Improving the financial stability of the real sector of the economy | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Авторы: ,

Рубрика: Экономика и управление

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №10 (114) май-2 2016 г.

Дата публикации: 20.05.2016

Статья просмотрена: 182 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Мирзаев, М. А. Improving the financial stability of the real sector of the economy / М. А. Мирзаев, Ш. А. Салимов. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 10 (114). — С. 784-786. — URL: (дата обращения: 01.06.2024).

This article discusses issues of financial stability of the enterprises of the real sector of the country, as well as the modernization and overview of the analysis of the practice of lending and describes problems of increase of financial stability of real sector enterprises in our country, and analyses practice of modernization and crediting of the enterprises.

Keywords: financial stability, modernization, credit, competitiveness, economic growth, investment.

Attention to sustainable development of the real sector of the economy plays an important role in being involved in all branches of the bank. Furthermore, the banks' development strategy is closely linked with the growth of the real sector. Banks are trying to maintain the levels of corporate clients, as well as creating favorable conditions for the implementation of investment projects, achieved with the expansion of production, aimed at the production of new competitive products. At the same time, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 18, 2008 «to further improvment of the financial stability of the real sector of economy measures» is being realized. [1]

The main attention of the government is being paid to increasing the level of capitalization of the real sector of the economy and financial stability, financial rehabilitation of insolvent enterprises and improvement of management tools, the structural transformation of the economy, manufacturing modernization, technical and technological re-equipment of the investment process, including the state of commercial banks to attract funds. [2]

Nowadays contribution of the banking system to support the real sector of the economy, the basic network to ensure stable operation, the production capacity of bankrupt enterprises and modernization is increasing. The banks have been set as a priority for 2014, the most important high-tech industry and modern facilities and capacities of the leading sectors of the economy, technical and technological renewal and modernization of a wide range of measures have been implemented. [3] This analysis shows that loans to the real sector of the economy during the reporting period, the total volume of lending to the real sector of the economy was increased by 31,1 % compared to the same period of 2013, amounted more than 30,3 trillion soums.

In this regard, the initiator of the creation of financial-industrial groups, banks have become active participants. Cooperation of financial-industrial groups in the country and the intention of attracting foreign capital through the task of strengthening the industrial and banking sectors have been set up by the head of state as a strategic issue.

In this direction of the country's commercial banks during the last 9 months of the year raised up to 6,7 trillion soums of loans for investment, which is 1,2 times higher compared to the same period last year. Efforts to support foreign investors in the banking system is also noteworthy.

In addition, commercial banks in the last six years have done systematic work for insolvent companies to install and configure, the basis of modern organizations to establish production based on new technologies.

Meanwhile, commercial banks received a total of 173 economically insolvent enterprises, reconstruction and modernization of the production of commercial banks been directly invested 588,8 billion volume funds.

In accordance with the targeted measures by the Central Bank of the production of industrial enterprises with investments of banks in developed countries are equipped with modern technology and equipment. The results of the work carried out in this country are shown in the following figure.

Fig. 1. Modernization, technical and technological re-equipment of the dynamics of investment loans

As a result, on the basis of bankrupt enterprises 100 new types of production capacity have been made possible. It resumed production today in a variety of consumer and industrial goods produced, to fill the domestic market, to direct a significant portion of exports, as a result of the increase in foreign exchange reserves.

During this period, set up by banks to enterprises, the total $2,8 trillion produced products, and 780 million US dollars of goods were exported. In this regard, the most important problem of providing the population with more than 21 thousand new jobs were created by enterprises. In addition, these companies entered on the balance sheets of banks and investment losses, and in the modernization of their obsolete equipment, buildings and facilities are in need of major repair, the equipment is morally outdated and, therefore, they are produced by the quality of services and the low level of bankruptcy. Reasonable policies and well-thought-out strategy in the country, shows that the following work has been carried out by the commercial banks:

  1. The balance of the banking businesses, investments, production activities, the creation of new jobs and goods (work, services) ensure the implementation of the production forecasts;
  2. In the process of the sale of enterprises and banks' balance sheets of banks attract foreign investors, including the potential to further enhance the management companies;
  3. The implementation of the modernization of enterprises;
  4. In the restored enterprises established by law in order to sell new investors;
  5. The new investors in business of buying and selling contracts ensure the receipt of payment in full and on time;
  6. The balance of the banking activities of the enterprises were sold to new investors from the calculations in full measure of monitoring.

In conclusion, it should be noted that as a result of improving the financial stability of the real sector of the country's production capacity increases, GDP growth and the creation of new jobs.


  1. The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan «to further improve the financial stability of the real sector of economy measures» On November 18, 2008, Decree No. UP-4053.
  2. The commercial banks to finance investment projects to increase the share of long-term loans On additional measures to stimulate the resolution No. 1166 dated July 28, 2009.
  3. The 2011–2015 reform of the financial and banking system and the sustainability of the priorities for achieving high international rating indicators No. 2008 dated December 31, 1438.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): GDP.

Ключевые слова

инвестиции, модернизация, конкурентоспособность, финансовая стабильность, кредит, экономический рост, competitiveness, economic growth, investment, modernization, financial stability, credit

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