The semantic field of the concept of «family upbringing qualities» in Monten's philosophy and its expression in the Uzbek language | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №16 (358) апрель 2021 г.

Дата публикации: 12.04.2021

Статья просмотрена: 20 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Абсаламова, Г. Ш. The semantic field of the concept of «family upbringing qualities» in Monten's philosophy and its expression in the Uzbek language / Г. Ш. Абсаламова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2021. — № 16 (358). — С. 124-125. — URL: (дата обращения: 01.06.2024).

This article is based on the views of the French philosopher Michel de Montaigne on the issue of the family and its semantic field, and their expression in the Uzbek language to express their comparison and to express them in some way.

Key words: Michel de Monten, the Qualities of family education, the semantic field, expression, philosophers.

Philosophically, there are social concepts in human life, such as community, family, and friendship, that unite people. In every corner of the globe, such concepts are considered almost identical. For example, kinship, friendship, and family ties in Europe are similar to those in Asia. In Asia, these ties are considered strong. In Asia, the family is sacred. Philosophers and writers also glorify the noble and sacred bonds of family, brotherhood, and friendship. It is a phrase that means everyone is gathered together. For example, a congregation. People are gathered. Ten in all. The word jam is also used in the sense of addition. The term community refers to the population of a neighborhood or village, the population of an institution, organization, or enterprise, that is, a group of people in a place. The term community differs from church in meaning. There are people in the church who have different views, and in the community there are people who have the same goal, the same interests.For example, a congregation is a group of people who pray in the same mosque. The word community is public, literary community, student community, and so on.

In the world of philosophy, many scholars have addressed the issues of family, society, and community. The Basic Principles of Michel de Montene's Philosophical Views The Role of «Virtue» in Experiments The relationship between man and the world around him, the perception of good and evil, and the struggle against evil — these problems have always plagued philosophers, poets, and interested people who think in general. Michel de Montene's role in the formation of the national French language in France in the sixteenth century, the century of humanism and reform, a difficult and fruitful period of ideological and cultural developmentThe French Renaissance created a whole galaxy of thinkers who allowed radical gaps in the church’s scholastic worldview, paving the way for new ideologies in the most diverse areas of human thought. Moreover, the Renaissance played a decisive role in the spread and development of French as a language of literature, science, and jurisprudence. At this stage in the development of philosophical thought, the author emphasizes that “virtue” can only be the result of the constant and relentless efforts of the will, and thus it differs from ordinary natural affection. Where a person does not have to expend energy, to begin to struggle with passions, then there is no «virtue». This struggle is possible only with the active participation of the mind».II me semble que la vertu est autre et plus plus olijanob que les inclations a la bonte qui naissent en nous. Les ames reglees d'elles mesmes et bien nees, elles suyvent mesme train, et and en leurs harakatlar mesmes visage que les virtueuses. Mais la vertu sonne je ne scay quoy de plus grand et de plus actif que de se laisser, par une heureuse face, doucement and paisiblement conduire a la suite de la raison.Celui qui, d'une douceur et facilite naturelle, mespriseroit les. huquqbuzarliklar tushumlari, feroit tres-belle et loye de louange ni tanladi; mais celuy qui, picque et outre jusques au vif d'une jinoyat, s'armeroit des amies de la raison contre ce furieux appetit de intanceance, and apres un grand niz s ' en rendroit en fin maistre, seroit sans doubte beaucoup plus.Celuy-la feroit bien, and cette-ce vertueusement.... des philosophes Stoiciens et Epicuriens, dis-je, il y en a plusieurs qui ont juge que ce n'estoit. pas assez d'avoir l'ame en bonne assiette, bien reglee et bien dipos ee a la vertu; ce n'estoit pas assez d'avoir nos revolutions va nos discours au dessus de tous les harakatlarning boyligi, mais qu'il falloit encore rechercher les d'en venir a la preuve. lis veulent quester de la douleur, de la needite et du mepris, pour les battlere, et pour tenir leur ame en haleine: multum sibi adjicit virtus lacessit ''.

It should be noted that in order to determine the semantic content of the concept of vertu, it is necessary to determine which lexical means and to what extent vertu is related to the semantic space. To solve the problems of our research, we tried to make maximum use of explanatory and etymological data, including historical dictionaries (RH, GK, G, T-L) and information of a historical nature. The same procedure applies to the remaining members of the conceptual field. By analyzing the lexical definitions of these lexicographic sources, we have identified all the meanings of the vertu lexeme in the 16th century, and summarizing the information in the dictionaries surveyed, we received a list of tokens shown as synonyms. The list of words originally shown as synonyms or [mentioned] in the vertu definition looked like this.

The concept of Vertu is a complex mental entity, the meaning of which isnot limited to the lexical meaning of the word, but reflects the moral and ethical ideas of French speakers during the Renaissance.Around Vertu’s concept is formed a systemic formation, a conceptual field that regulates parts of the conceptual picture of the world.It is expedient to analyze and present the units that make up the conceptual field vertu, within theframework of the person included in the LSG field, which is organized on the basis of lexical units — carriers of the core attributes of the concept.The general structure configuration of the Vertu concept is definedsemantics of lexical expressions that are interrelated with the degreeMontene-based philosophical knowledge,belongs to the moral principle in man.When studying the concepts of spiritual culture verbally,the role of texts with a constant culture is particularly greatare of historical significance because they contain mental entities -concepts are realized.It should be noted that in the text of the «Experiments», the vertu noun often comes with definitions. Typically, these are adjectives that emphasize the versatility of the concept (giving it more expressiveness in verbal execution). The most common lexemes.We may see fewer lexical signs:affaireuse, amoureuse, catarreuse, chere, cureuseuse, delicieuse, eminente, entiere, eslevee, excellente, haddan tashqari, ferme, gaillarde, genereuse, humaine, lache, militaire, morne, naturelle, nette, olijanob, not Commune, superstitieuse, nouvelle, Ajam, parfaite, philosophique, royalle, sauvage, semblable, oddiy, singuliere, samimiy, sombre, sotte, superbe, supreme, triumfante, verte.

In short, all the philosophers, scientists and physicists who have lived since the creation of mankind have glorified the family bond. Even today, these concepts have not lost their value. They are rising to the level of public policy. One such philosopher is Michel de Monten, whom we have studied above.


  1. Michel de Monten «Family upbringing»
  2. Schank 1972 R. Schank, «Conceptual Dependency: A Theory of Natural Language Understanding», Cognitive Psychology, 1972.
  3. Michel de Monten «Experiences».
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): LSG, T-L.

Ключевые слова

Michel de Monten, the Qualities of family education, the semantic field, expression, philosophers

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