Cooperation of educational institutions with family raising autism children | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №51 (393) декабрь 2021 г.

Дата публикации: 18.12.2021

Статья просмотрена: 67 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Тургунбекова, Д. Х. Cooperation of educational institutions with family raising autism children / Д. Х. Тургунбекова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2021. — № 51 (393). — С. 413-415. — URL: (дата обращения: 27.10.2024).

This article describes the relationship between the educational institution and the family in the education and upbringing of children with autism. Psychological characteristics of students with developmental disabilities are also covered.

Keywords: autism, psychology, child, upbringing, family, educational institution.

The democratization of the education system, innovative programs make it necessary to explore ways to solve the problem of interaction of special institutions with the family, to create conditions for improving the pedagogical culture of parents raising children with developmental disabilities. Researchers and practitioners have identified the following contradictions:

– Lack of knowledge about the rights and responsibilities of parents and their use;

– parents' educational needs and inability to meet them;

– low level of pedagogical culture of parents and lack of knowledge of the basics of psychology in the upbringing of the child, as well as the inadequacy of the education system in special institutions.

The strengthening and development of communication and cooperation between different social institutions (school, family, community) leads to an improvement in the lifestyle and upbringing of children with developmental disabilities.

Today, family and school interactions are based on the following principles:

1) parents and teachers are involved in the upbringing and education of the child;

2) the consensus of educators and parents in the upbringing and education of children;

– respect, support and trust of the child by educators and parents;

– Teachers and parents know and make the most of the opportunities of the family and school in the upbringing and education of children with developmental disabilities;

– Regularly analyze the process of family and school interaction, its intermediate and final results.

As a result, the school's position in working with the family will change. Each school not only educates the child, but also provides parenting advice to parents. In this regard, the educational institution should identify the conditions for working with parents, enrich its content, improve the forms and methods of cooperation in the upbringing and education of children with disabilities in school and family. Defectologists are not only educators of children, but also partners in their upbringing.

On the need for strong cooperation between school and family: «Without parenting, without the participation of parents in school life, without the constant spiritual communication of adults and children, the family can not be the first cell of society, and the school will not be an educational mask. the spiritual development of society will come to a halt».

«Working with parents is a very important and topical issue. It is necessary to work on the level of knowledge of parents, to help them improve their knowledge, to equip them with the known pedagogical knowledge. "

The leading and organizing role of the school in relation to the family raising a child with a developmental disability is determined by a number of factors:

– Active dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents in accordance with the plan;

– Assistance to the family in raising children;

– to promote the positive experience of upbringing in society and in the family;

– Involvement of parents in pedagogical activities;

– Enhancing the acquisition of pedagogical knowledge by parents, etc.

VA Sukholinsky showed that pedagogy should be a science for everyone, that is, for teachers and parents. No successful educational work is possible without pedagogical education, without a system of improving the pedagogical culture of parents, because pedagogical culture is an important part of the overall culture.

The pedagogical culture of parents means the development of the personality as a child educator, the readiness to raise children, which are reflected in the process of raising children in the family and society. A key component of the pedagogical culture of parents is a certain amount of psychological-pedagogical, physiological-hygienic and legal knowledge, as well as skills and abilities acquired in the process of raising a child with developmental disabilities, their pedagogical training19.

In the field of correctional pedagogy, parents should know the basic laws and features of upbringing and education of children with developmental disabilities, get acquainted with the content and methods of education, children's activities aimed at shaping the child's relationships with others and socially valuable behaviors. It is important to develop forms and methods of communication.

In the upbringing of pedagogical culture, the basic requirements of society to the personality of parents, ideological, moral relations governing family relations, interpersonal relations in the family are considered together with the socio-pedagogical conditions.

In this regard, work with parents is based on the following principles of cooperation

– each participant in the process understands the purpose of the activity;

– clear division of labor and cooperation between the participants;

– personal contacts, mutual assistance in the exchange of information between the participants of the process;

– Positive interpersonal relationships.

It should be noted that in recent years, parents have become more active and have become active participants in the upbringing of children. «... The school should not replace parents, not separate them from their parents, but connect them to each other and create conditions for communication and interaction» 21.

Working with parents is a complex and important part of the work of a defectologist, which includes improving the pedagogical knowledge, skills and abilities of parents, support for parents by teachers in family upbringing, appropriate conditions for the upbringing of children. The main tasks of working with parents include:

– study the child's family;

– Involvement of parents in active participation in school activities;

– to study the family's experience in raising and educating children with developmental disabilities;

– To give parents an idea in the field of correctional pedagogy and psychology.

G.Pag and B.Tayzard focus their research on the involvement of parents in school activities. Based on these studies, five key areas of collaboration have been identified, three of which have been recommended to professionals and two to parents.

Difficulties in children are seen as difficulties in the family and cannot be separated from family problems. The problem cannot be solved without reassuring other family members that change is needed

Experts involve parents in teaching a child at home so that they do not interfere with the work, but help their children succeed. Parents can acquire new skills to help their children. Another aspect of the partnership is the right of parents to education and to apply to school to make an impact on their children's lives. Parents consider themselves capable adults.

Theoretical analysis of the literature studied by us showed the following:

The problems of a family with a child with a disability are reflected in various spheres of his life. In the history of human development, the relationship between such a family and society has been characterized by different levels of social attention to the family and its needs. There are different stages in this relationship.

The strengthening and development of communication and cooperation between different social institutions (school, family, community) leads to an improvement in the lifestyle and upbringing of children with developmental disabilities.

In the field of correctional pedagogy, parents should know the basic laws and features of upbringing and education of children with developmental disabilities, get acquainted with the content and methods of education, children's activities aimed at shaping the child's relationships with others and socially valuable forms of behavior. it is important that they master the forms and methods of organizing communication.


  1. Замский Х. С. История олигофренопедагогики. М.: «Просвещение», 1990г.
  2. Ковалев, С. В. Психология современной семи. // С. В. Ковалев М.: Просвешение, 1988.- 342с.
  3. Кравцов, Г. Г. Личность формируется в семье. // Г. Г. Кравцов // Дошкольное воспитание, 1991. — № 2.-С.12–17.

Ключевые слова

psychology, educational institution, autism, upbringing, child, family

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