The importance of teaching the history of language in teaching English | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №17 (359) апрель 2021 г.

Дата публикации: 20.04.2021

Статья просмотрена: 56 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Кадырова, Г. М. The importance of teaching the history of language in teaching English / Г. М. Кадырова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2021. — № 17 (359). — С. 255-256. — URL: (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

One of the modern requirements is to master the state and international languages.

Language is one of the main features of a nation. Teaching a foreign language not only teaching a certain system, but also teaching the culture of the people who speak this language, knowing of the history of the language. Through teaching a foreign language, it is necessary to educate a morally and aesthetically developed, politically and ideologically confident, hardworking citizen, to form his attitude to the world as a whole, giving a relationship orientation to the entire learning process. The student uses knowledge of a foreign language to consciously master the skills, habits, and abilities of a foreign language. When studying a foreign language, it is necessary to compare its differences from other languages, learn theoretical and practical tasks, in addition to training speech skills, culture, and thinking. In order to learn the mechanism of any language, it is necessary to know how the system of this language is built, how to master its practical side.

English is an international language. The most common language in the world and the most widely used in terms of population after Chinese. English is considered to be the native language in the United Kingdom, the United States, New Zealand, Australia and other countries. It is considered to be the official language in India and many other countries.

It is very important to teach the history of the language being taught to students who are interested in learning English. Every student learning a language in order for to master this language perfectly, has to demand an explanation of the comprehensive aspects of the language. From the history of the English language, it is necessary to learn its grammar, vocabulary, morphology, literature and many other features. He is also interested not only in one language, but also in other languages, comparing them with the same language. If a student has an interest in learning a language, he will try to master any language (English, German, Chinese, Korean, French, Indian, Russian, Kazakh, many other languages), communicate freely with people who speak this language, regardless of any difficulties. From a scientific point of view, while learning a language, even when learning a native language, it is very important to learn its history. After all, up to the present day, any language, along with the change in the history of this country, is constantly undergoing historical changes. It covers all aspects of the language: there are changes in the grammar of the language, vowels and consonants, endings, parts of speech, vocabulary, morphology, pronunciation of words and even the spelling of some letters [1].

English is a language belonging to the West Germanic group of the Indo-European language family. In addition to English, the Germanic group includes German, Norwegian, Swedish, Dutch, and other languages. English is considered an ancient language, it is the language of the Anglo-Saxons, who in ancient times occupied the territory of modern Great Britain, but were influenced by the languages of the conquered Celts. The territory of Germanic languages used to be limited. In the first century AD, the Germanic language was used only in Germany and related territories, as well as in Scandinavia. The Germanic languages were divided into 3 groups: East, North and West Germanic languages, and they had their own alphabet called «Runic». Each letter was called a rune. The inscriptions on the first stone are written in this runic alphabet.

Basically, the history of the English language began in the fifth century AD after the invasion of the British Isles by the Angles, Saxons and Jutes. Before the British Invasion of the islands, the dialects of Germanic tribes were territorial and named after the kingdoms of each territory. They are: Northumbrian dialect, Mercian dialect, and Wessex dialect. In the Old English period, the language developed very slowly. After the Anglo-Saxons, the British Isles were conquered by the Scandinavians in the VIII-XI centuries. Then came the Normans in 1066. The Normans are a Scandinavian tribe that invaded France two centuries ago. They adopted the culture and language of each of the conquered countries, and especially they brought French language to the British Isles. For almost two centuries, as a result of the Norman Conquest, French was the language of the Royal Palace, government, Court, churches and schools. Only in the XIV century the English language overcomes the French language and enters into advanced use. However, French words are often used. In the XV century, the National English language began to form. In the fifteenth century, even before this period, many wars took place in the British Isles. But despite the wars, even as a result of these wars, The British people became a national state, and only one English language was approved in it. During this period, the world-famous works of Shakespeare, Spencer, Chaucer, Marlowe and many other English writers were published. So the English language began to come to a single system. In the XVI century, the English language began to spread to other parts of the globe. In the XVII century — North America, in the XVIII century — India, in the XIX century — Australia and in the XX century — South Africa was settled by English. Today, more than 300 million people perceive English as a national language, and twice as many people recognize it as a second language. Therefore, when teaching English, it is very important to look at its language history [2].

Currently, in the context of increasing public demand for foreign languages, the main attention should be paid to the history of the origin of foreign languages, the cultural structure of this country, and changes in language aspects. The main goal of subject teachers should be to teach students English on the basis of their native language, to teach them the ability to express their thoughts correctly orally and in writing, to develop business skills, such as the richness of the language, style of works written in English, the ideological and aesthetic burden of each word, the ability to use books independently, to equip them with the spiritual culture, knowledge accumulated over the centuries of humanity, and thus to develop the national culture, customs, traditions, historical values, good practices through a foreign language.


  1. Амандықова Г. Н. Шетел тілін оқыту әдістемесі. — Астана, 2007. — 261 б.
  2. Резник Р. В., Сорокина Т. А., Резник И. В. A history of the English language. История английского языка. — Москва, 2003. — 496 с.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): VIII-XI.

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