and the importance of applying innovative technologies to foreign language lessons. They have a number of advantages compared with other information technology training, as they allow: to improve the process of organic combination of traditional forms and methods of education with innovation; implement training, information, games, modeling, design and analysis functions; general didactic perform such principles as the visibility, accessibility, difficulty feasible, system, transition from education to self-education, positive emotional background of training, between theory and practice.

Keywords: multimedia learning tools, learning paradigm communicative activity of students' independent work intensification.


Learning foreign languages can not be imagined without the use of multimedia teaching aids. The ability to illustrate the actual process of communication in English, the need to approach the educational environment to the real conditions of the functioning of the target language and culture are certainly urgent tasks methods of teaching foreign languages. The use of computer technology in teaching in our time is of great importance due to the new opportunities. The introduction of new information and communication technologies is expanding access to education, open education system generates, change the representation of qualified characteristics, which must have a modern graduate [1]. The most significant group of the advantages lies in teaching the virtues of computer-based training. For example, teachers use a computer the ability to immediately respond to the information entered to create the simplest of training programs in the form of exercises. Technical advantages of teaching English with the help of the media lie in the fact that the sound cards allow the user to record his speech and then listen to and compare it with the pronunciation of native speakers. Graphical capabilities of your computer can represent any type of activity in the form of pictures or animations. This is especially important for familiarization with new vocabulary, as the image on the monitor allows you to associate the phrase in English directly to the action, rather than with the phrase in their native language. Moreover, the media are an excellent means of interactive communication between different language groups, which is especially evident in the application of computer network. This can be a local area network connecting several machines in one school, and the Internet — a global network of millions of users around the world [2]. These advantages allow concluding that multimedia tools have great potential for teaching oral speech speaking another language. With the optimal combination of a number of technical training (language laboratory, video, television, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, bibliographies, phone), and having additional features (interactivity, graphics capabilities, and so on.), Media provides virtually limitless opportunities for learning and self-study. Today's requirements for education, where students' independent work is a key, make high school use can enhance the process of learning teaching methods and forms of work organization, which develop the ability to learn, to find the necessary information to use different sources of information and develop cognitive independence of students. Modern teaching science aims to use new technologies in teaching. The above interactive media and get their proper use. Most of the wide variety of interactive educational software for learning English is aimed at independent elaboration of the phonetic and grammatical aspects and bring them to the automatism used. The features of these programs are interactive dialogues, speech recognition and pronunciation visualization, animated videos that show the articulation of sounds, exercises for the development of all types of language skills, with the transfer videos, tracking their own learning outcomes. Since the purpose of teaching English is a communicative activity of students, it is a practical command of the language in the teacher task is to strengthen the performance of each student in the learning process, to create a situation for their creative activity. The use of modern tools such as news programs and web-based technologies, as well as cooperative learning and project methodology allow us to solve this problem. So, as an internet source that can come to the aid of foreign language teachers in the organization of independent work may include broadcast, interactive and search online resources where you can get informative information, training materials and conditions conducive to the formation of professional competence of future specialists [3]. Already today we have a unique helper allows you to bring the best teachers from any country via software created by them. The intensification of the process of transition to an information society, associated with the widespread introduction of new information technology and computer telecommunications, necessitates the development of other forms and methods of teaching foreign languages.Using conventional technology, along with training opportunities new information technology can help the teacher in finding a more interesting and varied teaching material, to carry out a differentiated approach to each of the students, and thus contribute to better assimilation of the students the necessary knowledge and skills. Multimedia Technology is considered as an information technology training that integrates audiovisual information several media (text, video, audio, graphics, animation, etc.), realizing the interactive dialogue of the user with the system and the various forms of self-employment [4]. The use of multimedia technology in the learning process, you can: improve the process of organic combination of traditional forms and methods of education with innovation; implement training, information, games, modeling, design and analysis functions; perform such general didactic principles as the visibility, accessibility, difficulty feasible, system, transition from education to self-education, positive emotional background of training, between theory and practice [5]. In addition, the multimedia technology supported by multimedia programs, encyclopedias, dictionaries, and special information educational environment created for a holistic knowledge of the world in the context of its computer-aided design, modeling and designing. Multimedia technologies act as a special intellectual activity and means have a number of advantages compared with other information technology training, as they: 1. Are the pedagogical means of continuous improvement of content and methods of education in modern conditions. 2. Give an opportunity to identify and support students with linguistic abilities. 3. Represent the basis of distance learning. 4. Provide access to best practices in education and training of the general public through educational Internet global network and extensive communications network. 5. Create an artificial language environment, allow for learning a foreign language (FL) at their own pace, to increase student independence and responsibility, FL organize training for all age groups, build FL training in accordance with the interests and goals of the student, to enter into training IYA intercultural component. 6. The multimedia technology is new and apparently limitless possibilities of creation of means of graphic clarity. Multimedia (computer with additional devices) can be for each to learn a foreign language a powerful tool for self-study, to closely monitor and ongoing operational support [3]. Along with the positive aspects, there are negative trends affecting the massive creation and introduction of multimedia technology in the learning process. These include: 1) lack of readiness of the existing education system to make active use of multimedia technologies and their integration in the educational process and its organization on the basis of these technologies; 2) lack of qualified developers; 3) the lack of a developed methodology of multimedia technologies; 4) lack of funds for the creation and widespread adoption of multimedia technologies; 5) The device is not designed evaluation. In order to introduce multimedia technologies in learning process necessary in the first place, the conditions for pedagogically and methodologically sound application of multimedia technologies. The issue of integration of the Internet in education and, in particular, its application in the teaching of foreign languages ​​is now quite relevant. At the moment, the majority of schools and universities in the country are equipped with multimedia rooms of the English language. These rooms have a computer, projector and interactive whiteboard. Thus, the combination of traditional teaching methods of language learning and the new will ensure a higher level of learning. Unfortunately, at present, the use of media in order to intensify the individual work in the study of a foreign language is constrained to a large extent the high cost of computer equipment, as well as the lack of a sufficient number of theoretically sounds and experimentally validated computer programs designed for independent work in teaching foreign language. In general, currently have a situation where on the one hand, there is a small number of theoretical studies have not been widely put into practice, and on the other, — the mass of disparate programs that do not have a serious theoretical basis. The analysis showed that in pedagogical science, and especially in the practice of the domestic university teaching, there is underestimation of the possibilities of learning software, including multimedia. This is due primarily to the complexity and the insufficient development of the concept in the theory of media as a didactic tool.




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Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): IYA.

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