Historical roots of the formation of Khorezm folk games | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: История

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №22 (521) май 2024 г.

Дата публикации: 01.06.2024

Статья просмотрена: 5 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Гаппарова, Б. Р. Historical roots of the formation of Khorezm folk games / Б. Р. Гаппарова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2024. — № 22 (521). — С. 479-481. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/521/115004/ (дата обращения: 16.01.2025).

In this article, the historical roots and significance of the formation of Khorezm folk games as well as the genetic basis of folk games are presented.

Keywords: ethnopedagogy, traditions, folk games, Udum, ritual, Uzbek, Kyrgyz, Kazakh, Turkmen, Karakalpak and Tajik.

В данной статье представлены исторические корни и значение формирования хорезмийских народных игр, а также генетическая основа народных игр.

Ключевые слова : этнопедагогика, традиции, народные игры, удум, обряд, узбеки, киргизы, казахи, туркмены, каракалпаки и таджики.

National values of folk games of different peoples of the world. Within the framework of economic life and ethno-pedagogical research, the study of their ethno-integrative functions connecting different historical-ethnographic regions from the national, regional location and genetic point of view is one of the important scientific directions. In the process of social modernization, it is necessary to ethnographically study the development trends, mythology, changes, historical, cultural and ethnic characteristics of folk games and inform the world scientific community.

Relying on our national traditions formed over the centuries and the rich spiritual heritage of our ancestors, it was determined as an urgent task to strengthen the propaganda work aimed at perfecting the sense of patriotism and educating them in the spirit of a healthy lifestyle.

Although the issues of scientific study of folk games were initially descriptive in the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, the works written down by the authors of that period are of great importance for the scientific research of the current period, as they directly observed and witnessed the realities themselves. Scientists of the Soviet era collected new materials and carried out scientific research based on the scientific achievements of their predecessors. In the researches during the period of independence, there is a literal restoration of national values ​​and traditions, a new scientific-theoretical approach to the problem using the best experiences of various scientific schools in the world.

It consists in revealing the factors of creation of folk games and related ethno-cultural traditions, customs, the transformation and educational significance of folk games today, as well as determining the factors of development trends, changes, preservation of historical and cultural characteristics of folk games in the process of social modernization; and ethnic cooperation, as well as showing the importance of folk games in the formation of the principles of national harmony and religious tolerance, as well as encouraging the young generation to folk games and a healthy lifestyle of the population in general [1].

The historical roots of the Khorezm folk games are inextricably linked with the ancient religious and mythological imaginations of the people of the oasis. On the basis of Khorezm folk games, we can learn such qualities as dexterity, vigilance, mastery, honesty, respect for the opponent, based on strict rules and standards. On the basis of the intangible cultural heritage of the Uzbek people, folk games have been studied from historical, ethnographic, philological, philosophical, and pedagogical points of view. At the same time, information about Khorezm folk games is reflected in historical sources, archaeological and ethnographic materials, archival documents, and many scientific literature, articles, and reports. Against the background of the general picture of the historiography of the subject, with a periodical-chronological approach to the literature, attention is paid to three historical periods from the second half of the XIX century and to the works of foreign authors and the source science of the subject as a separate issue. Those who wrote down memories and memories about the customs, traditions, rituals, daily life of the local people or gave interesting information in their works and articles.

Historical and ethnographic research carried out especially during the Soviet period paid attention to social and humanitarian sciences, in particular, in ethnographic research, national-ethnic traditions, customs and rituals, material and spiritual culture of the peoples of the region, as well as scientific study of folk games began to focus. A number of studies were created, articles and monographs were published on the issues of Central Asian peoples, especially Uzbek folk games. Khorezm folk games have a very ancient and rich history. Their roots go back to the primitive times when mankind began to appear. The genetic basis of folk games goes back to ancient times as a component of primitive rituals and ceremonies, one of the oldest elements of our ancestors' thinking. Over time, the games included in such ceremonies have lost their ritual character and have become an element of simple entertainment.

Famous scientist U. Karaboev connects the fact that the game has occupied an important place in the formation and development of mankind since ancient times with the social lifestyle, and explains that it originated from the need for games and competitions along with labor experiences. He who reaps much and quickly in the first initial period is rich. This created a kind of competition. Second, when skilled pickers became old, it became difficult for them to climb the treetops and stand on dangerous branches to pick fruit. And children had a tendency to action-games. The elders who used it taught the children to pick fruit as a game rather than a chore. Thirdly, in the primitive period, there were military conflicts between clans and tribes for the ownership of fertile lands, and as a result, there were many victims. Gradually, ways to solve the problem in a peaceful and cultural way were sought. As a result, not two clans fought each other, but their chieftains fought individually. Over time, the wars of birth and death were replaced by cultural battles of chieftains. These achievements were the beginning of the current national struggles. Fourthly, the tribes invited the representatives of neighboring clans to visit them in order to solve their problems peacefully rather than by fighting. In this period when human language is not developed, guests and hosts express their thoughts in the form of pantomime play and dance [2]. A certain part of Khorezm folk games was formed directly in the labor process due to the need of artistic interpretation of the ancient man's way of life. Hunting, animal husbandry, farming, as well as the ancient crafts and daily life of our ancestors are the first and main social sources that are the basis for the origin of folk games. The further development of production forces, the improvement of labor tools in the last stages of the primary community system, the inability of children to use these labor tools in ordinary life and productive work like adults led to the formation of unique and suitable types of games for them. Therefore, children began to make toys similar to work tools.

From the earliest times in the territory of ancient Khorezm, it was necessary to be dexterous, strong, and fast to perform various exercises on a fast-moving horse, such as hunting and catching various animals. In order to develop such characteristics, it was necessary to practice by playing in sports competitions. Herodotus, the father of history, wrote about this: «The Massagetae are very proud and brave soldiers, they live in a nomadic way... They have the best horses in the world, which their neighbors never had».

Among the nomadic tribes, hunting games also have their own history, and the historical roots of such games go back to the lifestyle and life of primitive people. Such games served as a pre-hunting exercise and were organized in the form of a small serious event typical of that time. Cattle breeding was formed on the basis of hunting, and later these games became a tradition among herding tribes. The tradition of hunting games as an exercise for mental and physical preparation and upliftment in holiday ceremonies is an example of early culture and art. We can also find written information about Khorezm folk games in Abu Rayhan Beruni's «Memorials from Ancient Peoples» century. According to Beruni, the peoples of Central Asia — the Khorezms and the Sogdians — the Iranian-speaking inhabitants of the ancient farming civilizations of this region, the ancestors of the present-day Tajiks, and the Uzbeks, who led a sedentary lifestyle for a long time, about the holidays and tribal divisions, as well as, shows a list of Khorezm and Sogdian holidays. Beruni refers to the celebration not only in his time, but also in pre-Muslim times. It is described as having a lot in common with the festivals of the people of Khorezm and the Sogdians [3].

According to Beruni, the major holiday is the spring New Year, known in most regions as Nowruz. Unlike Islamic holidays, the holiday is always celebrated at the same time, which is the vernal equinox according to the solar calendar. The New Year's holiday was not national or even official among the agricultural population (although it was also celebrated by pastoralists). Nowruz is a celebration of the revival of nature not only in Iran, but also in Central Asia. It did not lose its importance even during the Muslim era [4].

According to the research of Russian ethnographers, jumping over fire was preserved until the first half of the 20th century in the northern part of the Khorezm oasis and among the majority of Turkmen. In Nowruz, young people jump over the fire. It is mentioned in the works that this custom was related to fire worship among Khorezm people in the past. G. P. Snesarev and K. L. Zadikhina, G. P. Snesarev emphasized about the people in Khorezm that echoes of Zoroastrian traditions can be found in all their holidays.


  1. Ғозиев Э.Ғ., Анарметова Ш. Ўйин назарияси. Тошкент: 1995. — Б.11.
  2. Қорабоев У. Ўзбек халқ ўйинлари. Тошкент: Санъат, 2001. — Б.6–7.
  3. Лобачева Н. П. Огни сафара в Хорезме. ©.1995г., ЭО, № 5
  4. Снесарев Г. Я. Реликты домусульма неких верований и обрядов у узбеков Хорезма. М., 1969. С. 211 и др.

Ключевые слова

Turkmen, traditions, Kazakh, ethnopedagogy, folk games, Udum, ritual, Uzbek, Kyrgyz, Karakalpak and Tajik

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