The conditions of formation of corporate competence | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Толеубекова, Р. К. The conditions of formation of corporate competence / Р. К. Толеубекова, М. Ж. Талпакова, Н. Н. Тилеубаева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 4 (399). — С. 379-381. — URL: (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

The article defines the conditions of formation of corporate competence. Authors analyses the works of scientists on the theme. It is given the description of four conditions which can be used and incorporated in educational process.

Keywords: corporate competence, conditions of formation, pedagogists, interrelation of subjects.

The introduction of any pedagogical phenomenon in the real educational process requires a set of conditions for the formation of our case of corporate competence. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the pedagogical conditions necessary for the formation of corporate competence of future teachers.

In the philosophical, psychological and pedagogical sciences there are similar views that complement the definition of the concept of «condition». N. V. Ippolitova defines the essence of the contract in the pedagogical aspect in three senses: first, the contract is a set of consequences and conditions of any object; secondly, the set affects the development, upbringing and learning of the person; thirdly, the impact of conditions is to accelerate or slow down the process of development, education and training, and conditions can affect their dynamics and end result [1].

First, pedagogical and psychological support on the basis of corporate culture of the university .

The main psychological and pedagogical conditions for ensuring quality education are: joint character of the process of training and education; direction of actions on achievement of the general purpose; diversity of activities; mediation in relations through joint actions; pedagogical impact on the optimization of attitudes; teach future pedagogists the basics of teamwork; interrelation of different types of integration in the educational process; purposeful orientation of students to the experience of social interaction; pedagogical leadership of the organization of the student group; combination of individual, group and mass forms of training; mastery of pedagogical skills of teachers; effectiveness of mutual assistance of students; combined direction of formal and informal group structure; pedagogical guidance on the effectiveness of mutual assistance.

Second is creating a corporate environment and atmosphere .

Development of external management to self-government. The corporate atmosphere created by the leader in the team. As it is, along with individual Flow, one of the main dimensions also in the game, it has a great influence on the results of the game FLIGBY. Corporate atmosphere in game shows the average mood and level of probability of having an atmosphere in which the winery and its managers have clear goals information manageable challenges and effective teamwork. The success of the learning process, like any type of activity, depends, first of all, on the degree of interest, in other words, the motivation of students for this activity. To optimize the learning process, it is necessary to know the factors that influence learning. One of these factors is the creation of a friendly, corporate atmosphere. The role of the teacher and the form of teaching in creating a friendly atmosphere in the classroom, as well as the organization of the educational process itself is very important [2].

Third, organization of communication between the subjects of the educational process, forming corporate competence

A student group can be classified as a special community, consisting of active interdependent people and characterized by a single unit of interdependence. In psychological and pedagogical literature it is called differently: «aggregate subject» and «collective subject» [3], «subject of joint activity» [4], «polisubject» [5] and others. Interaction within such a unit is characterized by the possibility of creating intra-group and extra-group subject-subject relations, which contribute to the development of subjects, their effective expression of their individuality.

The student group has the characteristics of a collective subject, but has its characteristics such as it is a relatively independent, active subject in relations with teachers, curator, determining many of its features; the student collective represents the developing phenomenon in which educational interaction of its subjects takes place; the student group responds to the structuring, formation, and change of interrelationships, the distribution of group roles, and the appointment of leaders, and is characterized by dynamic processes. The low level of personal initiatives of the student as a collective entity, the prevalence of conjuncture, negative values ​​can inhibit the development of subjective attitudes, but as an interdisciplinary team, the student group is an independent entity.

Personal factors, based on the process of formation of interethnic relations in the student group, as well as the peculiarities of academic activity, university traditions, and factors of activity within the group — the peculiarities of the group, the peculiarities of communication, the role of the pedagogists.

R. S. Nemov defines a multi-level system of interdependent relations, which is a reflection in the interaction and communication of members of the group, arising from the mediation of joint actions and mediated as interdependence. Intra-group (intra-group) activity is a system that allows a student group to function as a single with a defined structure and hierarchy of relations.

An indicator of the formation of groups of students as a polisubject education is the development of a high level of self-government. It is characterized by the presence of public opinion, traditions in the team, discipline in academic and extracurricular activities, the development of criticism, and self-analysis in the student body [6]. The character of the microenvironment of the student team, its intra-group values show a strong influence on the personality of the student, his professional success, and behavior. At the same time, the personal qualities of a person are matched with the characteristics of other entities (leaders, people in his status group, friends, competitors, etc.). Intra-group values have a significant impact on the formation of students of important professional qualities. In addition, according to researchers, the formation of professional orientation of the student is influenced by formal and informal leaders in connection with the process of training [7].

The fourth condition is caused by the need to implement control functions and develop the abilities of introspection and self-assessment of students. An indicator of the success of the implementation of the model developed by us can be the systematic monitoring of the formation of the corporate competence of students, which gives grounds for a holistic view of the process under study and the development of directions for its further development, improvement and adjustment.

Scientists claim that by monitoring in our research means a complex system of collecting and processing information on the effectiveness of the process of forming corporate competence among students, which performs a diagnostic function and allows making managerial decisions on choosing areas for improvement and introducing necessary changes to the process. Scientific and theoretical comprehension of the obtained data makes it possible to carry out a correction, to take measures aimed at increasing the level of the formation process, improving the forms and methods of organizing the educational process. Monitoring data make it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the measures taken, to compare the current state with the initial one [8, 9, 10].

Corporate competence is, first of all, a stimulus to action, a factor in the behavior of an individual, methods of behavior change are used as possible corrective actions. These methods focus mainly on actions and allow you to influence behavior directly. This is justified by the fact that the change in external behavior has an impact on emotions, attitudes, and cognitive processes. You can teach or change new behavior by observing the behavior of others or by playing the role you have taken on in a model situation.


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  2. Buzady, Z., Marer, P., & Vecsey, Z. (2019): Missing Link Discovered. 2nd ed., Aleas Hungary, 189 p.
  3. Журавлев А. Л., Б. Ф. Ломов. Взаимосвязь науки и практики. М., 1984.- с.420
  4. Брушлинский А. В. «Психология субъекта». М.: Институт психологии РАН; СПб.: издат. «Алетея», 2003. — С. 160–182
  5. Панов, В. И. (2008). Субъектность как единица анализа психического развития (на примере развития двигательной активности дошкольников). В кн. А. Л. Журавлев, В. В. Знаков, З. И. Рябикина (отв. ред.), Личность и бытие: субъектный подход. Материалы научной конференции, посвященной 75-летию со дня рождения А. В. Брушлинского, 15–16 октября 2008 г. (с. 159–162). М.: Изд-во «Институт психологии РАН».
  6. Исаев И. Ф. Профессионально-педагогическая культура преподавателя высшей школы: воспитательный аспект: учеб. пособие /И. Ф. Исаев. — М.; Белгород; Везелица, 1992. — 102 с.
  7. Щеглова Т. М. Формирование профессиональной направленности студентов посредством оптимизации в группе структуры лидерства // Вопросы психологии. 1987. № 1
  8. Белкин, А. С. Мониторинг образовательного процесса вуза / A. C. Белкин. — Екатеринбург, 2000.
  9. Зеер, Э. Ф. Модернизация профессионального образования: компетентностный подход / Э. Ф. Зеер, А. М. Павлова, Э. Э. Сыманюк. — М., 2005.-216 с.
  10. Майоров, А. Н. Мониторинг в образовании / А. Н. Майоров. — СПб.: Образование — Культура, 2006.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): FLIGBY.

Ключевые слова

corporate competence, conditions of formation, pedagogists, interrelation of subjects

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