Idea of “Adal Azamat” (Honest Citizen) is based on new innovative values | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Насимов, М. О. Idea of “Adal Azamat” (Honest Citizen) is based on new innovative values / М. О. Насимов, Б. Ж. Паридинова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 42 (489). — С. 296-298. — URL: (дата обращения: 25.02.2025).

The article defines eight directions for the idea of “Adal Azamat” (Honest Citizen) based on new innovative values.

Keywords: Adal Azamat, innovative values, social etiquette, eight directions.

The relevance of new initiatives to the country’s development in the speech of the Head of State, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, at this year’s National Kurultai is very high [1]. Proposals aimed at strengthening public dialogue refer to the idea of “Adal Azamat” (Honest Citizen). The new public morality proposed by the head of state is combined with such values as unity and stability, justice and cooperation, law and order, trust, and responsibility. The connection of all values with patriotism, morality, education, professionalism, thrift, and hard work was substantiated. This vision aims to create a united and responsible society that upholds these values for a better future and sustainable development.

The development of a public morality based on new innovative values requires the collective efforts of individuals, communities, and political institutions. Encouraging ethical behavior through education and public discussion may include implementing policies that set forth these principles. However, it must be recognized that the formation of a new social etiquette is a complex and continuous process that requires adaptation to the changing needs and dynamics of society. In addition, open dialogue should be an integral part of the process to ensure that different points of view are heard and taken into account.

The head of state focused on eight areas that establish new values. The improvement of state symbols is an important step in showing the values and aspirations of society. State symbols have historical and cultural significance, and their improvement creates a sense of unity and uniqueness, ensuring the people’s adaptation to changing times. State symbols combine the balance between tradition and modernity. In addition, it plays an educational role in helping citizens understand the history, values, and identity of their country. Ultimately, the process of developing state symbols should be thoughtful and respectful of national history and cultural diversity.

There are many advantages to reviving the historical consciousness of the nation. This modernization ensures a sense of continuity, pride, and common heritage among the country’s citizens. A strong historical consciousness connects modern citizens with their ancestors and the roots of their nation. This sense of continuity fosters a sense of national belonging and helps us understand how societies have evolved over time. Historical consciousness preserves the collective memory of the nation. Collective memory ensures that important events and experiences are remembered and learned from, and it encourages the repetition of successes. Historical narratives often reflect the values and principles of a society. By studying the past, citizens can gain an understanding of the ethical and moral foundations that shaped their nation. A nation’s historical consciousness is the basis of cultural diplomacy, which promotes mutual understanding and cooperation with other nations through shared history and heritage.

Participating in the comprehensive promotion of cultural heritage is a valuable activity that enriches the identity of the nation, helps understand its diverse traditions, and contributes to cultural and economic development. There are several key ways to achieve this goal: cultural awareness and education; organization of public events and festivals; development of museums and cultural heritage objects; effective use of digital platforms; formation of cultural exchange programs; emphasis on cultural tourism; establishing cultural diplomacy; and conducting scientific research.

There is no doubt that the education of the younger generation is a vital task related to the decision about the future of the nation. There are several reasons why parenting is important. First, education ensures the transfer of knowledge, values, and wisdom accumulated by the previous generation to the next generation. It helps to maintain cultural identity and continuity. Second, education develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills and enables the younger generation to analyze situations, make informed decisions, and contribute to the progress of society. Through education, the younger generation will gain an understanding of global issues, cultural diversity, and international relations that are necessary in today’s interconnected world. Thirdly, the educated generation is more interested in innovation and progress. They have the knowledge and tools to develop new technologies, ideas, and solutions. Fourth, education develops social consciousness and a sense of responsibility for the welfare of society and encourages active citizenship and political participation. A society that prioritizes the education of the younger generation can enable them to become active and responsible participants in improving the world.

Increasing the efficiency of information policy and developing the creative industry are important strategies for the cultural, social, and economic development of the nation. The effectiveness of information policy is related to openness and access, media literacy, public relations, crisis communication, fact-checking, freedom of expression, and digital infrastructure. And political support for the development of the creative industry, education and training, preservation of cultural heritage, new media and cooperation, protection of intellectual property, etc. We think actions make an impact. Improving the effectiveness of information policy and developing the creative industry requires a strategic and holistic approach that includes cooperation between public and private sector stakeholders, educational institutions, and creative professionals. These efforts lead to a revitalized cultural landscape, economic growth, and the spiritual development of society as a whole.

High-quality expert and analytical support for public policy is necessary for informed decision-making, effective management, and successful policy implementation. Well-informed politicians are more likely to have difficulty solving complex problems and achieving positive outcomes. Expert analysis provides policymakers with reliable information on which to base their decisions. Analytical data helps to optimize policy development and implementation by reducing the risk of inefficient use of resources. Qualitative expert analysis involves looking into the future and taking into account the possible consequences of policy decisions. Providing expert and analytical support requires recognizing the value of data-driven decision-making. It is an investment in the effectiveness and sustainability of public policies that benefit citizens and society at large.

The development of border regions is indeed a strategic issue for many countries. This route involves unique challenges and opportunities that require careful planning and implementation. We think it is necessary to pay attention to the following issues in the development of border regions: development of infrastructure and trade and economic zones; optimization of cross-border trade and cross-border cooperation; development of agriculture; tourism potential indicator; environmental protection; community empowerment; cultural exchange; focus on health and education; security issues; investment incentives; infrastructural communication; and innovation-based research.

Criticism of the work of state apparatus and officials is common, and it arises for various reasons. This is often linked to issues of transparency, efficiency, accountability, and public service delivery. Lack of transparency in government actions and decision-making can lead to suspicion of corruption. Our country’s open data initiatives, anti-corruption programs, and laws aimed at protecting the public are among the measures to increase transparency. When public officials are perceived as unaccountable for their actions, it undermines public trust. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the mechanisms for holding officials accountable for their decisions and actions. Complex bureaucratic processes and red tape irritate citizens and hinder good governance. To increase efficiency, it is important to simplify administrative procedures and regulations and increase investment in digital services.

In our opinion, the eight directions established by the head of state are the basis of the idea of an “Adal Azamat” (Honest Citizen) based on new innovative values. Implementation of these directions is closely related to cooperation between the people and the authorities.

Acknowledgements. This research was funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Grant No. AP19577138. Cultural analysis of traditional and innovative value processes in the Southern regions of Kazakhstan).


1. Official website of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. URL: (accessed 10 October 2023).

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Ключевые слова

Adal Azamat, innovative values, social etiquette, eight directions

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