A dynamic teaching method using multimedia content | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №17 (412) апрель 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 28.04.2022

Статья просмотрена: 16 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Келдиерова, М. У. A dynamic teaching method using multimedia content / М. У. Келдиерова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 17 (412). — С. 309-311. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/412/90740/ (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

The goal of this work is to use multimedia and technology (streaming videos, podcasts, articles, and other online content) to create an effective and engaging teaching methodology that activates many types of learning, while simultaneously enhancing academic skills, honing critical thinking and argumentative abilities, and creating a context for realistic communication skills and collaboration. Without a doubt, technology is widespread in modern society; therefore, it makes sense to use it in educational and pedagogical practice only to stimulate interest, increase engagement and maximize relevance and effectiveness.

Keywords: multimedia, podcasts, student-centred approach, cognitive and analytical skills, digital media, TED.

Using relevant and authentic materials, such as podcasts and streaming videos, encourages student interest and increases motivation by using methods and materials that are completely real, engaging, and authentic. In addition, it creates an environment in which basic listening and generalization skills can be developed and honed in an integrated approach that can be both communicative and collaborative.

Students should be able to think as individuals, express their own opinions and challenge conventional wisdom in a global context. The use of podcasts and other forms of high-tech popular culture is one way to empower students, expand learning opportunities, and free themselves from stifling and outdated pedagogical norms. Interestingly, the participants in this digital literature have entered a critical path in which they simultaneously re-examine their relationships with traditional, objective, and omnipotent sources of knowledge and power.

Methods in which technology can be used to stimulate the underlying neurological and emotional aspects of the human mind to enhance academic and critical thinking skills are central to this. In addition, with the widespread adoption of technology and the convenience and instant nature of podcasts and video streaming, this methodology is up-to-date and relevant in the information age of the Internet. By drawing on a variety of topics and perspectives and encouraging students to contribute to their own unique perspectives, the student’s intrinsic motivation is activated, and this genuine incentive to succeed can lead to outstanding results. Moreover, it can be seen as a type of humanizing pedagogy that empowers the learner and improves the learning environment for the teacher and students.

In the context of what has been called the age of knowledge, a huge body of research has shown the benefits of using technology effectively in education. We currently live in what can be called a knowledge-based economy, which creates the ground for new ideas and innovations. In this technological and globalized world, in particular, there is a need for new leadership techniques that include creativity and adaptability.

In particular, the countless benefits of using technology in the context of education are described in Caine’s work [1, 54]. This study describes the potential for an innovative and outstanding kind of education, compatible with a world deeply steeped in technology, innovation, academic excellence, global communication, and cultural diversity. This contrasts with archaic teaching methods, which are inappropriate and ineffective in the context of modern society; in fact, outdated methods can even harm students, leading to apathy and low levels of academic achievement. In other words, this new technology can be used to create genuine engagement in the student, activating creativity, curiosity, and imagination. In addition, it has the ability to transform learning into a more immersive, meaningful, and consistent process that is ultimately more valuable and enriching overall.

The research highlights the ubiquity and prevalence of digital media in modern society, as well as their significant impact on modern students. In fact, the consumption of multimedia, such as streaming video and audio, has become even more widespread and pervasive than reading for many modern students, whom he calls «digital natives» belonging to the first generation who grew up in the high-tech environment of the Internet age. Similarly, traditional instructor-led teaching and testing methods have become «historical artefacts» that can be traced back to the advent of the printing press and are in many ways outdated and irrelevant to modern learners.

Interestingly, studies have shown that today’s students in today’s society will spend 5,000 hours of their lives reading; on the contrary, they will spend 10,000 hours playing video games and 20,000 hours watching TV, according to the latest projections. So given these significant numbers, it makes sense for educators to take advantage of the benefits that technology offers in the form of audio podcasts and video streaming to engage students in a method that reflects the environment of the modern technological era, resulting in a more relevant and engaging approach.

Indeed, the creation of a dynamic approach can be facilitated by the effective use of podcasts, streaming video, and other multimedia content, all of which can increase genuine intrinsic motivation and reduce student anxiety. Moreover, it is natural for them and thus creates a comfortable environment. In other words, students can become agents of their own learning and self-actualization, and, in fact, they can maximize their potential in the learning environment.

Interestingly, Caine emphasizes that learning through technology is «a completely different art than traditional teacher-centred approaches, which can lead to greater student freedom and interest. This can have a much deeper impact and value for students in the context of modern society [1, 67]. The goal of education, says Caine should be to help students acquire a way of thinking, perceiving, and acting that provides a constant platform for adapting to a changing world. In essence, teaching approaches and policies need to be adapted to modern society in order to empower students and best prepare them for the future.

Podcasts are a great way to achieve these goals. The natural, relaxed and even spontaneous rhythm of human speech in podcasts is not only informative, but also attractive to many listeners. For example, when listening to podcasts or watching videos, students often feel relaxed, at ease, and in a natural state of flow in which they forget that they are listening or reading in a second language. In addition, McQuillan [3, 20] claims that «the iPod allows you to efficiently and conveniently deliver a large amount of understandable language to students». This natural learning process causes very low anxiety, and especially because the information is up-to-date, and can be individualized for each student, students are engrossed in the topic and driven by an intrinsic motivation to succeed.

Independent research has confirmed this concept. For example, a recent study conducted in Turkey found that, in contrast to traditional and rigid grammar-translation methodologies, the use of podcasts and authentic content led to a significant increase in internal motivation to learn English and interest in the relevant culture. This refers to Noam Chomsky’s theory of universal grammar, which claims that humans have a unique innate ability to understand order linguistically, especially when they are naturally exposed to authentic language use. Researchers at the graduate school concluded that «using mobile devices such as iPods and mp3 players to repeatedly listen to meaningful input motivates students, which in turn increases productivity and therefore improves beliefs and perception».

In addition, according to Gardner’s research, humans are complex and possess a unique combination of multiple intelligence [2, 180]. By taking this into account, it is possible to empower students and develop more effective learning strategies. Indeed, students should not be confined to one restrictive and limited way of learning. On the contrary, activating different types of intelligence can lead to greater engagement, value, and results.

In particular, this article can be used to add a high level of authenticity, interest, and engaging content in terms of listening, speaking, and writing skills to academic English classes designed for language learners. In particular, multimedia is great for developing listening skills, such as listening to the main idea or essence, purpose, details, functions, etc., which are very useful for universities and graduate schools, as well as for qualification exams. In addition, students can develop and improve communication devices and generalizing skills in the form of reading and writing.

Since many podcasts focus on political issues and current events, there are ample opportunities to expand and expand the lessons with additional reading material on similar topics. The inclusion of articles in the curriculum is fun and authentic, and lessons can be designed around the skills of skimming, scanning, and making sense out of context. In addition, students can comment online or summarize content as a written assignment — lexical and syntactic diversity can be expanded with an emphasis on integrated and independent opinion writing and synthesis skills.

Multimedia content is relevant and almost endless. In particular, one of the advantages of TED videos is that they are modern, interesting, and multicultural; there are videos from speakers from many countries covering a wide range of topics. Thus, videos and podcasts can be of interest to many different types of students, and each person’s interests, intelligence, and culture are validated in the practice of humanizing pedagogy. In addition, students can use subtitles or transcripts to test their understanding and learn new vocabulary.

A very exciting advantage of multimedia content is the ability to be interactive in real time. Students can leave comments on articles or videos online, share their opinions, and hone their writing skills with lexical and syntactic diversity. Moreover, if students feel the need for more information, they can contact the podcast creator directly; many podcast creators are happy to communicate with listeners and students, especially if they have specific questions. It is exciting and makes students empowered and active participants in the learning process.

There are various ways to expand this material, such as student presentations. As mentioned earlier, they can identify key points and summarize the material in written or oral form and present it to the class, opening it up for a communicative discussion. In my experience, students find this very inspiring as they become a source of knowledge and information. In addition, they can use online presentation software to create a multimedia display. With the ubiquity of high-quality audio recording devices in smartphones and computers, students can even record their responses or create their own podcast content. The dynamic nature of the Internet allows students to be not only empowered and autonomous learners, but also content creators.

However, the technology is not always reliable and is often subject to unpredictable and unforeseen errors and technical problems. Especially with internet connectivity, software compatibility, and hardware connections, there’s always something that can go wrong. To prevent this, I simply recommend that the instructor leave enough time before the lesson to test the software and hardware. Although instructors are often in a hurry and short of time, this step is necessary for the lesson to go smoothly. Ideally, there should always be a backup plan (for example, videos can be downloaded or streamed and stored on different devices); in addition, it should be possible to switch the action at any time if a technical problem occurs for any reason.

It is time to abandon the outdated methods of memorization, repetition, and standardization that have been deemed sterile and inhumane; these archaic and standardized ways of thinking must be replaced by new approaches that are innovative, stimulating, and adaptable to a modern time that is constantly changing and evolving. The dynamic use of authentic multimedia content, such as podcasts and streaming videos, naturally leads to intrinsic motivation, a more passionate and authentic connection, and ultimately higher levels of achievement and self-actualization.


  1. Caine, R. N. Natural learning for a connected world: Education, technology, and the human brain. -Teachers College Press, 2011. P.-47–83.
  2. Gardner, H. Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences. Basic books. -London: Continuum, 2011. P.-178–200.
  3. McQuillan, J. iPod in education: The potential for language acquisition, 2006. P.-17–20.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): TED.

Ключевые слова

multimedia, cognitive and analytical skills, podcasts, student-centred approach, digital media, TED

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