Development of the Students' Cultural Experience the State Heritage | Статья в сборнике международной научной конференции

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Васильева, Е. В. Development of the Students' Cultural Experience the State Heritage / Е. В. Васильева, С. В. Матвиенко. — Текст : непосредственный // Теория и практика образования в современном мире : материалы XIII Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Санкт-Петербург, июнь 2021 г.). — Санкт-Петербург : Свое издательство, 2021. — С. 1-2. — URL: (дата обращения: 30.06.2024).

Formation of the cultural experience of students is, firstly, the qualitative changes that occur in the individual in the process of mutual influence of internal factors and external conditions, and their impact on the individual. The word «training», often identified with the socialization process, as noted by A. N. Leontyev, is a pedagogical phenomenon consisting of continuously changing stages, the qualitative features of which depend on specific conditions and circumstances.

Development of the cultural experience of an academic student is an educational process, based on the specific content and technologies of education, which ensures the acquisition of values, knowledge, and standards by students for their subsequent application in a multicultural space.

The cultural image of any student is conceived in childhood. This directly dependents upon the traditions of the place where he grew up and studied. The main influence on the formation of a pupil's cultural vision is exerted by his family and certain strong exterior «stimuli» (for example, charismatic teachers).

The culture of young students is multi-faceted. A distinction can be made between at least three layers: spiritual, material and physical culture. Spiritual development is conditioned by moral principles, development of arts and demonstration of the youth interest in religion. The material crop is clothing, mobile equipment, cars, food, and many other aspects. The physical culture of young people is both a way of behaving and an active way of life, and the popularity of sports, and many other things that are hard to enumerate.

When a student is involved in the educational process, many different cultures are mixed together in a society. In the process of their interaction, individual elements of the culture of each person are exchanged; common opinions and rules of behavior are developed. The process of globalizing society results in a mixture of cultures of different peoples and nations. Long-term presence in a cohesive society facilitates the process of synthesis.

University education is not intended to train operators working in a particular area, but, first, people who are attuned to creativity, capable of it, find original solutions, feel the necessary measure of combining tradition and innovation, that is, and have a share of normal cultural conservatism. Otherwise, we will continue to follow the path of spontaneous development for a long time, without thinking through our movement conceptually and systematically, making situational volitional decisions and reacting to the next disasters that we have initiated.

In modern conditions, the importance of the formation of cultural competences increases due to the increasing demands on the quality of higher education. The recognition of the cultural-creating function of education, the importance of the cultural development of the individual in the educational process of the university is enshrined in the Federal State Standards of Higher Education of the last generation, where the requirements for development of the main educational program highlight the mandatory cultural (general cultural) competencies.

The Youth Educational Center of the State Hermitage Museum is a new museum space where experimental educational and cultural programs are created and implemented for students of St. Petersburg, other cities of Russia, and foreign countries. Within the framework of these programs, there are cycles of lectures on history and theory of art, round tables, international conferences, and meetings with famous figures of culture and art, master classes of artists, displays of student works. In the center of Saint Petersburg in Russia on the Neva embankment, opposite the Peter and Paul Fortress, is the largest Russian Hermitage Museum. The State Hermitage is one of the greatest and most famous art museums in the world. Many tourists begin their exploration of Saint Petersburg by coming to the Hermitage, and many residents of the northern capital of Russia are assured that visiting the Hermitage should be at least once a year. Currently, the Hermitage is a cultural and educational institution where lectures on a wide variety of topics are being held. The Hermitage has seven buildings: the Winter Palace, the small Hermitage, the great (old) Hermitage, the new Hermitage, the Hermitage Theatre, the Menshikov Palace and the former building of the General staff.

The collection of the Museum has more than three million exhibits of paintings, sculpture, graphics, objects of applied art, coins, decorations, characters and weapons designs, archeological sites, and other items created by many people of the world from ancient times to the present day. To view all the exposures, it is necessary to pass twenty kilometers. In the scope and value, the collections the Hermitage can be compared only to the British Museum in London and the Louvre in Paris. The Hermitage is a wonderful world full of wonders; everyone can find there something interesting. It has truly rare unity — collections of such a high-level works, the beauty of the architectural significance of the historical associations. All of this attracts people, making up the bright, unique feature of the today's Hermitage.

Becoming acquainted with the Hermitage can be done in many different ways. The Hermitage space is organized as a history of the world: from the bottom, through the King's Antiquities halls, to the new art at the top, without skipping any stages. The Museum is the best source for any school course of Fundamentals — here are almost all the plots, characters and details of human and divine history. A tourist can find an endless list of Egyptian and Scythian jewelry, a complete collection of Greek and Roman gods, Mesopotamian cuneiform figurines, tapestries and coins, icons and knightly armor, treasure Gallery and the Gallery of ancient painting, wax effigy, all saints, all generals of the war of 1812, all the Russian Kings, all famous Italians, Dutch, Flemish, Spanish, and French people. Looking at the face of Cupid and Psyche, Madonna blissfully watching her infant, the prodigal son returning to his father, Danae, the marmot Zeus opening the Watteau embarking on a journey together with the landlord, smoker Cezanne dreaming about something, the Absinthe drinker Matisse idly looking at the glass, one inevitably plunges into the long past. This is the top of the brightest layer, and under it, there is a possibility to open and find something unexpected and close to a particular taste.

The Heritage holds several myths and legends. People say that the wax effigy of Peter can stand up, bow down or point to the door to undesired guests. Creepy stories related to the Egyptian Hall, where Goddess Sekhmet who allegedly treats people carelessly is exhibited, it is said that on certain nights, she makes sounds then falls on her knees, and blood traces appear on the stone. The guards say that the ghosts roam at nights through the halls of the Hermitage, in particular, the ghost of Catherine the Great. Many people believe in the existence of the subterranean passages leading from the Winter Palace to the other Bank of the Neva River.

The State Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg is not only one of the most famous museums in the northern capital, but throughout the world. Today the Hermitage in Saint Petersburg is the Palace-Museum with the stunning luxurious interiors and rich exhibits. The complex has continued to evolve and the number of visitors reaches more than three million a year.

The Youth Center is a new museum direction, where experimental educational and cultural projects are created for students of St. Petersburg, other cities of Russia, and foreign countries.

Unique programs have been developed for youth, including master classes of celebrated cultural and artistic figures, lecture cycles on history and theory of art, and much more. The Hermitage Student, which is part of the Youth Center, Club allows students to study at museum exhibitions in author classes, participate in themed evenings and holidays in the museum halls.


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