Linguodidactic backgrounds of press vocabulary teaching | Статья в сборнике международной научной конференции

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Холикова, Х. Р. Linguodidactic backgrounds of press vocabulary teaching / Х. Р. Холикова, М. А. Бекназарова, М. Б. Бахтиерова, Р. Т. Шаропов. — Текст : непосредственный // Актуальные вопросы современной педагогики : материалы VII Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Самара, август 2015 г.). — Самара : ООО "Издательство АСГАРД", 2015. — С. 8-10. — URL: (дата обращения: 26.03.2025).

The forthcoming generation is support of any society and people, the flourishing of the country mostly depends on the intellect, knowledge, enthuasiasm of its young men and women. Since the early days of Uzbekistan’s independence, care about the harmonic development of the younger generation, its physical moral and spiritual upbringing has become one of the most important priorities of state policy.

In 1997, upon the immediate leadership of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov, The national program for Cadre Training was developed. Thanks to its implementation, the country has been maintain the permanent deepening and renewal of the general educational and professional training through the organic unity combined with historical and spiritual early age of the people Reforms in the systems of education in Uzbekistan and the large scale programs which are aimed at the happy future of our children, a I'd now rendering their true results.

On December 10, 2012 President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov signed a decree «On measures to further improvement of foreign language learning system». It is noted that in the framework of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On education» and the National Programme for Training in the country, a comprehensive foreign languages’ teaching system, aimed at creating harmoniously developed, highly educated, modern-thinking young generation, further integration of the country to the world community, has been created. However, analysis of the current system of organizing language learning shows that learning standards, curricula and textbooks do not fully meet the-current requirements, particularly in the use of advanced information and media materials arc required.

Today's classrooms increasingly include students for whom English is a second language. Teaching English language and its vocabulary through mass-media materials and technology explores the use of press editions, computers and technology as a pedagogical tools to aid in the appropriate instruction of English language learners across all content areas [1]. We can say that language learning and teaching may be seen as one interactive process: the teacher’s work is to foster an environment in which ettective language learning may develop. Learning to use a language naturally requires much practice in using that language for the normal purposes language serves in everyday life [2]. It is in contradiction to the artificial types of exercises and drills on which so many languages learners spend their time. In normal interaction, people use language to give and get information; to explain, discuss, and describe, to persuade, dissuade, promise, or refuse; to entertain or to calm the troubled waters of social contact; to reveal or hide feelings and attitudes; to direct others in their undertakings; to learn, to teach, solve problems, or create with words. There are many more such uses for language in speech and writing. We can say that there are many opportunities to use language in communication within and without the classroom from the earlier stages. Students learn to communicate in the form that natural interaction takes for speakers of the target language, which includes acquaintance with the structure of natural discourse within the culture- ways of opening and dosing conversational interludes, ways of negotiating meaning and asserting control of feelings pauses, of interrupting or not interrupting, or of navigating so that the conversation is channeled in a direction of interest to the interlocutor. Many of these features of natural interaction are related to wider expectations within the culture.

Experienced teachers of our state know very well how important vocabulary is. They know students must learn thousands of words that speakers and writers of English use. Fortunately, the need for vocabulary is one point on which teachers and students agree. As we know, the word has the grammatical and lexical meaning. Both lexical and grammatical meaning make up the word meaning as neither can exist without other. Thus, teacher must know about it when s/he teaches the press vocabulary.

Newspapers contain a very wide variety of text types and an immense range of information. They are, therefore, a natural source on many of varieties of written English that become increasingly important as learner progress. Vocabulary teaching or learning that restricts itself to presentation and practice in one modality does not prepare the learners for the fully array of contexts in which items may recur. For these reasons interactive learning needs to draw on every possible type of experiences are physical response, aural input, reading material, written expressions, the act of drawing what Is meant, the manipulation of objects, interpretation of pictures, the acting out of scenes purposeful tasks, etc.

Creating new utterance in a language that one only partially controls is not easy. It frequently leads to cognitive overload: learners pause and hesitate; they misuse elements of the new language when they are well aware of accepted forms; they self correct or let it be, depending on the situation and the amount of time available; they frequently feel еmbarrassed of humiliated by their poor showing and may give up their attempts because the efforts is too great [3]. We cannot use language without mental representation, no matter how personal and idiosyncratic is its basic framework or mechanism that will be enable them to use it to comprehend language and procedure comprehensible speech. Teachers can also help their students refine this understanding as they progress. Performing rules then provides the natural bridge to using these rules in creating personal messages. That's why it's necessary to use a control of the language. The relationship of frequency to information is an Important factor in evaluating the role of words frequency in vocabulary selection. So learners often need to be exposed to discourse with high information press article content. Also, high frequency words are not automatically those, which the learner needs.




1.      Allwright R. I.. The importance of interaction in classroom language learning. Applied linguistics. 5, 19Я4. ~р.15б-171.

2.      Grandy P. Newspapers, Oxford University Press, 2001.

3.      Zhihong Y.Learning words//j. English Teaching «Forum», 2000, July, V 38, № 3.-p. IB-ill.