The oil and gas industry is one of the important sectors of the national economy | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Экономика и управление

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №51 (498) декабрь 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 19.12.2023

Статья просмотрена: 4 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Реджепов, А. Р. The oil and gas industry is one of the important sectors of the national economy / А. Р. Реджепов, С. Б. Суханова, Говхер Мыратгелдиева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 51 (498). — С. 98-99. — URL: (дата обращения: 19.02.2025).

Keywords: gas industry, blue fuel, clear proof.

The oil and gas industry is one of the important sectors of the national economy. Turkmenistan ranks fourth in the world in terms of proven reserves of natural gas and is currently one of the main exporters of «blue fuel» in the Central Asian region. Thanks to its favorable geopolitical location and rich hydrocarbon resources, our country has great potential to increase gas exports to various destinations, including European and Asian markets.

The Turkmenistan-China international gas pipeline is a clear proof of this, and the desire to restore the Great Silk Road, which has connected the peoples of the Eurasian climate for millennia, is reflected in it. In accordance with the interstate agreements, in the near future the volume of Turkmen gas delivered to HHR will reach 65 billion cubic meters. The project of building the fourth branch of this large power plant is being developed and prepared at high speed.

Currently, construction of 214 kilometers of the Turkmen part of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TOPH) gas pipeline is being carried out at high speed. Technical work related to the implementation of this project in the territory of Afghanistan and Pakistan has been started.

The construction of TOPH, which will ensure the delivery of Turkmen gas to Southeast Asian countries on a long-term basis, will provide a powerful impetus to the economic development of the region, will help to solve problems of a social and humanitarian nature, and will strengthen peace and stability. In particular, thousands of new jobs, related electricity, transport and communication and social infrastructure will be created.

The specialists of the country's fuel and energy sector face important tasks such as strengthening the resource base of the industry, including the enrichment of oil and gas deposits in the Turkmen part of the Caspian Sea and in the coastal zone, on the shores of Amudayara, and in Central Karagum.

The Galkynysh gas field is being developed at a high rate, according to the data of an independent expert group, together with the Yashlar and Garaköl fields, its reserves are currently equal to 27 trillion cubic meters. A set of facilities capable of producing 30 billion cubic meters of commercial gas per year has been put into operation here, and other sets with similar capacities are being built, which will provide «blue fuel» to the TOPH gas pipeline, which is under construction. Currently, the search for new hydrocarbon resource deposits in the territory of Turkmenistan is of great interest. In the used mines, geological-research activities focused on the study of the layers located at a depth of up to 7 kilometers have been resumed. In particular, 3D seismic surveys were conducted in the Goturdepe field in the west of the country using modern equipment and software. Now such 3D seismic surveys will cover an area of 345 square kilometers in the Barsagelmez field. In addition, 2D seismic surveys will be carried out in the Darja region, which will be carried out in the area of 870 pagan kilometers.

The North Goturdepe field can be cited as an example that confirms the great future of such activities, where a new oil layer was discovered at a depth of thousands of meters.

Specialists of Turkmennebit State Concern drilled a well with a depth of 7,150 meters in the Uzynada field located in the Caspian region. As a result of the geophysical surveys and the data collected during the well testing, an industrial flow of «blue fuel» was obtained at a depth of 6689–6695 meters. According to preliminary calculations, the productivity of the well will be equal to 500 thousand cubic meters of natural gas and 150 tons of gas condensate per day.

Along with increasing oil and gas production, creating a multi-branch system for the delivery of Turkmen energy resources to world markets, the diversification of the oil and gas industry, the construction of large industrial facilities specializing in the processing of hydrocarbon raw materials, including the petrochemical, gas and chemical industries, and the processing of electric energy-related materials. attention is given.

Based on the analysis of the regional and world markets, the currently formed and forecasts of demand for gas chemical products, programs for the further development of the gas and petrochemical industries for the next ten years have been developed. One of the major areas of the future is the construction of large enterprises for the production of polymers.

In particular, it is planned to rebuild a natural gas processing and liquefied gas production facility at the Bagaja mine in Lebap Velayat, and to build a gas chemical plant with a capacity of 80,000 tons of butadiene-styrene rubber and 45,000 tons of polystyrene.

It is planned to implement a large investment project in the Merkezi Garakum fields located near the gas compressor plant of Yılanly in Dashoguz Velayat. It is planned to build a plant here with the capacity to process 2 billion cubic meters of natural gas and produce 70 thousand tons of liquefied gas. The facilities of the second phase of this complex are designed to produce 200 thousand tons of low-density polyethylene per year.

It is planned to build a gas chemical complex for the annual production of 200 thousand tons of low-density polyethylene, 390 thousand tons of polypropylene, 100 thousand tons of polyvinyl chloride, 10 thousand tons of liquefied gas, 82 thousand tons of caustic soda and 10 thousand tons of hydrochloric acid in the town of Gyyanly, Balkan Velayat. Also, 1.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas and 117 thousand tons of technical salt will be processed annually.

In addition, it is prescribed to build a plant for the production of liquefied gas, methyldiethanolamine and formaldehyde. These are only a part of the projects planned to be implemented by Turkmengaz state concern within the framework of diversification of the fuel and energy sector of the country in the next ten years.

According to Bilermenle's estimates, the demand for A-95 gasoline and diesel fuel in our country will double by 2030. Based on this, integrated measures were developed to further increase the capacities of the complex of oil refineries in Turkmenbashi and Seydi oil refinery. Among them, the construction of new facilities for hydro-cleaning of diesel fuel, catalytic isodeparaffinization, catalytic cracking of fuel oil, hydro-cleaning of secondary gasoline, hydrogen production can be mentioned.

Currently, the construction of a gas chemical complex with the capacity to produce 386 thousand tons of polyethylene and 81 thousand tons of polypropylene per year is underway in the town of Gyyanly, located on the coast of the Caspian Sea. A carbamide plant with an annual capacity of 1 million 155 thousand tons is being built in the city of Garabogaz. A plant for the production of gasoline from natural gas is being built in Ovadandepe, Ahal province. The plant equipped with the latest equipment will reprocess 1 billion 782 million cubic meters of natural gas and produce 600 thousand tons of A-92 gasoline that meets the highest environmental requirements of the Euro-5 standard. It is also planned to produce 12 thousand tons of diesel fuel and 115 thousand tons of liquefied gas per year.

At the same time, the technical and economic feasibility of drying the production of benzene, which is necessary for the production of polystyrene and rubber, is being studied.


Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): TOPH, HHR.

Ключевые слова

gas industry, blue fuel, clear proof

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