Demand on the dual media market | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Маркетинг, реклама и PR

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №45 (544) ноябрь 2024 г.

Дата публикации: 10.11.2024

Статья просмотрена: 1 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Кожаева, Е. А. Demand on the dual media market / Е. А. Кожаева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2024. — № 45 (544). — С. 203-205. — URL: (дата обращения: 07.03.2025).

This article examines the phenomenon of the dual media market, which involves content creators monetizing their work through advertising. The article explores the dynamics of this model, highlighting its key features and analyzing its impact on platforms such as YouTube, Telegram and TikTok. The article emphasizes the significant demand for attention and content within this market, driven by both creators and advertisers. However, it also acknowledges the challenges presented by regulatory concerns and potential risks to the long-term viability of the market.

Keywords: dual media market, content creation, advertising, monetization, YouTube, Telegram, TikTok, regulatory restrictions, digital platforms.

In today's digital age, the dual media market has emerged as a significant and relevant topic for understanding how content is consumed and monetized. This market can be defined as one where content is created and sold to an audience, while that same audience is sold to advertisers. The media industry is a distinct sector with its own distinctive features, including the utilization of media technologies and digital platforms, as well as a variety of business models. This sector is constantly evolving under the influence of economic, technological, and political factors [3, p. 61]. In this unique economic model, where the audience plays a dual role: they are consumers of content and, at the same time, products that advertisers seek to reach. This duality has reshaped how media is produced and how advertising strategies are formulated, leading to unprecedented demand for attention in various platforms.

According to M. Castells, the emergence of a new electronic communication system is characterized by its global reach, the integration of all media, and the potential for interactivity. This is already changing our culture and will continue to do so in an irreversible way. [2, p.315]

This dynamic is evident in the rise of content creators across various platforms. On YouTube, for instance, channels like «MrBeast» and «PewDiePie» have amassed millions of subscribers, capitalizing on their entertaining content to attract advertisers. These creators leverage their audience to promote products through sponsored videos, product placements, and even their own merchandise lines. This symbiotic relationship benefits both parties: creators earn a substantial income through advertising, while advertisers gain access to a highly engaged audience. The emergence of YouTube has provided a platform for individuals to create their own content and build their own brands, often attracting large followings and generating significant revenue through advertising.

The dual media market extends beyond YouTube, encompassing platforms like Telegram and TikTok. Telegram, known for its private messaging capabilities, has seen a surge in content creators utilizing its channels to disseminate information and build communities. This niche appeal attracts advertisers seeking to reach specific segments of the population with tailored messaging. Telegram's focus on privacy and security, combined with its features for group messaging and content sharing, has made it a popular platform for niche communities and specialized content.

TikTok, with its short-form video format, has become a breeding ground for viral content and influencer marketing. The platform's algorithm, designed to deliver highly relevant content to users, has made it an ideal space for brands to reach a targeted audience. This is evident in the popularity of influencer collaborations and brand partnerships on the platform, where creators promote products and services to their millions of followers.

TikTok has an easy-to-use interface so users can choose songs and various effects to use directly from the TikTok application [4]. Unlike YouTube, which is also a medium for sharing videos, TikTok does not require users to create videos through other applications before uploading them to YouTube. There are various effects that can be used directly through the TikTok application so that anyone can create interesting videos and have the opportunity to share them again with others. [1, p. 68]

Despite its thriving nature, the dual media market faces challenges, particularly in light of evolving regulations. One notable example is the tightening of advertising restrictions in Russia. The prohibition of advertisements on platforms identified as foreign agents has created substantial obstacles for both advertisers and content creators. This restriction limits the ways companies can engage with potential customers, significantly reducing the potential audience for advertisers. Content creators may find themselves unable to monetize their work effectively, leading to decreased production quality and diversity. The ripple effects can reduce overall demand within the dual media market, making it difficult for platforms to maintain their viability and appeal to users.

The dual media market is a dynamic and rapidly evolving space characterized by the intricate relationships between content creators, audiences, and advertisers. High-demand platforms like YouTube, Telegram, and TikTok exemplify how this model operates and thrives on user engagement. However, challenges such as regulatory restrictions can adversely affect this ecosystem, illustrating the vulnerabilities inherent in the dual media structure. As the landscape continues to shift, it is vital for stakeholders to navigate these challenges, ensuring that the dual media market remains vibrant and continues to meet the demands of both creators and advertisers.


  1. Anggun Sari Sasmita. The Popularity of TikTok and the Implementation of the AISAS Model on Marketing Communications Through TikTok / Anggun Sari Sasmita, Nila Sartika Achmadi // Manajemen Bisnis. — 2022. — Vol. 12, No. 01. — P. 62–76. — DOI 10.22219/mb.v12i01.17863. — EDN MXPXAJ.
  2. Castells M. Informatsionnaya epokha: ekonomika, obshhestvo i kul’tura [The Information Age: Economy, society and culture]. Moscow, GU VShE Publ., 2000. 600 p
  3. Gorelkina A. V. Development of Media Holding in the Context of the Dual Media Services Market Formation. Vestnik Kemerovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriia: Politicheskie, sotsiologicheskie i ekonomicheskie nauki, 2024, 9(1): 60–71. (In Russ.)–3372–2024–9–1–60–71
  4. Yang, S., Zhao, Y., & Ma, Y. (2019). Analysis of the Reasons and Development of Short Video Application Taking Tik Tok as an Example. 9th International Conference on Information and Social Science.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): AISAS, DOI, EDN, MXPXAJ.

Ключевые слова

YouTube, Telegram, advertising, TikTok, digital platforms, dual media market, content creation, monetization, regulatory restrictions

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