Principles of choosing didactic materials to develop students’ motivation | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №48 (443) декабрь 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 06.12.2022

Статья просмотрена: 31 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Кукыбаева, Д. Г. Principles of choosing didactic materials to develop students’ motivation / Д. Г. Кукыбаева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 48 (443). — С. 585-588. — URL: (дата обращения: 20.09.2024).

The article talks about the role of the selection of didactic material for the development of students' motivation. In preparation for their classes, teachers, in addition to educational material, prepare auxiliary didactic material for a variety of work in the classroom, to consolidate the material, taking into account the needs and interests of students range and motivation the believe level desired of difficult language language training.

Keywords: explain foreign earlier languages, languages didactic should material, then motivation, visual authentic account material, earlier learning this strategies hands and material techniques.

В статье говорится о роли подбора дидактического материала для развития мотивированности студентов. При подготовке к своим занятиям преподаватели кроме учебного материала готовят вспомогательный дидактический материал для разнообразия работы на занятиях, для закрепления материала с учетом потребностей и интересов учащихся и уровнем языковой подготовки.

Ключевые слова: иностранные языки, дидактический материал, мотивация, аутентичный материал, стратегии и приемы обучения.

Now it seems to me that teaching and learning English becomes much easier and more interesting. If earlier we were to some extent limited in means and materials to achieve the desired result, then today information is provided in all possible situations, so great that it is sometimes difficult to choose what to use in the learning process. It is often thought that it is better to provide every opportunity to expand and improve the range of learning experiences available to children by engaging them in a wide range of lifelong activities. One of these activities is foreign language learning. Learning a language should help children get to know new concepts, new points of view and broaden their horizons. And responsible person for all these changes is the teacher. Often this is the first teacher who serves as a bridge to the unknown and mysterious world of a foreign language. Teachers should be armed with various techniques and methods to explain and guide students on the exciting journey called foreign language learning and should have many opportunities to help them learn the language properly. It is not easy to fulfill this task having only a book in his/her hands. Nowadays, it is not difficult to find didactic materials on the Internet and on educational sites. I believe that materials should be diverse, accessible and understandable, all of them should provide visual stimulation and support, and include pictures, objects, puppets, realias, storybooks, videos, ICT, etc.

The teacher must carefully select the material, taking into account the needs and interests of the students, and also decide what students should do with the material. So, the same piece of material can be used at different levels: lower level students can be given an easy task and higher level students can be given a more difficult task. For example, a newspaper entertainment guide: elementary students can find out ticket prices and show times for various shows, and advanced students can choose the show they want to watch and call to reserve tickets. First, while useful for teaching reading skills, this is not a real assignment—we usually don't write down a series of questions about theatre performances and ticket prices. Second, if the students are planning to go to the theatre, this is a «real life» situation. Therefore, we need to distinguish between authentic material and authentic tasks.

Good teaching strategies and methods include planning and teaching carefully balanced, varied learning sequences with clear achievable goals so that children know what is expected of them. They also include using their mother tongue as needed to contextualize and support learning so that children connect something new with what is familiar and thus develop a sense of security; providing clear, meaningful, specific contexts in which the language can be presented; provide multiple repetition, recycling and reviewing; using plenty of mime, signs, gestures, facial expressions to convey and support meaning; maximum activation of children in the learning process with the help of touching poems and songs, stories, coloring, creating things, dancing, drawing, general motor activity and games; stimulating children's senses with multi-sensory tools.

A well-managed classroom is one in which routines are established, the teacher is firm but fair, and the learning environment is safe and non-threatening. To develop tasks, teachers must be able to determine the appropriate level of requirement for each child and the types of requirements. They refer to language concepts and concepts such as shape, size, color, location, cause and effect, and language features such as description, classification, ordering, and prediction. Also, teachers need to know the types of concepts that their students can handle at certain stages of development. In addition, each student has a unique learning style and intelligence, and some tasks may only be suitable for certain learning styles or intelligences, making them difficult for students who do not have these or who have low levels of certain types of intelligence. Task differentiation is also the basis of a successful methodology, and practice areas should be structured so that, for example, the topics are the same for each child, but the depth in which it will be covered will be different.

Everything that an English speaker hears, reads or uses can be called authentic: theater programs, newspapers, magazines, poems, songs, brochures, information leaflets, menus, news releases, videos — the list is endless. Because the authentic materials are not designed for the EFL student, they are not graded, although some are more difficult to understand than others.

For most students, didactic materials are inherently more interesting and motivating because they are «real» and give students confidence when they understand them. They provide examples of the language that is actually used. Through exposure to didactic materials, students have the opportunity to master or «understand» the language.

Didactic materials allow you to perform didactic tasks: for example, to obtain information that students may actually need when planning a trip; listening to music for pleasure; look at the menu of the restaurant where you are going to dine; etc.

The use of didactic materials can be effectively associated with methods of helping students be more independent learners: making predictions and guesses, using reference literature (grammar and vocabulary books, dictionaries).

It is generally not enough to take a piece of didactic material into the classroom and let them get on with it! It takes time to find something that fits your class schedule, is interesting, and accessible. Teachers must ensure that materials are used correctly, that they are intended to be used, and that they are given appropriate assignments. Teachers may need to shorten authentic texts or add a glossary to make them more accessible. Each stage of the lesson should be carefully considered how to evaluate the task according to the students in the school. For example, teachers may use the same didactic material with students of different levels, but ask them to do different things with it.

Children need to have a clear understanding of their learning objectives, which can be based on objective principles that are valued: for example, I understand and can use familiar everyday expressions. Once these are identified and regularly reviewed for follow-up activities, children will be able to perceive their progress and strengths. In most cases, this will be small-step progress. But this might supply learners with confidence. Assignments should provide reasonable degree of effort or challenge within the language and cognitive abilities of each child, and should have short-term goals and well-identified steps leading to successful completion, as well as purposeful outcomes allowing immediate feedback and positive reinforcement.

In order to design tasks, teachers need to be able to judge whether the level of demands made on each child is appropriate and also to identify the types of demand made [2,68].

Visuals can take many forms, but real objects (sometimes called reeled ) and pictures or photographs are the most common. A number of teachers also make very effective use of Cuisenaire rods — small wooden blocks originally designed to teach math to children. They are used in a variety of ways: for example, to illustrate color; placed inside, above, below, behind an object such as a box, they can show the meaning of prepositions; these can be used to indicate the stress in a word— one stick for each syllable in the word, and a longer, different-colored stick to indicate the stressed syllable.

Using visual effects has a number of advantages:

– Often illustrate the meaning more directly and quickly than the verb explanation—they cut down on unnecessary teacher talking time.

– attract students attention and concentration.

– add variety and interest to the lesson.

– help make the associated language memorable.

On permanent display (posters, diagrams, etc.), they can help make the classroom a stimulating and inviting place to work.

What are visuals used for? Among other things, visualizations are used for:

– awakening interest and concentration at the beginning of the lesson;

– elicit already known language;

– describe a new language unit, often a vocabulary unit;

– creating a need for a new language that the teacher will satisfy;

– setting the scene for a story or role play;

– encouragement

– stimulate discussion.

It is never too early for any teacher to start collecting useful materials for classroom demonstration. The best source is magazines, but pictures and posters can also obtained from holiday brochures, tourist information offices, catalogues, etc. but if you have something particular in mind it is often easier to draw your own picture than spend a long time looking for one. Teachers can spend some time preparing visual materials for storage and reuse, and can also make effective use of quick sketches; or can ask the students as part of their homework, students can be asked to find illustrative images. You also can ask to bring a small photo of yourself or a family member, an advertisement they find interesting, or even a favorite item/object. Teachers can also often provide visual materials from the classroom or personal items such as colors, materials, clothing, etc. Teachers can use their didactic materials for multiple purposes in different classrooms [3,172].

Assessment is the process of finding out and, in most cases, evaluating a student's progress in a course or program. Assessment is intended to motivate students' efforts to learn during the course. Assessment can be a central tool in helping students learn in a course by providing feedback on their performance in assessment tasks.

Evaluation is one of the most important activities in the didactic materials development since it allows developers to check if the properties of obtained material satisfy all the requirements established at begin of its development and if that material can be an effective support to achieve the educational goals of any instructional situation.

The creation of didactic material is a time-consuming, complex and intensive process. This creation process consists of a set of stages: requirements analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation and can be considered as different states of the material life cycle [4,178]. Each of these stages requires specific support, and in this workshop we will focus on the development and deployment of tools or structures to support these two stages of didactic materials, analyzing some of the issues associated with their solutions. Evaluation is one of the most important activities in the didactic materials development process since it allows developers to check if the obtained material satisfies all requirements and it also provides developers with reliable information about material’s utility, validating if the obtained material can be effective support in the achievement of the educational goals which it intends to support.


  1. R. Cooper, M. Lavery, and M. Rinvolucri. Video and didactic materials (OUP). — 2001. — p.105.
  2. A. Cunningsworth. Choosing your Coursebook and didactic materials (Heinemann). — 1995. — p.65–72.
  3. G. S. Edmonds, R. C. Branch, & P. A Mukherjee. Conceptual Framework for Comparing Instructional Design Models: Educational Technology Research and Development. — 1994. — p.172.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): EFL, ICT, OUP, дидактический материал.

Ключевые слова

explain foreign earlier languages, languages didactic should material, then motivation, visual authentic account material, earlier learning this strategies hands and material techniques

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