Analysis of the problems on the management of science and technology quality in colleges and universities and the countermeasures | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Экономика и управление

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №52 (290) декабрь 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 30.12.2019

Статья просмотрена: 19 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Цзя, Баошань. Analysis of the problems on the management of science and technology quality in colleges and universities and the countermeasures / Баошань Цзя. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 52 (290). — С. 424-425. — URL: (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

This paper analyzes the problems existing in the quality management of scientific research in colleges and universities in China, and puts forward suggestions on how to effectively operate the quality management system in colleges and universities.

Key words quality management system; scientific research management; higher education management

1. Introduction

Since the beginning of this century, in order to improve the management level and efficiency of scientific research projects, especially to meet the requirements of undertaking national defense projects, some colleges and universities in China have successively established scientific and technological quality management system. After more than 10 years of operation, the scientific and technological quality management system has played a positive role in promoting the improvement of scientific research quality and scientific research management ability in colleges and universities, but some problems have also been exposed in the operation process. This paper summarizes and analyzes these problems and puts forward countermeasures.

2. Problems in the quality management of scientific research in colleges and universities

a) Scientific research management attaches importance to project establishment and implementation, results and process, quantity and quality. In some colleges and universities, an important index to evaluate the quality of scientific research work is the amount of scientific research funds. This evaluation mechanism leads scientific research managers to put more energy into finding and striving for projects. Once the project is approved, how to implement it better and how to control the implementation process often lacks standardized and effective management methods and means.

b) The standardization of scientific research management is low and the management is extensive. Scientific research work is affected by policy, environment, time and other factors, and often changes. However, the grass-roots scientific research managers in some colleges and universities are used to managing according to the previous mode and experience. They have strong work randomness. In addition, they lack in-depth and detailed analysis and Research on new situations, new problems and new requirements, so they fail to play a good role in serving the grass-roots scientific researchers. Because the person in charge of the research group is responsible for not only determining the academic direction of the research, but also for the organization and coordination of the research group, as well as the fund management of the project, although he also realizes the importance of management, but limited to the conditions and abilities, the project management is more dependent on experience, feelings and some experienced talents, or the past experience is used for project management, which has not been established Establish an effective project management mechanism. Chinese style

c) Scientific research management departments are divided into different sections, each of which is a matrix, lacking effective communication and cooperation. Scientific research management involves planning, progress, funds, achievements, technology, quality and other aspects, which is an organic and continuous process. There are many links in a scientific research project from application for project approval to delivery and acceptance, involving many departments and personnel, some of which can be carried out in parallel, some of which are connected with each other. If there is a lack of necessary coordination and communication between departments, it will often cause difficulties in the follow-up work, which will affect the progress and quality of the whole project. Chinese style

d) The responsibilities of scientific research management are not clear and the division of labor is not reasonable. There are not only professional and knowledge work, but also a lot of administrative affairs work in scientific research management. In some colleges and universities, the personnel allocation and division of work of scientific research management departments are unreasonable, and their responsibilities are vague. Some research groups fail to make overall arrangements and plans for their work after undertaking scientific research tasks. Some project team leaders have little time to participate in the project, and they usually don't have enough questions about the progress and existing problems of the project, which makes it difficult to guarantee the completion quality of the project. Chinese style

e) The supervision and inspection mechanism in scientific research management is not perfect. The management of scientific research in colleges and universities often pays more attention to the requirements of project approval, the regulations of higher authorities, routine inspection and several major nodes in research and development. However, the control of each link in the specific implementation process of the project is not paid enough attention, and there is a lack of clear system methods and standardized and effective inspection means.

3. Suggestions on the effective operation of scientific research quality management system in colleges and universities

a) Avoid paying more attention to process than implementation. At the beginning of the establishment of the system, we should first avoid the process specification, but lack of operability. We should do our best to implement it and increase the intensity of supervision and implementation.

b) Integrate the theory of quality management system with the actual scientific research work, do a good job in training, make relevant personnel understand the benefits of establishing quality management system, and enhance the quality awareness.

c) The work of quality system should be carried out step by step. It is necessary to distinguish the priority and difficulty of the work and gradually improve the system so as to ensure the smooth implementation of the work. When the quality awareness is generally formed, the system operates stably, and the quality management plays an increasingly obvious role in promoting the scientific research work, and the quality work is listed in the routine chemical work of each department, the system construction will be gradually deepened and improved.

d) Understand leadership correctly. The most fundamental measure of whether the role of leadership and management is played and effective is the degree of participation of the whole staff. To achieve full participation, we must first solve the motivation and ability of employees to participate. To do quality management, it is better to have not only technical background, but also a quality management team that can be cultivated and trusted. After all, a person's energy and ability are limited, and once a good quality assurance team is formed, the more effective the work will be.

e) At the beginning of the establishment of quality management system, the focus of work should be to find out problems, then solve problems, improve quality work and improve work quality.

f) We should have a clear understanding of the weak links in scientific research management, and the weak links that are prone to quality problems, and focus on deployment, key monitoring and prevention of quality problems.

4. Conclusion

The establishment and effective operation of scientific research quality management system is not only the innovation and improvement of the inherent scientific research management mode in colleges and universities, but also an effective way to improve the efficiency of scientific research management in colleges and universities. Only by deeply understanding the essence of the quality management system standard and combining it with the scientific research process of colleges and universities, can we maximize the effectiveness of the quality management system and improve the performance of scientific research.

Acknowledgements This work is supported by the project Research on the Construction of Science and Technology Quality Management System in Colleges and Universities provided by Education Science Planning Subject in Jilin Province of China under grant number GH16125.


  1. ISO 9001:2015 Quality management systems —Requirements.
  2. Zou Yang, Li Yan. Analysis on the characteristics and weak links of the quality system management of military scientific research and production in colleges and universities, Technology Innovation and Application, 2017, 12,129–131.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ISO.

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