Linguistic and extralinguistic nature of diplomatic rhetoric as an example of the languages (English and Uzbek) | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №27 (422) июль 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 08.07.2022

Статья просмотрена: 40 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Байжанова, О. И. Linguistic and extralinguistic nature of diplomatic rhetoric as an example of the languages (English and Uzbek) / О. И. Байжанова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 27 (422). — С. 250-252. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.07.2024).

The art of oratory deals with laws, secrets, language norms, speech qualities, feeling the subtleties of speech style and resolving defects and problems of pronunciation that may occur in the speeches of speakers. Most importantly, he teaches to speak correctly and beautifully, based on his knowledge and worldview. The linguistic analysis of diplomatic speech includes the study of the characteristic features of speech and the identification of speech features at the level of linguistic means, i.e. (analysis of the lexical-semantic and stylistic features of diplomatic activity). So, the beauty and originality of speech directly depend on how easily and freely the speaker communicates.

Keywords: diplomatic speech, political speech, oratory, diplomatic correspondence, diplomatic abbreviations.

Learning to speak simply, clearly, and beautifully is the first step to mastering the art of public speaking. In order to move forward, you need to learn to speak clearly, expressively, fluently and meaningfully. To do this, the future speaker must study the activities and speech style of famous speakers of the past and be able to use them in their work, as well as be able to reflect speeches similar to these speeches in their speech. Expressing thoughts briefly, concisely and meaningfully is considered the success of oral and written speech even now. The Russian scientist A. P. Chekhov was absolutely right when he said: “Brevity is the sister of talent” [1, p. 9].

In fact, the effectiveness of any speech is expressed through certain linguistic means at all levels of the language. We can also find these views in the works of many scientists. As in all languages, English and Uzbek have language tools that increase the efficiency of speech. They differ in their expression at different levels of the language. But the concept of “language level” first appeared in the 50s of the 20th century as the concept of a language level (linguistic level). In the formation and scientific substantiation of this concept, L. Elmeslev and a number of American descriptive linguists, in particular, J. The services of such scientists as Hockett and Z. Harris, are incomparable [2. p.63.]. The concept of level also recognizes the existence of higher and lower levels. The lower level refers to relatively simple units, such as the formation of some small phoneme systems, and the higher level refers to more complex units, such as the structure of words, says Tatyana Bushy [3, p. 41].

The use of a single criterion based on the internal integrity of each language unit and the syntagmatic, paradigmatic and hierarchical relations of a sign or combination of signs makes it possible to distinguish between levels [4, p. 218]. In the course of our research, we studied the work of various scientists on this subject. We decided to reveal in our work the phonetic, morphological, lexical and syntactic levels, applying the scientific views of our above-mentioned scientists. Each language level performs a specific task in any speech process. Indeed, diplomatic speech is no exception.

The phonetic level studies the expressiveness of speech, unlike other language levels. The effectiveness of speech mainly refers to the process of speaking. In oral speech, the effect of speech is created by stretching the vowel sounds in the word. By lengthening vowels, a range of emotions can be expressed, such as joy, gratitude, surprise, longing, anger, sarcasm, and sarcasm [5, p. 64–65].

Morphological level — linguistic means related to the morphological level of the languages studied are as important as all levels in improving the effectiveness of speech. It is known that the Uzbek language is rich in affixes compared to English. There are 171 affixes in the Uzbek language, 67 in English [6, p. 33]. This level includes linguistic means that are important for improving the efficiency of speech.

When analyzing the materials of a diplomatic speech in English and Uzbek, observing the rhetorical rules in the speech process, in a soft and effective expression of speech, the noun in the English diplomatic speech is to encourage listeners to a certain activity ( Ambassador, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, Colleagues, General Director/CEO, Dear Colleagues, Dear Participants, Dear Chairman, Dear Delegates, Dear Ambassador, Dear Madam INCB President, Colleagues and Friends , and at the end of the speech thank you, thank you very much ), Quality ( Dear, Dear Participants, Dear Chairman, Dear Delegates, Honorable Ambassador, Honorable Madam President INCB) , Verb ( please, welcome, hope, develop, be proud, do ), Pronoun ( thank you, pleased to address you at the close of the 31st session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, thank you, I wish you fruitful discussions ) and number ( First, we will activate to support our efforts to support Member States' adherence to and adherence to the international legal framework against terrorism, including all 19 of its instruments; Phrases such as “Secondly, we will help Member States develop and implement forward-looking terrorism prevention measures based on strong partnerships, youth empowerment and a gender-responsive approach” are heavily used.

It is characteristic that the plural suffixes -s, -es, added to nouns in English, also express the meaning of respect in speech. M.: Your Excellenci es , ladi es , participant s . Also in the process of research, we witnessed the use of the forms of the 1st, 2nd person, plural and singular. M.: I am glad to address you at the closing of the 31st session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice.

The word group number is mainly used in diplomatic speech to count shortcomings and achievements. The numbers used in English diplomatic speech are characterized by the formation of the suffix -ly ( first ly , second ly , final ly ) and the use of countable numbers to a greater extent than ordinal ones.

Unlike English, diplomatic speeches in Uzbek express the meaning of respect and increase the effectiveness of speech. M.: As you know , in 10,260 polling stations established in our country, and 55 polling stations established in foreign countries, Article 57 of the Electoral Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan... [7.]; All conditions and opportunities have been created for our compatriots to exercise their constitutional rights, regardless of where they are [8.]

In addition, the diplomatic speech begins with the following prompts: Dear participants of the briefing! Dear compatriots! Dear viewers!, Dear friends!, Dear and respected sisters!, Dear friends!, Dear participants of the meeting!, Dear compatriots!, Dear sisters, Dear sisters!, Dear residents of Samarkand!, Dear participants of the meeting!, Dear Mr. Ms. Moghereni!, Ladies and gentlemen!, Dear participants of the conference!, Dear participants of the conference!, Your Excellency!, Dear Chairman!, Dear participants of the session!, Dear friends!.

Analysis of the lexical level shows the connection between the sciences of lexicology and semasiology. As you know, the basis of diplomatic speech is not incomprehensible complex words, but, on the contrary, it is appropriate to use words that are understandable to everyone, chosen with thought and honed skill. In diplomatic speech (rhetoric), even one word and sound can harm the purpose of the speech. Therefore, diplomats need to skillfully select every word in the speech process. In diplomatic speech, in addition to beautiful words, we have witnessed many acronyms and abbreviations used in diplomatic speech. We will also analyze the acronyms and abbreviations found in the diplomatic speech of both languages, and to clarify these points, consider the following examples. In response, the GLO.ACT Women’s Network of Gender Champions against Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling is seeking to remedy the severe under-representation of women in justice and law enforcement in its region.

GLO.ACT — Acr. (Global Action against Trafficking in Person and the Smuggling) [8.]

The above abbreviations and acronyms are abbreviations, but the difference between them is that an abbreviation is a shortened form of a word or phrase, while an abbreviation is an abbreviation that is pronounced like a word formed from the initial letters of other words. Among the abbreviations found in diplomatic speeches in English, we have seen that there are more abbreviations associated with abbreviations than acronyms. These changes in pronunciation during oral speech. Abbreviations are used in Uzbek diplomatic speeches as follows:

For example, at the forum, the Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan Narbayeva noted the following commitments made by the Government of Uzbekistan:

— Continue to increase the participation of women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) professions...

STEM — Acr. (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) [9.]

In contrast to English diplomatic speeches, we have witnessed the following differences in the use of abbreviations in Uzbek diplomatic speeches. In diplomatic speeches in Uzbek, some abbreviations for UN, MHD, and other abbreviations are pronounced the same during a speech, and sometimes it can be the other way around. In some Uzbek diplomatic speeches, the abbreviations (STEM, FAO) are used exactly as they are. The abbreviations STEM, FAO are words referring to the English language as an explanation in the speech process (From 2 to 4 November this year, the 32nd session of the European Regional Conference of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is used in brackets. As a result of the study, we were convinced that, unlike Uzbek diplomatic speeches, abbreviations found in English diplomatic speeches are written without brackets () and comments.

At the syntactic level, word combinations and the structure of sentences, their semantics are studied [10.]. Linguistic means related to the syntactic level of the studied languages are also important for improving speech efficiency in diplomatic speech (rhetoric).

Syntactically analyzing the Uzbek diplomatic speech, we first of all pay attention to the effective means of starting a speech. Sometimes they are found in the form of adverbs, and sometimes possessive adverbs, and are always accompanied by a sign (!) to express expressiveness in the speech process. Structural structure of adverbs quality + noun! (Dear Briefing participants!), quality+quality+noun! (Dear and respected sisters!), High-quality + noun! (Dear Tatyana Akbarovna!, Dear Mr. Yencha!), noun+noun! It begins with introductory words such as (Ladies and gentlemen!). In addition, in the written form of speech, it is written starting from the left side. For example:

Dear Mr. President!

Dear compatriots! ……. such as.

It should also be noted that exclamations and sentences express different emotions in the speech process: joy, holiday etc.

Uzbek diplomatic speeches mostly consist of simple sentences, complex sentences and compound sentences. Also, the union of equals (and) is sometimes associated with (but), contradictory conjunctions, prepositions (too, and, with) and punctuation marks (,). For example:

A simple common saying: a few weeks ago, our people celebrated the 26th anniversary of the independence of their country. In this sentence, all parts of the sentence are possessive, participial, attributive, complementary, case, etc.

Allow me to congratulate Ms. Pavadia upon her election as President, and to offer my best wishes to the bureau. In this sentence, all members of the sentence are possessive, participles, minor parts and conjunctions.

Complex sentences: While developing this strategy, we looked at ourselves from the outside, objectively assessed our potential and capabilities, critically analyzed our mistakes and shortcomings.

These types of diplomatic speech are included in the type of compound sentence and connect the compound sentence with suffixes of agreement (-ga, -da, -dan), (-ni) instrumental suffix and (and) union of equality, (with, also) prepositions and (,) punctuation marks and hyphens.

Complex sentences: In Brazil, the Office is developing a guide to promote recail equality with respect to electronic monitoring services, alternatives to imprisonment, and the provision of psycho-social assistance to people in custody.

This diplomatic speech is part of compound sentences and connects complex sentences with punctuation marks (,), equal connectives (and) and (with).

From the studies conducted in this chapter, it can be concluded that both in diplomatic speeches and in phrases, sentences, text and introductory words for words expressing an appeal, characteristically occupying an important place in increasing the effectiveness of speech. Expressing them in their place in accordance with the requirements of the situation ensures the realization of the speaker's goals. Also, the main task in diplomatic speech is explained by the fact that words of encouragement and appeal have their own national and common features in diplomatic speech.

The results of the above study show that the linguistic means of languages ​​(phonetic, morphological, lexical, syntactic levels), as well as extralinguistic factors (gesture, facial structure, gestures) play an important role in improving speech efficiency in diplomatic speech. (rhetoric). These linguistic and extralinguistic factors differ from each other in similar and different aspects.


  1. G’oyibov N, Yusupov D, Mavlyanov A. Notiqlik san’ati. Ma’ruzalar kursi. Toshkent-2012, 9-bet
  2. Nu’manova Zebuniso Usmonjon qizi, Ismoilova Nodira Usmonjon qiz. “Oriantal Art Culture” scientific-Methodical Journals. (SI) 2/2020. ISSN: 2181–063X. htt://
  3. Татьяна Бушуй, Шаҳриёр Сафаров. Тил қурилиши: таҳлил методлари ва методологияси.Тошкент:Фан нашриёти. 2007. Б-41. (278).
  4. Степанов. Ю.С. основы общего языкознания. –М., 1975. –с. 218
  5. Samigova Xushnuda Botirovna.”ingliz va o’zbek nutq madaniyati ritorik aspektining chog’ishtirma tadqiqi” filologiya fanlari doktori ilmiy darajasini olish uchun yozilgan dissertatsiya. Toshkent. 2017. 65–66-bet
  6. Muminov O. M. Lexicology of the English Language. — Tashkent: Mehridaryo. 2006. — p. 33.
  10. Татьяна Бушуй, Шаҳриёр Сафаров. Тил қурилиши: таҳлил методлари ва методологияси.Тошкент:Фан нашриёти. 2007. Б-44. (278).
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): STEM, FAO, INCB, CEO, ISSN, MHD.

Ключевые слова

political speech, diplomatic speech, oratory, diplomatic correspondence, diplomatic abbreviations

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